Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 520 - Memory Sequence Completed

The snow covered forest looked out of place and it was hard to imagine that it would ever be in a state like this. The region that the Millennium Forest was located in was warm overall and even in winters it never really snowed. 

If one wanted to see snow, they would have to go quite far to the north, or to the very south. Of course, there were also some smaller locations that were quite highly elevated and thus snow could be seen there as well.

"Damn, that was a strong skill… and that name… isn't that one of the higher leveled techniques of the Frozen Cloud sect?" Lin Wu recognized.

The Forbidden Frost Scripture was something he had learned about in the sect, and even Wang Xiong had some information about it. In fact, the skill that he had used to defeat the calamity beast egg in the trials was one of the lower ones from the Forbidden Frost Scripture.

This made Lin Wu wonder if this Demon Beast was from the Frozen Cloud sect as well.

"Interesting…" Lin Wu muttered.

The rulers and the rest of the beasts approached the area and observed the snow.

"Wh-what… in the… that… just what kind of a strength is that?" The Split Thorn Horn Beetle King was astounded.

Each and every beast here was shocked and could tell that the man in the fox mask was far stronger than any beast here, even more than the Twin Lights Liger King. And even Lin Wu, who had shown a lot of power, did not reach the same point.

After all, he had just killed a Dao Shell realm beast in just a minute. This was not something that even another Dao Shell realm beast in a higher stage could do normally. 


And just as they were observing it all, they found that the snow was now starting to reduce at a visible pace. It wasn't melting but rather just disappearing, which was a bit strange.

In about a minute, the entire blanket of snow was gone and only some frozen statues were left behind. These were of course, the Silver Tusk Tapir and the rest of the Southern Tusk Tapirs.

All of them were frozen solid and every wisp of life had been drained from them. They were frozen in the same posture that they were in before the skill descended. Even the Silver Tusk Tapir that was angry before was stuck with that expression.

He could even be said to be looking 'Alive' but the aura and spirit Qi waves said otherwise.

The beasts approached the frozen Silver Tusk Tapir carefully and checked to ensure that he really was dead. Meanwhile, the man in the fox mask looked in the direction of the Tomb and spoke.

"My work here is done. You're satisfied I believe?" He said.


A strange wave of energy spread through the surroundings and pulsed back. 

"Offense Protocol Version 3: Successful. Obligation fulfilled." A mechanical voice said from the tomb.

The man in the fox mask nodded his head and disappeared into a cloud that flew away. Having watched all this, the beasts didn't know what to do and chatted for a bit. They discussed a bit about what to do and split up and returned to their territories.

One thing was sure though, that the millennium forest's demographic would change forever from now on. 

Lin Wu continued on to the next few memories and realized that they were actually quite empty. 

"Seems like even the Avatar didn't experience much more after this… so the past six… no seven years were what had the most events, huh." Lin Wu muttered to himself.

Soon he was done with it all and finally came to the end part, which was the information from the system itself.

"Well then system, what was that about the Fox man? Fox Demon Beast? Whoever he was." Lin Wu questioned.



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The moment the notification came, Lin Wu felt a rush of memories in his head again. But this time they were different from the ones that he was seeing till before. It was more direct and Lin Wu guessed that this was probably because this was more on the end of the system.

'Of course it would only record the points that it would deem necessary and remove the other things…' Lin Wu thought.

Lin Wu went through it all and finally understood the gist of it.

"I see… so the system detected him spying around in the forest and observed him. He was actually related to Wang Xiong and some drama that is happening in the Frozen Cloud sect.

The man eventually found out that someone was observing him but could not tell who. The system, having learned of his strength, did some calculations and made its decision of making contact with him.

But once that was done, the man was very shocked and quickly got ready to meet." Lin Wu muttered to himself.

The contents of the meeting were even more surprising to Lin Wu. The man was apparently desperate for something and realized that the system might actually be the key to getting what he wanted.

Due to system being able to hide and still be able to observe him, he estimated it to be very strong. At this point, the man had mistaken the system to be Lin Wu himself. He had known that Wang Xiong had gained an inheritance in the forest and just thought that this was where he got it… or rather who he got it from.

The system proposed a plan for him right away and told him that as long as he helped protect the forest and the tomb in a time of trouble, it would help him out later. And the man's request was also rather straightforward.

"So he wants to leave this world…" Lin Wu said the crux of it.

'But why is he so desperate? He didn't explain his side and agreed right away..' Lin Wu wondered.

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