Lin Wu and the Demon spine ape stood face to face at the desolate forbidden area, their gazes were sharp. 

"You sure you want to do this?" Lin Wu asked for a sense of propriety.

"I am, let's start." The Demon spine ape said with confidence.

"Alright, you go on ahead. I'll defend and give you the chance." Lin Wu said.

He wanted to see the change in his defenses and test out how much his body had changed. The Demon spine ape had managed to injure him before, thus he wanted him to be the test subject again.

'After all, it is only proper that we use the same subject in an experiment for an unbiased result.' Lin Wu thought to himself.

The demon spine ape agreed as well as he knew that if Lin Wu truly decided to attack him first he might be too injured to act after that.

"Don't mind if I do!" The demon spine ape said as his aura shot up like a beacon.

Spirit Qi fluctuations rose from his body and spread throughout the area. His fur stood up and ignited in small, dark red flames.


He started with a leap and raised his fists like a hammer. They were covered in dark red flames that originated from his spine. The flames were like snakes that wrapped around his back and reached his hand before igniting his fists.

This move was the same one that he had attempted to use against the Silver Tusk tapir but had been stopped by the white fox masked man. Though in that attempt, he had ended up using all his power going so far as to ignite his bloodline.

Thankfully, he had been stopped in the initial stage, or it would have been rather dangerous for him. Death would have been the most likely option if not being crippled. This time he was just using his own power and was not going overboard as he knew that he was not fighting to the death.

Lin Wu's eyes watched the Demon spine ape's every move. To him, he move slowly and his vision was dynamic. Lin Wu's eyes narrowed and his radiation perception activated. The scene in front of him changed and different colors appeared in front of him.

The radiation in the air moved, and the spirit Qi moved between it. This allowed Lin Wu to see the flow of spirit Qi in the air and see how the attack was working. Only high level cultivators would be able to do something like this, but Lin Wu was able to do the same with his radiation perception.

The hammer like fists of the Demon spine ape king descended upon Lin Wu's head and he kept it rigid.


A loud ringing sound was heard, and the fist and the head collided. The shockwave spread and shook the surroundings, cracking the ground spreading tremors in the area. Lin Wu's body sank into the ground slightly, but no damage was actually sustained.

He stared the Demon spine ape straight in his eyes and saw the surprise in them.

"System, what's the damage?" Lin Wu questioned in his mind.



Initiating Host scan: please wait a moment

Host scan completed: No injuries found

Host integrity: 100%


"Just as I thought," Lin Wu said with a chuckle.

Lin Wu bore a full powered attack of a Child Soul stage nascent soul realm beast with ease and shrugged it off like nothing. 

"Should I start now?" Lin Wu asked with a chuckle.

Lifting his tail up high, Lin Wu morphed it into a smoother and flat surface, which then curved to form a cylinder. If one looked at it right now, one would find it to be rather similar to a baseball bat.

Lin Wu's tail, which sent a chill down the Demon Spine ape king's back, cast a long shadow. 


"Aannnnnd! Home run!!" Lin Wu said as the Demon Spine Ape was sent flying high into the sky.

He kept on flying due to the impact and probably went a couple of kilometers away before finally crashing into one of the hills. A deep imprint was left by his body and blood could be seen splattered around. 

Lin Wu had evidently held back, or the Demon Spine Ape would probably be reduced to a mush, or directly exploded upon impact into a rain of blood and gore.

Holding up his tail like a visor, Lin Wu gazed into the distance.

"He should be fine," Lin Wu said with a nod.

'He'll be fine? You launched him into the air like a rag doll and you say he'll be fine?' the Slim arm ape king thought, but did not dare speak.

"Let's go check up on your son." Lin Wu said and flew up.

The Slim Arm ape king joined him and the two of them reached the place where the Demon Spine ape had landed in a minute.

The scene looked ever more devastating up close and the crater made by the Demon Spine ape was at least fifty meters wide. The beast himself, though seemed to be relatively fine. 

Blood dripped out from his nostril and mouth, and his arms seemed to be broken as well. But other than that, there was no other damage that could be seen from him.

"Son! Are you okay?" The Slim Arm ape king asked out loud.


"I'm… fine… just… gonna need to rest a little." The Demon Spine ape said as he coughed out some blood.

He laid on the ground and took some breaths, trying to initiate the healing process. He was after all, a Nascent soul realm beast and was also a partial Demon beast. To them, injures such as these could be recovered in less than a month.

It certainly was not life threatening and could be easily taken care of. Not to mention, there were even fruits and herbs that they had which could help in healing the injuries.. The Slim arm ape king was smart and would definitely make use of his experience.

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