Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 640 - Lessons For His Students

The elders of the Frozen Cliff division were contemplating in the discoveries and were talking amongst themselves.

"Wait, we forgot the most important thing!" one of the elders said out loud.

"What is it?" A female elder asked.

"Those two… did Wang Xiong or Ye Jing return?" Elder Liewei questioned.

The disciple seemed hesitant to answer, as if he had done something wrong.

"We… we don't know elders. We escaped after being attacked and did not have the chance to check up on them. The beast was on our heels and continued to chase us. Those that were slow died in that time." The disciple answered.


"Right away elder!" The disciple quickly ran away.

The elders looked on with serious expressions and knew that the coming time would be a difficult. But they had to soldier on if they were to fulfill their goals.

Wang Xiong and Lin Wu were unaware of all that had happened in the sect, but they didn't need to care for it since it was their intention from the start. Getting the Frozen Cliff Division anxious would make it easier for them to make mistakes, and they might even slip up and give them an opportunity to act.

Two days passed like this and Lin Wu continued to teach his 'students' things that he knew. The topics that he taught them were not just limited to cultivation either. He went on to tell them about the various beasts he had learned about and the different cultivators along with their histories. 

Lin Wu had already seen the memories of the Skull god enough to know about some prominent figures.

"Senior all these powerful experts… are they still alive?" Wang Xiong questioned.

"Oh, and how do children differ in the immortal worlds? Are they born mortals or do they already have cultivation bases?" Ye Jin questioned as well.

"Hmm… I can't really tell if those experts are still alive since it has been a long time since I was dormant. Some of the stronger ones should still be alive though and new ones definitely appeared. The cultivation world is ever expanding and new experts will be born every second. The ones that we think are talented are merely a drop in the great ocean that is the Cosmos." Lin Wu answered Wang Xiong first.

"I see…" Wang Xiong said in understanding.

"As for the children, that greatly varies. There are some peerless experts whose children can be born immortals. Or if not that there are some that will directly breakthrough to the Nascent soul realm in just a few days to a month after being born. 

Most children in cultivation worlds will stay in the Nascent soul realm for a majority of their early childhood since their appearance will be stuck like that once they reach the Adult Soul stage of the castanet soul realm." Lin Mu answered Ye Jin.

"Then do they never turn adults in appearance? Won't they have to reach the end of their lifespan to get old? Won't that be too big of an inconvenience?" Ye Jin asked.

This was a question that Lin Wu himself have had and was confused by at first. But he had gotten the answer for it after a little bit of a search through the Skull god's memories. 

"The problem of being stuck in the form of a child is a problem only people of lower ranked worlds will have. There are other treasure that can allow them to quickly increase their appearance and age if they need to. Plus, the appearance being stuck due to reaching Adult Soul stage of the nascent soul realm is not an absolute thing. There are other issues that can age them too, for example using self sacrificial techniques." Lin Mu answered.

"That is rather unique. Seems like the difference between us and the people of higher worlds is very vast, almost that of a star and a spec of dust." Ye Jin said, feeling a little small.

"Hmm… while it is indeed like that, people of the lower ranked worlds still have some advantages. Since they have fewer resources, they have to suffer a lot more hardships and struggle to reach the Immortal realm. Thus, when they reach the Immortal world, they are tempered and have stronger mentality than the people there. 

They will be able to function far better and efficiently even if their talent might be lower. That is actually a very lucrative point that the people of the Immortal worlds desire. Plus, it is not like the people of the Lower worlds are not valued. 

The heavens are just and give little gifts to every person in the universe. It is simply that these gifts can be hidden and only show in their descendants later on. The people of the immortal worlds desire this and thus encourage mixing and marrying with the people of lower worlds.

This improves the gene pool and allows more variety of talented people to be born." Lin Wu explained in detail.

For this answer, Lin Wu had added his own understanding of genetics and breeding he had from his past life. It was a logical answer, yet for a cultivation world, bloodline 'purity' was often considered important. Thus, to Wang Xiong and Ye Jin it was a new principal.

"That… so we have such value as well." Wang Xiong said in an intrigued tone.

"Besides, despite the restrictions of the lower ranked worlds, there are still experts born in them that are many times talented than the people of the immortal realm. They go on to become great individuals that rule over the areas of the Immortal world and may even start their own powers there." Lin Wu added.

Hearing these words, Wang Xiong couldn't help but imagine himself in the same position as a great expert or a sect master that ruled over a top sect.

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