Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 612 - Gathering Information And A Little Drama

To Lin Wu, the current Tian clan was nothing and he could easily deal with them if the need rose. But that was highly unlikely to happen and he would be done with this place as soon as he finished gathering the information and records.

"Hmm, where are the records, system?" Lin Wu questioned.



MAP UPDATED: Highlighting targets.


Lin Wu then saw several points appearing on the map. 

"So there are eight areas where they store the information. Three of them seem like the clan repositories where they store plain information and the rest seem like the place where they store cultivation related knowledge including techniques and such." Lin Wu checked.

He decided to start with the location that was closest to him and approached it. In less than a minute, he was under the building where this was located. It was a small library that was located in the outer area of the clan.

Lin Wu could see several servants and weaker members of the clan visiting the building.

"This should be the lowest level library of the clan. There are five more of them." Lin Wu muttered to himself as he extended his spirit sense and started to gather the information.

He spent about fifteen minutes here and got information about some low leveled cultivation techniques and skills. They were mostly useless for him and only the system could benefit from it.

"Onto the next." Lin Wu said as he went to the next closest location.

This time it was a different building and only contained normal information that was unrelated to cultivation for the most part. Lin Wu read the board at the top of it and understood what it was.

"The affairs hall… huh? Why would an individual clan need this?" Lin Wu felt curious.

He could understand a sect or a bigger organization having something like this, but the Tian clan branch was far too small to actually need an entire building for it. Only after he took a look inside and saw what was going on did he understand the reality.

"The new tasks have arrived!" A loud voice could be heard echoing through the Affairs hall.

As soon as the people in the hall heard it, they all rushed towards the wall located to the left side of the hall. The wall was plain and didn't seem to have anything on it at first. But as soon as the clansmen stood in front of it, runes appeared in it.


The runes formed a textual display on the wall and soon a few lists appeared.

"Hey! Don't Push!

"Let me in the front! I want to see too!"

"Senior Brother Han is here, everyone make way!"

Various voices were heard as they all tried to see the list of tasks. 

A rather proud looking man walked to the front as the people parted to give him way.

"Humph! Good," The man said with a harrumph and gazed upon the wall. 

His eyes scanned from left to right before settling on a line of words that were glowing in a yellow light.

"I'm taking that task!" He said firmly.

The others saw what he chose and their faces fell. Some directly trowed while some could only shake their heads in disappointment.

"You can't just take the best task like that! I won't allow that." The sound of a girl was heard coming from the side.

The man named Han turned to look at the source of the voice and saw a slightly plump looking girl approaching.

"Oh? Cousin Chu does not approve of me taking the task of gathering the Fragrant Parrot Bamboo Flowers?" The man named Han questioned.

"You think you can do that alone? I'll be going with you as well! Don't think you can hoard this task all to yourself. Just because you have a little strength do you think you can suppress everyone in the clan?" The girl named Chu replied.

"Why does Cousin Chu not understand. Strength is the key to everything in the world. If I want to claim this task, do others dare to deny me that?" The man named Han said fiercely.

"Hah!" The girl chuckled. "That might work in other places, but as long as you are a member of the Tian clan you must follow the clan rules. Even if you have strength, you have to allow others to have a fair chance at the tasks." The girl named Chu said smugly.

'This pig… If we were not here, I would show her what she's worth.' Han thought coldly.

He was irked by her words and wanted to deal with her right then and there, but knew that would just be courting death.

"Fine then… I'll allow you to accompany me in the task." Han said in a gracious tone.

"Humph! Think I'm begging for scraps? It's not just me, more will be coming for it. The Fragrant Parrot Bamboo flowers only bloom once every hundred years. Even you alone won't be able to do it. 

Don't forget that this is a rank I task issued by the main branch. If you dare to hoard it all to yourself and fail to gather enough flowers, the main branch will not be pleased." The girl named Chu taunted.

Han wanted to counter her but knew that fighting there was just useless. He knew the girl's personality and fighting a battle of words against her was just a waste of time. 

"Fine! Bring who you want to for the task!" Han stated.

He then waved his hand and a token shot out of it. It came to float in front of the list where the task was written and shone a light on it. A second later the task returned to his hand and he turned around.

The girl named Chu did the same and marked the task. But in addition to her token, she also used eight more tokens.

Lin Wu who was watching this all was intrigued as their methodology seemed to be different than other sects.

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