Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 522 - Emeraldine Legion Bloodline

The Club Tailed Lizard could feel a familiar yet different presence appear in front of her. Her five children were the same, but they were a bit more scared at the same time. They were far weaker than her or Lin Wu of course, and were only at the Qi refining realm currently.

Thus their intelligence was also less and they could not speak just yet. They would have to reach the core condensation realm to be able to do so, at the very least. Though there was still a chance that they would learn to speak faster as they had a better bloodline.


The runes and light finally faded away, and Lin Wu's gigantic figure was now visible. It towered over the club tailed lizard and her offspring. Just by extending his head, Lin Wu was over a hundred and fifty meters tall.

The roof of this hall was just a little over a hundred meters tall and thus Lin Wu had to keep his head a little lower for his comfort. Though this was mostly due to the fact that he had currently fused with his avatar and thus his overall size was more.

If not for that, he would have been at the perfect height to stand comfortably in the hall. 

But the Club tailed lizard had some other thoughts.

'He… changed?' She thought.

She could see the extra spikes, horns, and the second pair of eyes on his head. In addition to that, there were long fangs that were hidden in his mouth. If it were not for his crystal body being faintly translucent, they would have been impossible to see.

"Looks like someone has taken this place to be a home…" Lin Wu commented, his expression still.

"K-King Lin Wu!" The club tailed lizard stumbled.

"Mmhmm… I reckon you had no problem all this time?" Lin Wu spoke casually.

"Yes, of course! Thanks to you, me and my offspring had a safe place to stay all these years." The club tailed lizard replied.

"That you did indeed…" Lin Wu said as he took a closer look at the five baby lizards.

Lin Wu's gaze made the tiny beasts shiver and trembled. His bloodline aura was after all, far superior to them and they instinctively felt inferior to him. Even though they did not have the same intelligence as that of their mother, they could very well tell that Lin Wu was not to be messed with.


The club tailed lizard swallowed her saliva and didn't know what to think of. She could feel the pressure but could also tell that Lin Wu did not have any maleficent intentions right now.

She had long since trusted on her premonitions and instincts. It was those very instincts that had saved her from getting caught up in the battle between Lin Wu and the Olive Viper King.

It was also those very instincts that had saved her from the great battle with the tapir beasts that happened three years ago. If she had not chosen to extend her stay and had headed back instead to her land, she would have likely met the Tapir beasts on their way here.

While the Club Tailed Lizard had several thoughts running through her mind, Lin Wu was thinking something else completely.

"System, do a scan of these juvenile lizard beasts… I wanna see what's different about them." Lin Wu ordered in his mind.



SCANNER: Activated

TARGET SELECTED: Juvenile Lizard beasts

SCANNING: Please wait a moment

SCAN: Completed

TARGET IDENTIFIED: Mutated Juvenile Club Tailed Lizard

Cultivation base: Late Stage of the Qi refining realm

BLOODLINES: 1. Club tailed Lizard Bloodline

2. Olive Viper King Bloodline

3. Crystal Worm Bloodline 

INFO: The targets are mutated juvenile Club Tailed Lizard beasts and have fragments of multiple bloodlines present in them. They are stronger than the normal Club tailed lizards as well as Olive Vipers. The crystal worm bloodline in them is the same as that the host has, but it is far inferior to that of the host.

They have higher defense and natural resistance to radiation. They also have resistance to heat along with having venomous fangs. Due to being juvenile, their venom sacs are not yet developed.

Innate skills: 1. Venom Fang (Undeveloped)

2. Heat resistance (Passive)

3. Crystalline Defense (Passive)

4. Crystalline Rampart (active)


After reading the entire data, Lin Wu nodded his head. Most of it was something that he had expected it to be like. Though he had not expected that all three bloodlines would be present in them now.

'The crystal worm bloodline had been rather adaptive… this is already a well established fact. In fact… calling it the Crystal worm bloodline seems a bit incorrect, seeing as there are many other beasts with it as well, and they were all made by me.

Hmm… it needs a new name.' Lin Wu thought to himself.

A strange silence had descended in the hall, during which no one made a single noise. The Club Tailed Lizard and her offspring were far too anxious to do anything and Lin Wu himself was deep in thought.

After about two minutes of intense thinking, Lin Wu was finally done.

"I've got it! The bloodline shall now be renamed to Emeraldine Legion Bloodline! All beasts other than me that get it shall be named as having this and will be my servants and subordinates." Lin Wu said in his mind.



UPDATING SYSTEM DATA: New term added- Emeraldine Legion Bloodline

UPDATING DATA BANKS: Appropriate updates made... Transmitting Kernel updates


With this done, Lin Wu felt a bit satisfied and looked at the Club Tailed lizard. In that moment though, a strange change happened to the five juvenile Emeraldine Club Tailed Lizard. The looks in their eyes changed.

All of them relaxed and looked up at Lin Wu. Then, in the next second, they walked towards Lin Wu and came up to him. Their eyes shone slightly and the crystals on their back shone in a green light.


The five baby lizards snuggled up against Lin Wu, much to his shock, and fell asleep.

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