Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 524 - The Servants Arrived

Rune appeared around Lin Wu and he teleported again, this time to a bigger hall. He had seldom used this hall before and the last time he used it for was to meet Wang Xiong and pass him the inheritance.

It was one of the few that could easily accommodate his new size in the fused form and he could comfortably talk there as well. Having appeared there, Lin Wu started to summon all of the servant beasts of his.


One by one, teleportation runes appeared and beasts started to appear from the formations. 

The Split thorn horn beetle beast was the first to appear, then appeared the High Wind Gale sparrow, and then appeared the monkey beasts. The beasts were a little disoriented from the teleportation but soon gained their wits.

They felt a heavy presence in the hall and looked towards the end of the room. When they were called here, they only heard a few words; 'Come, I'm awake.' It was just these three words that had compelled them to drop everything they were doing and rush here at the next moment.

The power of compulsion they felt was so strong that they didn't even think of anything else. Even Lin Wu did not know that he would have had this kind of an effect and he was soon going to find out.

"Master?" all of them said in unison.

"Welcome… seems like all of you have been doing rather well." Lin Wu said as he observed all of his servants.

Other than the eight black fur monkey's that were yet to break through to the Nascent Soul realm, each and every servant of Lin Wu had broken through to the Nascent Soul realm. The monk monkey beast or the 'Monk'ey was even close to reaching the Child Soul stage of the Nascent soul realm now that he observed him a bit closer.

Lin Wu got to learn several more details now that he was observing him directly and could tell that the beast had a high concentration of Light Attribute spirit Qi in his body. Lin Wu could tell this not only because of the Taiji Dual unity scripture but because of his Radiation perception that had increased in grade.

'It's like he's a walking light pillar…' Lin Wu thought upon observing the beast with his radiation perception.

And since Light was also a type of radiation, it appeared rather clearly in his vision, despite being hidden within the meridians and Dantian of the 'Monk'ey Beast.

While Lin Wu was observing all of his servant beasts, they were doing the same as well. The mole beast and the hook winged swan had arrived as well, and they were a bit taken aback on seeing Lin Wu's fused form.

'Master has gotten even bigger… does he even have a limit?' The beasts all wondered.

And while they were all thinking this, the Mole beast decided to take the opportunity to speak.

"It's all thanks to the master and his bloodline that mutated us. It has allowed us to get stronger and progress far faster than we ever would have been able to." The Mole beast said, not forgetting to flatter Lin Wu.

Lin Wu simply nodded his head at the clear attempt at flattery. He didn't mind it but he did know that it was true. The more his cultivation progressed, the more he realized that his bloodline influenced far more things than he had thought.

The resonance link that he had with his servants actively allowed them to improve as his own cultivation base improved.

"So then… I'd like to hear all that has happened these past ten years." Lin Wu stated.

Even though he had already seen the memories, he knew that there was probably a lot more to it than he had seen. Not to mention that the latest five years of memories were a bit lacking as well.

"I'll speak!" The Beetle beast said.

"No, I'll speak!" The Hook winged swan said.

Each of the beasts hurried to respond but Lin Wu simply raised his tail as a gesture to tell them to stop.

"Wait a second, you all can speak in the order you all arrived. So… the beetle beast can go first, then the sparrow, then the monkeys and so on and so forth." Lin Wu ordered.

"As you wish, master!" They all said in unison.

Lin Wu nodded his head in approval and waited to hear the stories.

The Split Thorn horn beetle beast started first and spoke about some minor matters at first, but then she moved on to how there was an invasion of human cultivators. This was of course, none other than the Disciples of the Frozen Clouds sect that had come here for the mission.

She also told him about the new insect beasts that had been born from the mutated insect beasts and how they had characteristics of the Emeraldine bloodline already. They were also far stronger than others.

She then continued on to the great invasion of the Southern Tapir beasts and how they all had died. Even though the servants of Lin Wu knew that Lin Wu had somewhat acted during this time, they still explained everything as if Lin Wu was hearing this for the first time.

There was an absoluteness to Lin Wu's words that they were fully intended to follow. Lin Wu heard how the battle progressed and the man in the white fox mask arrived before saving them all.

He also learned that the corpses of the Sliver Tusk tapir King and the other southern Tusk Tapir kings were stored in the tomb. Since Lin Wu was the one who had called the man in the white fox mask to help them out, according to them, the spoils of war rightfully belonged to him.

Lin Wu raised his brows at this as he had not actually seen them anywhere when he checked the tomb before.

"Is it really in the tomb system?" Lin Wu questioned.

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