Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 538 - [Bonus ]Xiaoge And Jun's Circumstances- I

The two disciples, Xiaoge and Jun did not know the events that were going to happen soon. The two of them were deep in mediation and were focusing on improving their cultivation as much as they could.

They had rejected the inheritance of the Sky Bright Daoist and were instead going to go ahead and take the trials of the Taiji Celestial. They actually didn't even know that the place they were going to was the tomb of the Taiji Celestial.

Neither did they know the name Taiji Celestial either. They simply knew that they were going to go to the tomb of a mighty figure and that the said figure was the one who had given Wang Xiong, their senior brother and Chief disciple of the Frozen Cloud sect, the power that he had now.

Wang Xiong was an idol for most disciples that came from lower backgrounds or those that did not have any backing. He was similar to them and had no unique thing about him. He had come from a peasant background and had reached the position he was in on his own.

He had kept his head low at first, but then decided to go against those that opposed and suppressed him. It took him many years to build up this courage as well as he used to be afraid about the more influential disciples from the sect harming his family back in the secular world.

While doing so was against the rules of the sect and could get one punished, for cultivators, there were many ways they could kill someone. They didn't even need to do it personally.

Simply paying off some bandits and letting them raid the village where the family of their target lived was an easy enough way of doing so. The sect wouldn't really have a way to verify that it was done intentionally, as most of the time, the said bandits would then be killed by the law enforcement or passing by cultivators with a sense of 'justice'.

But for Wang Xiong, who was a cultivator, after a few decades passed, his family had passed away leaving him alone. After that, he had nothing to hold him back and he decided to push back against all that opposed him.

This was all that the disciples had learned after he became the chief disciple. His story was well researched by both the enemy camp and the disciples that were liking him. They wanted to know more about him, wanted to know what made him tick and what were his preference.

His situation was very relatable to the disciples from common backgrounds or those with weaker ones. Disciple Jun who was the leader this time, was one such person and was the son of a village chief as well.

While the position was a village chief might be rather high in that village or the area around it; for the sect, as long as someone was a mortal commoner, they were the same. If a king was a mortal too, they wouldn't care either.

As for Xiaoge, she was from a small branch of the Tian clan. The Tian clan was a mostly reclusive clan and not many things were known about it around the world. They did know that they had some Nascent soul realm cultivators and perhaps even a Dao Shell realm cultivator, but nothing beyond that.

The Main branch of the Tian clan didn't even appear in the common world most of the time and depended on their branches to do things. What people didn't know was that the members of the branch clans weren't even related by blood to the main clan.

Rather, they were just descendants of servants who had managed to gain some honor and merit in the main branch of the Tian clan and were bestowed the surname. From there on, they would be made into the patriarch of the branch clan and given certain resources along with the duties that they would need to fulfill.

Their main duty was to handle the things with the secular world and interactions with the other clans and sects. They would procure items and make deals with the people all around as per the need.

This way, the people of the main clan focused on themselves for most of the time and didn't interfere with the otherworld. Because of this, most cultivators didn't even know of the power of the main branch of the Tian clan.

This was the same for the members of the branch clans as well. Except for a few, everyone thought that the Tian clan was a common mid tier cultivator clan. But Xiaoge was one of the exceptions.

She was the granddaughter of one of the branches of the Tian clan and knew a lot more. From childhood, she was interested in myths and stories of the old. She had read her clan's library from top to bottom several times and knew almost everything.

Along with her being the granddaughter, she also had access to some of the more secret records as well. While her talent wasn't too outstanding, it was decent enough that the patriarch allowed her to gain some higher knowledge as well.

She thus had access to the hidden records of her clan and managed to learn something about the Millennium forest. It was a very old record and most of the contents in it were faded.

But she did learn that the place calls as the Millennium forest has a big secret behind it. It was actually called by a completely different name. Xiaoge had even thought that the place was not the forest at first.

Only after comparing the locations and cross referencing it did she confirm the fact that the place was the millennium forest. 

The name that it was called was what caught her attention. It was called as the 'Dark Celestial's Tomb'. 

The name certainly brought forth many questions in one's mind and Xiaoge was no different.. She tried to find more, but failed.

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