Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 634 - Wang Xiong And Ye Jin Versus Tim!


The sound of Tim's hard and sharp fur grinding against rocks could be heard as sparks and debris shot around.

"Get back!" Wang Xiong shouted.

Ye Jin was confused by the sudden change, but knew better than to question it at this moment. 


Seeing that he had missed the targets, Tim pivoted off the rocks and shot up into the sky and dived down in one smooth motion. His claws were wide extended and a faint glow could also be seen on them.

Wang Xiong couldn't help but shudder seeing this. He felt a pressure he had rarely ever felt before and knew that if he tried to go head to head against Tim, he would be utterly destroyed.


Gritting his teeth, Wang Xiong waved his hands.

"Taiji Scripture: Yin Pull!" Wang Xiong chanted.


With his gesture, the water in the lake started to rise. A cold wave of energy spread out from Wang Xiong's body and entered the water, quickly freezing it in the air.


The frozen water then splintered into hundreds and hundreds of thin needles that floated in the air.

"Rise!" Wang Xiong pointed towards Tim who was falling towards him.


The sound of wind being torn could be heard as the ice needles traveled at a great speed.


The ice needles hit Tim's body and did no damage.

'How did we even think that we could defeat a beast like this back then?' Wang Xiong couldn't help but feel stupid now.

But while the needles did no damage, it did slow down Tim enough that both Wang Xiong and Ye Jin could retreat even more.

"Tri-light Swords!" Ye Jin made seals with her hand before materializing three swords in front of her. 

The swords were made out of Qi but if one looked closer, they would see that it wasn't just normal attribute less spirit Qi, but it had traces of Yin Qi in it.

"Touch of Yin!" Ye Jin tapped one of the sword on its pommel, turning its color into black.

"Touch of Yang!" Wang Xiong reached Ye Jin and tapped the pommel of the second sword, turning it white.

The two of them then looked at each other and nodded before clasping their free hand together. 

"Dual Unity Swordsmanship! Blade of Companion!" The two of them chanted together and held onto the swords they had tapped.


The third sword that was freely floating started to move at that moment. It came to float in front of them and gained a dual color. Half of the sword was black and the other half was white.

Wang Xiong held the white sword in his right hand, while Ye Jin held the black sword in her left hand. They gazed at the incoming Weasel beast and swung the swords in unison.


The third sword mirrored their moves and shot towards Tim, letting out a powerful slash.

The air was split apart as peerless sword energy shot out of the dual colored sword. The energy traveled vertically in a straight line, creating a deep ravine in the ground and splitting the rocks in its path into two as well.


Tim's glowing claws crossed mid air and slammed into the incoming slash.


As if a gong had been hit, a sonorous sound spread in the surroundings. The frozen part of the lake cracked upon being influenced by the sound, and even the rocky hill gained some extra cracks.

It was evident that the sound held a lot of power within it, prompting one to think that the actual attacks held even more power.

Wang Xiong and Ye Jin exerted all their power, trying to push Tim back. They didn't know why Lin Wu had ordered this or why he was letting this happen, but they knew that survival was everything at this moment.


But despite their strength, the swords in their hands started to crack and so did the third sword that was actually clashing with Tim.

"No…" Ye Jin said unwillingly.


A blinding explosion happened as pure physical force and Spirit Qi met.

"AAAAHHHH!" Ye Jin cried out in pain as she was knocked away.

Wang Xiong was the same and was sent flying along with her. Still, he was stronger than her and was able to maintain his control. His eyes were open and just when he was about to slam into a tree, he saw something.

'They…!' Wang Xiong's eyes went wide, but quickly gained a calm expression.


His body collided into a tree, breaking it in half and collapsing on the side. 

"Ugh!" Wang Xiong grunted in pain and forced himself to stand again. 

His spirit sense quickly spread around and a few new things came into his observation. But ignoring those things, he quickly went to Ye Jin who had met a similar fate as him.

"Ye Jin!" he called out anxiously.

Seeing that she had simply suffered some cuts and bruises, he felt better. 

"No… the damage is not just physical…" Wang Xiong sensed as he saw the arms of Ye Jin tremble non stop.

He could already guess what had happened to her meridians and knew that if he checked them right now, it would only cause more disturbance to him and take away the precious time they had right now.

"That beast… where is he?" Wang Xiong turned around to search for him.

His eyes wandered around but could not find him. 

'Dammit, I can't even sense him with spirit sense. He's far too different!' Wang Xiong cursed internally.

"Be… Behind…" Ye Jin's lips faintly moved, and she mouthed out a word.

Wang Xiong's eyes darted to his back and there he spotted the beast rising up from the ground.

The beast had also been knocked away like them due to the explosion. But when Wang Xiong saw the state of the beast, he was in for a surprise again.

"Just how tough is he even… Not even a scratch!" Wang Xiong felt uneasy.

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