Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 529 - The Sky Bright Daoist Is An ‘S’

Lin Wu watched as the second trial proceeded. Similar to the first trial, no instructions were given, but the disciples guessed that their goal to pass it was either to survive for a certain period of time, or to reach a certain destination.

This was also rather entertaining for Lin Wu, as he got to see the disciples die several times. The first death happened within three minutes of their arrival as one of the disciples was swallowed up by a nearby plant.

The ones that died would fail and would awaken in the real world. The entire team of the remaining fourteen disciples barely lasted for about an hour before being killed by the beasts.

"What the hell is that trial? What are we even supposed to do when there are literally hundreds of beasts swarming us?" The disciples complained in frustration.

Senior Jun though, was calm and was analyzing just why it was that they failed so fast and what things they should avoid to last longer.

"No wonder Wang Xiong made this guy the leader. Not only is he stronger, he is also smarter than all of them." Lin Wu said upon seeing the approach of the man named Jun.

The disciples complained a bit after failing the second trail in just five minutes, but the 'Monk'ey beast simply ignored them and meditated with his eyes closed. The disciples stopped after an hour and the 'Monk'ey beast opened his eyes.

"So ready for another try?" He questioned.

"Yes senior." Disciple Jun answered.

"Very well." The 'Monk'ey beast said and waved his hands.


In the next moment, a wave of energy spread and the minds of the disciples were transported back to the second trial. Their second attempt was even shorter than before as the place they appeared was right in the middle of a swamp.

The swamp was sticky and the moment their bodies landed on it, they were quickly sucked inside. Only disciple Jun was able to fly on his own, but he too died trying to save the others.

Thus in three minutes, all of them were dead.

"Oof! That was a bad spawn point. Didn't think the spawn point is random for this trial. This will just make them more frustrated." Lin Wu said, seeing it.

Awakening in the real world, the disciples all had lost expressions on their face. This time, the fault was not even theirs and they had still died. 

"Just tell me when you are ready." The 'Monk'ey beast casually said and returned to cultivating.

The disciples talked more and made a new strategy. They reentered the trial and withdrew their spirit weapons right away, flying using them. This was the strategy they had come up with to survive the swamp.

This time though, they were not in a swamp and were in a random spot in the forest. Their third attempt lasted rather long, and they managed to survive for about an hour without anyone dying.

But after that, they were discovered by a Dao Shell realm beast that tore them to shreds. Awakening in the real world they took deep breaths. This time around, they were not disappointed. Rather, they had hopeful looks on their face.

"It can be done… we just need to stay safe." Disciple Xiaoge said.

"Mmm… it doesn't seem like the trial is meant for us to kill anything. If it was really like that the trail would be impossible and I don't think it would be like that. The goal is really just to survive." Disciple Jun stated.

With this said and done, the fifteen disciples discussed further and made use of their experience to come up with more strategies. They had survived for an hour, thus they had seen some things that might come in handy next time.

After discussing it for a couple of hours, they reentered the trial. This time, their time of survival extended for over three hours before they died. This only helped to motivate them even more and they went over their experience again.

This cycle of failure and learning continued again and again. And just like this, about five months passed, before finally, they managed to pass the second trial. 

The goal of the second trial was just as they had expected. They had to survive a certain amount of time, which was actually just a week. But it was that one week which was incredibly dangerous.

They had died thousands of times, and each experience was fresh in their minds.

"Congratulations on completing the second trial. You can now proceed to the third one." The 'Monk'ey beast said.

"Will senior tell us what the third trial will be like?" The disciples questioned.

"No." The 'Monk'ey beast said simply.


"Was worth a try… seems like trial and error it is." Disciple Jun said.

They took a break for a couple of days before going to the third trial. 


They appeared in another forest, but this one did not seem as dangerous as before. But still, they died in less than five minutes after appearing here. The deaths this time though, were because of poisoning.

They didn't even know they were poisoned and died. They went for the second attempt right away and manage dot survive for over three days directly.

"Is this trial also survival?" Cao Du wondered.

"Hmm… seems unlikely that two trials would be the same. Perhaps there is something we are not understanding." Disciple Jun replied.

His estimation turned out to be correct, as nothing happened even after surviving for an entire week. They had managed to do this in their fourth attempt, which was rather shocking to them.

"Seems like I was right. The goal here is not survival but perhaps to kill beasts." The senior brother said.

With this as their goals, the disciples started to kill as many beasts as they could. Of course, this also made them die many more times and since they didn't know just how many beasts they were supposed to kill, they could only keep on killing more.

"I'm starting to see a pattern here… The Sky Bright Daoist is definitely an 'S'.." Lin Wu stated.

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