Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 545 - Special Snowflakes

Lin Wu knew that if he let the two of them take the same course as Wang Xiong, they might go into the worship mode again. Rather than that, he'd much rather get the task they were here for completed first.

He realized that unknowingly he had already spent half a month on these two. Whether it was watching them or letting them take the trials. There were many tasks that Lin Wu needed to do next and he realized he should hurry up.

There was a potentially unstable factor sitting in his backyard that he needed to deal with as soon as possible. This factor was of course the Twin Lights Liger King and the Dark Bloom Caverns.'

Lin Wu did not know what was up with the 'Ruler' of the Millennium forest and also wanted to know what the hidden information there was about the forest. The Twin Lights Liger King was possibly the only one who had this and it was best if he dealt with him at the earliest.

"It's time to give you two the reward." Lin Wu spoke.

"Yes Senior," the two of them stood up respectfully.

Lin Wu looked at them and spoke internally to system, "everything ready system?" 

"Affirmative." The system replied.

"Good… the new process should be better than that of Wang Xiong." Lin Wu said before raising his tail.

"Come close, I'll pass on the inheritance to you two on behalf of master, as is my duty." Lin Wu said before extending two spikes out of his tail.

The spikes spread in a uniform manner and reached the foreheads of the two disciples.

They were a little scared as the spikes looked sharp and strong. Even a touch would probably cut and injure them.

"Don't move." Lin Wu said as the tips of the two spikes approached the two disciples.

The tips touched the forehead of the two and they felt a sharp pain from it. Fortunately, the pain was only for an instant and after that, they felt numb. They didn't even notice that a very small piece of a crystal had been inserted into their forehead. 

Their body felt a bit numb, and they knew that they were in a special state. They had already felt this state when they underwent the trials and thus weren't scared.

What they didn't know was that a small piece of crystal had been inserted deep into their head. It easily pierced their skulls and entered their brain. There it quickly increased in size and took a snowflake like shape.

While Lin Wu was doing this, the two disciples were getting the inheritance of the Taiji Celestial in their minds. It was the same as that of Wang Xiong and was the basic level inheritance.




TRANSFERRING DATA: Two Contenders detected (Tian Xiaoge and Pei Jun)

INHERITANCE LEVEL: Basic inheritance

BASIC INHERITANCE CONTENTS: 1. Cultivation Technique= Taiji Refinement Scripture 

2. Qi Skill= Unity Returning Fist

INJECTING TROJAN V2: Special Snowflake

INJECTION: Successful


The system modified the second version of the Trojan on the basis of the new Pentagem that it had devised. Unlike Wang Xiong, in whom the crystal could not be implanted due to the restriction between humans and beast servants, the version two of the Trojan had a physical body and would be more strong.

'I should do it for Wang Xiong later as well when I meet him. That's another thing I need to add to the list. Then all three of them will be my special snowflakes. hehe~' Lin Wu thought.

"Oh yeah, system show me the list of tasks I made." Lin Wu spoke.



TASKS TO DO: 1. Upgrade cultivation base (completed)

2. Deal with the trials (Completed)

3. Pass inheritance and convert disciples (in process)

4. Investigate Twin Lights Liger King (Incomplete)

5. Deal with Twin Lights Liger King (incomplete)

6. Find out information about the Dark Bloom Caverns (incomplete)

7. Visit/investigate the Dark Bloom Caverns (incomplete)

8. Visit the Tian clan and obtain the information from their records (incomplete)

9. Visit the Frozen Cloud sect and meet the Fox masked man (incomplete)

10. Visit Wang Xiong and upgrade Trojan


These were the tasks that Lin Wu had decided to do and were the main priority in the coming few months to years. He knew that the things would take longer from here on, but he was ready to deal with them.

"A slow but steady approach is the best one, isn't it?" Lin Wu said to himself.

And while Lin Wu was thinking of all this, the two disciples Jun and Xiaoge finally woke up.

Their eyes glimmered lightly and a mix of white and black could be see in their pupils for a few seconds. The light faded away rapidly, but it was evident they had learned something.

"Thank you senior!" The two of them said while cupping their hands.

They understood the Taiji Refinement scripture and just how strong it really was. They compared it to their current cultivation techniques and found them to be far inferior.

They finally understood how Wang Xiong could progress as fast as he did. Now they would be the same as him and would probably catch up soon.

"Now then… are you two ready to learn about the truth of the world? The disaster that awaits it?" Lin Wu dropped another bomb on top of them.

"Huh? What!?" The two of them who were feeling the euphoria of getting the inheritance felt incredibly shocked now.

"The shadow calamity… it's not gone yet. This world still has traces of it and it will be returning in the future. If nothing is done to stop it, the world as you know will be consumed by it and all that you love will be destroyed." Lin Wu said, beginning his process of conversion.

He needed to talk to them even if he had planted the Trojan as conversations were the easier way of doing this rather than prodding around in their memories.

Plus, it was a path of less resistance and would be more impactful if the two of them made decisions on their own.

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