Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 543 - Acting Like A High And Mighty Senior

"Are you two just going to stand there and make us wait?" A voice suddenly came out of the dark hall.

"WHAT??" The two disciples were startled upon hearing the voice and took several steps back.

The voice was rather strange to them and did not seem human to them.

"What was that? Who are you?" Jun questioned as he withdrew his long sword.

Xiaoge was also alert and withdrew her bow. She was actually someone that preferred to use bows and was also good with them. Her small stature allowed her to outmaneuver enemies with ease and also made it easy for her to find good vantage points to attack from.

"Ahahah~ You two are here to meet me and are now hesitating? Do you not want the reward for the trials?" the voice spoke.


Jun and Xiaoge swallowed their saliva and were still a bit doubtful. While they had some thoughts about whether there was actually someone in the tomb they had not expected it to be true. Plus, the 'Monk'ey beast had not said anything to them either.

They looked at each other for a bit before nodding their heads in unison. They then stepped ahead and entered the dark hall.


After taking about ten steps they felt a presence in the room and a green glow spread as well. Their eyes were trained onto it and they saw a pair of red eyes appear from the green glow.

The glow had not become like an outline and they could see a long body of a beast. It was larger than any beast they had seen and the pressure exuding from it was rather strong as well.

'This aura… even the elders don't compare to this…' Xiaoge thought.

"Welcome," Lin Wu finally spoke as the glow of his body fully illuminated the hall.


A blinding light spread from his body, forcing the two disciples to close their eyes. When they opened them again, they could see that the room they were in was now brightly lit. There were hundreds of light sources everywhere that illuminated the room that was rather bare.

The ceiling of the room was taller than any other room they had seen in the tomb till now and it was several hundred meters wide as well. But the most shocking thing was the large serpentine beast that was located in front of them.

It had a large crystalline body that seemed as if it was made out of priceless emeralds while its eyes were like flawless rubies that glowed with the light of magma. The spikes were long and looked deadly while the sharp fangs that came out from the mouth of the beast were both majestic and terrifying.

"W-what… W-who… is... are you??" Jun stumbled.

Unlike Xiaoge he could feel the fainter spirit Qi fluctuations coming from Lin Wu and knew that the beast in front of him was certainly many times stronger than him. 

'Dao Shell realm? Or perhaps more?' Jun thought.

While Jun was thinking this, Xiaoge was having some different thoughts.

'Are both the trials headed by beasts? Is the final inheritance also related to a beast perhaps?' Xiaoge thought.

Lin Wu gazed at the two disciples that had a stream of emotions flowing through their minds. He could see the fear and wonder that was in their eyes as well as the wariness in their fingers as they gripped their weapons hard.

"I am Lin Wu, and I'll be giving you your reward." Lin Wu replied.

"You will be giving us the reward? But… you're a beast and we're humans, will the inheritance even be usable for us?" Xiaoge couldn't help but ask.

"Ah hahaha!" Lin Wu laughed out loud.

"Why do you think they would be unusable? Just because I'm a beast? If you two think so, then your understanding of the world is less than shallow." Lin Wu spoke in a low tone.

His voice subconsciously pressured the two disciples and made them swallow down their saliva. 

Lin Wu's head rose and he got closer to the two disciples. When the two of them saw him up close they found it to be even scarier. Lin Wu's head was over four times as big as their entire bodies.

If he wanted to he could simply inhale them and they would be dead. 

"Hmm…." Lin Wu hummed as he stared into the eyes of the two disciples.


The aura coming from Lin Wu's body increased once more and the disciples realized something horrifying.

"My spirit Qi… I… I can't feel it." Xiaoge said while stuttering.

Jun tried to feel the spirit Qi and was unable to do it as well. He couldn't sense any spirit Qi in the air and neither could he feel any spirit Qi that was in his body either. Instead of spirit Qi, it felt like there was something very dense stuck around them.

It was preventing them from using spirit Qi and also feeling it. It was a very strange situation for them and they didn't know what to make of it.

'Being able to make us lose control over spirit Qi like this… what even is this beast?' Jun wondered.

'To be able to pressure us and stop spirit Qi from flowing… I've read this before haven't I?' Xiaoge thought. A few seconds later, the word she was looking for appeared in her mind. "Immortal…" She muttered.

"Oh?" Lin Wu raised his brows upon hearing her speak.

The pressure was intentionally being emitted by him as he wanted to see how they would react. It wasn't really a test or anything, Lin Wu was just curious about it

It definitely wasn't him being a jerk and wanting to act all high and mighty…

'This girl is certainly strong… even if not physically right now, her mind and will definitely is.' Lin Wu thought to himself.

He knew that the pressure he was exuding was mixed with radiation and it would make most if not all cultivators scared and unable to use spirit Qi.

Her being able to even mutter that much was unexpected.

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