Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 618 - The Tian Clan's Origin - II

Ten years passed like this, during which the young man gained some experience. He worked and gathered enough money to buy a cultivation manual. He had already reached the eighth stage of the Body tempering realm and was free to cultivate now.

Five more years passed after that and the Tian clan founder finally managed to enter the first stage of the Qi refining realm. All of this was a secret from the entire village and no one knew that he had become the first cultivator of the village.

The Tian clan founder kept this fact hidden and followed the advice of the beggar and stayed low key.

He would continue his practice and keep up the facade. Fifteen more years passed and the Tian clan founder's mother died. Having lost her, the man got silent again. By now, he looked like he was in his early thirties, but his actual age was over fifty. 

His cultivation had managed to keep him younger than most people. But having lost his mother, he went off the knocker and started to wander around again. He gained more during his travels and increased his cultivation base.

Fifty years flickered by and now the Founder was in the core condensation realm instead. He had obtained several fortunate encounters and was still growing strong. But his heart would still ache for his mother.

He wished that he would have been able to let her live longer, but the regret would get worse and worse.

It was during that time; he came across someone familiar. This was none other than the beggar who the Tian clan founder had met as a child.

He was certainly astound and had never expected him to be still alive. It was then that he found out the beggar was not simple and he could not sense his presence easily. The beggar recognized the Tian clan founder and talked with him about all that had happened.

In the end, the founder was challenged, and he lost. The beggar forced him to follow him along again and the founder did that for five years. After this time passed, the beggar gave him another ability.

But that was not the most important thing, rather it was how to hide it from the others. 

He got the same advice as before but, this time he followed it religiously. His bet turned out to be right and the more he stayed hidden, the better progress he made. Over time, he gathered more and more friends who became his companions.

This finally ended up becoming the Tian clan. The clan progressed well despite being well off and from time to time, the beggar would appear again.

And whenever the beggar appeared, it would either be before or after something disastrous. With the multiple meetings, the Tian clan founder had become a lot more cautions and he finally made it into a rule.

A hundred years passed like that and the beggar made his return. This time, the Tian canal founder went to meet him personally and learned that there would be a great upheaval later on.

The beggar made a different prophecy this time. He said, 'There will always be people envious of you and your succeeds. While attacking them might be a useful, after a certain point, it would only cause more distress to you. 

To prevent yourself and your clan from falling, you need to bide your time for an indefinite amount of time. If he could have the patience for that, a miracle would appear for the Tian clan.'

The Tian clan founder took this very religiously, and all the members started to follow his cause.

"So the reason they do this is that they believe they will achieve something really great in the future and become the rulers of a world." Lin Wu muttered.

The people of the Tian clan would follow their doctrines for an unknown amount of time, until the person of the prophecy appeared. The said person would cause a great upheaval in the world and allow many great talents to appear.

One such talent would be from the Tian clan and would be the signal for it to appear in the real world. All those that were part of it would be very strong by that time and would be able to dominate the others that were not ready.

While all this seemed like a long shot, the Tian clan had a very deep belief in the beggar and had even venerated him in the clan. 

Many generations passed after the first founder of the Tian clan and even then, the tradition and the rules were strictly followed by the current patriarchs. 

"All this just seems like coincidence, though. That beggar might just be pretending the entire time, or was a cultivator that was also a con artist." Lin Wu muttered to himself, finding it all strange.

Though he couldn't tell if it was entirely true either, since the records did not mention a lot of details. 

'It could also be that the branches don't have the entire information. They don't even have the name of the beggar.' Lin Wu thought.

He couldn't help but think that there was something more to the Tian clan and the prophecy.

"Maybe I'll have to visit the Tian clan in the future, just to be sure. That beggar might be more than just an average cultivator." Lin Wu said before shaking his head.

He could understand how the other rules of the Tian clan came around. The people of the Tian clan were of the same thought at first, but as more and more generations passed, their thinking changed.

And with this change came a different interpretation of the prophecy. It led to the creation of a lot more rules and restriction on the members.

In general, the reason behind them staying hidden was because they didn't want to come in limelight like the other top clans and be ready for the day that the disaster happens.

That would be their day of debut and they would shock the world.

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