Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 667 - A Test And Scan

Lin Wu and his subordinates talked for a while more before he finally sent them away. 

The Twin Lights Liger King was going to focus on cultivating for the time being, as he felt a little pressured by Tim. It was understandable since he had been king for such a long time and had now become Lin Wu's subordinate.

For him, even if he was a subordinate, he wanted to be a high level subordinate. But now there was Tim, who could very well be stronger than him. Thus he felt like he needed to breakthrough as soon as possible.

The same could be said by the other servants and they felt like Lin Wu now had someone he cared about more and they couldn't help but feel a little jealous. They too decided to cultivate harder than before and get stronger and stronger.

All of this was exactly what Lin Wu wanted anyway, and he was thus happy with how things would go from here. At least he hoped that they would.

With the beasts gone, there was just Tim left in the hall.

"o_o" he was still sitting like a statue there without speaking since he had been threatened a few times with his crystal snacks being taken away.

The crystal snacks were what he called Lin Wu's crystals. Even though there were beast corpses and other resources with a higher amount of spirit Qi and vitality, Tim still liked the taste of the crystals better.

Lin Wu thought to himself about something and spoke.

"Are you hungry?" Lin Wu questioned.

"Yes." Tim answered.

"Okay…" Lin Wu said while narrowing his eyes.

He took out the corpse of a Child Soul stage Nascent soul realm, Four Winged Guna Griffin, and gave it to Tim.

"Eat?" Tim asked one last time.

"Go on." Lin Wu permitted.

"YEE!" Tim screamed before pouncing on the corpse.




Various sounds were heard as Tim devoured the beast that was twenty times bigger than him. Lin Wu was still astounded by the metabolism speed of Tim and even the system was at a loss as it still couldn't analyze him fully.

'Other than me, he definitely has the fastest metabolism.' Lin Wu thought.

"You're scanning all this, right system?" Lin Wu asked.

"Affirmative." It replied.

Lin Wu nodded his head and continued watching Tim devour the corpse. About twenty minutes later he was done and was now licking his paws that still had some blood left on them.

"Hmm…" Lin Wu furrowed his brows.

"Any change yet system?" Lin Wu questioned.

"Negative." It answered.

"Let's continue then…" Lin Wu said as he took out something even bigger.

It was a corpse that belonged to an Adult Soul Stage Nascent soul realm Four Winged Guna Griffin.

"Eat this too." Lin Wu threw the corpse in front of Tim, who couldn't stop salivating. 

His pupils went wide in joy as he pounced on the corpse as well and let his mouth do the rest. This time it took him a little longer to finish eating it and thirty minutes passed. Lin Wu finally got a notification from the system and raised his brows.



NOTIFICATION: Detected vitality change in target

NOTIFICATION: Detected unknown energy signatures from target


"So it's like this huh…" Lin Wu muttered as a theory formed in his mind.

But this was not enough for him and he wondered if he could push this a little more.


Tim had gone back to cleaning up the blood from his body, when he heard some really tempting words.

"Do you want to eat more?" Lin Wu questioned.

"Eat? More?" Tim repeated, finding it a bit unbelievable. "YES!" he shouted out loud enough to echo throughout the hall.

"Alright, let's turn up the stakes a little." Lin Wu said as he took out an even bigger corpse.


In front of him was now the Dao Shell realm Four Winged Guna Griffin's corpse. Lin Wu's eyes gazed at Tim, watching how he would react and saw that he did not pounce on it directly.

'He's getting better at control.' Lin Wu observed.

Lin Wu then extended his tail and morphed it to have a sharp edge. 


He ran it across one of the wings of the beast and cut it clean off. 


Lin Wu threw it in front of Tim, with a little heartache and spoke, "eat." 

He quickly put the rest of the corpse away as he wanted to use it himself. 


Tim's mouth was like a waterfall of saliva and he quickly got to eating the wing too. He didn't mind if there were feathers or bones, he ate it all. The sharp and hard feathers were like chips to him and he broke them with ease.

The same could be said for the bones, though he had to struggle for a bit with them and gnawed them to fragments before swallowing them. 

And while was doing this, the system was continuing to scan and analyze Tim's body. Lin Wu was getting live updates about all that system detected and was rather intrigued by this information.



NOTIFICATION: Energy Signature detected


ANALYZING: New Energy signature


Lin Wu then saw as the system started to build a model of Tim using the energy signature as a reference. 

'Using the corpse as the fuel, Tim produces as lot of energy. So much so that even his Earthen Depths Obsidian skin cannot stop it fully. This ends up leaking out and the system can now use that to scan him better.' Lin Wu understood.

All the food that he ate was metabolized by his body and let out some heat and energy as a effect. It was this very thing that the system was now reading.

It was like using a spectrometer to measure the emitting radiation from something and analyzing was contained within it using that as a reference. Except in this case, the radiation was the energy signature let out by Tim.

'The system sure is good at coming up with different solutions.' Lin Wu thought.

He continued to watch as Tim finished the wing after about an hour. It was slow since it took him longer to digest what he had already eaten. Plus, the bones and the feathers were also slightly harder to eat even if they weren't as much of an hindrance.

But once Tim was done eating, it felt like he had no energy left, which seemed to be ironic seeing just how much he head eaten.


Tim directly passed out and fell into a deep sleep.



NOTIFICATION: Detected Energy spike!


Lin Wu narrowed his eyes as he saw a glow within Tim's body. He looked closer and saw that it looked like his Nascent soul.

"So it looks like this, huh…" Lin Wu muttered.

This was the first time seeing the Nascent soul since when Tim was a still a copper Hide Weasel and Lin Wu could perceive the difference in it.

"It has certainly changed the shape to match his current form. Plus, the energy within him is rather dense too. Far denser than any other human or beast I've seen till now." Lin Wu muttered.

He watched as the system continued measuring the energy signature until it finally reached a plateau and stabilized.

'Seems like this is it. Wonder how long he'll sleep this time.' Lin Wu thought before teleporting Tim to a different hall.

"Reinforce the walls of that hall, just in case system." Lin Wu ordered.

"Affirmative." The system simply replied.

Done with this little test, Lin Wu decided to focus on himself.

He took out several large logs from his storage and put them in a square manner. He then took out a large metal plate, which was something he had taken from one of the buildings a long time back.

"This should serve as a pan well enough." Lin Wu said as he ignited the logs and placed the metal plate on top.

With a little wind spirit Qi stoking the fire, the pan heated up real quick. And while that happened, Lin Wu went to skin and prepared the corpses that he had. One by one, the corpses of the Four Winged Guna Griffins were flayed and butchered.

He even took out a large bell that he had taken from someone he forgot about and turned it upside down to use as a container. In that, he put in a lot of herbs and spices to make a marinate and put all the meat chunks in it.

If anyone were to see the liberal use of such precious ingredients, they would be stunned and feel their hearts burning. Each and everything that Lin Wu used was valuable resources that many would die for.

Yet here he was, using them for marinating as if they were some common mortal vegetable.

But Lin Wu didn't care for the opinion of others and did what he wanted to. 

"All nice and slathered up," Lin Wu said as he picked up one of the meat chunks and placed it on the pan.


The melodious hiss of the meat being seared was like music to Lin Wu's ears and he watched it all cook with smiling eyes.

"Now to try it." 

Picking up a cooked piece he put it in his mouth and almost moaned in joy.

"Ahh~ this is life!" 

Having gotten the taste, Lin Wu couldn't hold back anymore and put all the chunks he haha prepared on to the pan and started cooking them. 

All the while notifications popped up, showing that he was gaining spirit Qi by the droves.

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