Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 673 - More Trouble Than Worth

If Lin Wu were still human, he would currently be having sweat drip down his forehead.

"Ugh, what is this even supposed to mean?" Lin Wu said, feeling frustrated.


Suddenly, Tim's body glowed in a yellow light. But this was not all, as the energy pulses coming from him increased as well. 


As a shock to him, the Formation arrays that could defend against his own attacks were now shaking under the force of the energy pulses.



NOTIFICATION: High threat level detected!

SUGGESTION: Tim, The Myriad Obsidian Weasel should be ejected from the Taiji Celestial's tomb as soon as possible or there is a 73% chance of formation failure and a 41% chance of explosion.


"Explosion? What does that mean? This place will explode?" Lin Wu questioned, feeling stunned.



ANSWER: This hall that the host is currently in will explode. And it will in turn, damage the other formation arrays of the tomb along with the spirit Qi channels.


"Fuck that! I don't want this place to get damaged even more." Lin Wu said as he stared at Tim.

"Send him out! Activate teleportation formations, NOW!" Lin Wu ordered.


Some runes appeared around Tim and assembled themselves into a formation, but before they could proceed any more, something happened.



"What the heck?!" Lin Wu cursed as he saw the partially compete teleportation formation breaking due to the impact from the energy pulse.

"Do it again!" Lin Wu said, feeling anxious now.



The same as before, the teleportation formation cracked before it could be completed.

"Shit! This ain't gonna work. Need to think of something else." Lin Wu said as the system too got to analyzing.

An idea soon popped up in Lin Mu's mind.

'Will radiation work here?' Lin Wu wondered before deciding to try it out.

His innate skill of Radiation manipulation activated at full force as Lin Mu controlled some of it to approach Tim.


The invisible radiation was seemly impaled by the energy pulses and made to scatter. But it was not enough to make Lin Wu give up. He increased his force and more radiation approached Tim.


A strange fizzing sound could be heard a the two types of energy clashed. But unlike before, this time it didn't dissipate. The 'holes' in the 'radiation curtain' were rapidly being healed by even more radiation.

"Okay, this works. Now to expand this…" Lin Wu muttered, feeling a bit better.

He then made two layers of radiation around him and Tim. The first layer surrounded just Tim, while the second layer surrounded both him and Tim in a large sphere like shape. Once this was done though, Lin Wu coated his tail with extra radiation.

"System! Make an opening!" Lin Wu shouted.


And with that order, a part of the roof directly burst open, revealing the outside area. Something like breaking a part of the tomb was obviously very difficult, and the system could only do it because it controlled it.

Another reason that Lin Wu was thankful was for choosing a hall that was more on the internal side of the mountain. This way, he could break a hole in the side and wouldn't need to make a large one that went all the way to the top of the tomb.

No matter what, it was incredibly inefficient and time wasting venture.

With the hole open, Lin Wu went for the next step. He coated his tail in a layer of radiation before pushing it towards Tim and wrapping it around him.

~clang~ Clang~ Clang~


Various sounds were heard as Lin Wu's body was struck by many things, including the energy pulses of Tim and the falling debris from the vibrations. Thankfully, these were not of his concern and Lin Wu simply ignored them all.


Having grasped the beast in his tail, Lin Wu directly hurled it out of the tomb.

~thud~ Thud~

A low noise came from the outside and Lin Wu took a look there, seeing Tim's body rolling down the mountain.

No matter what, the hall was mid way through the height of the mountain and having someone fall from that height was not good at all.


Lin Wu too, teleported out of the tomb and went after Tim. He knew that this was simply the first step and more difficult times were about to come.

His gaze went over to Tim and he saw that, just like before, he was largely uninjured. His tough body completely blocked all the damage. Or rather, he was the one who inflicted some damage.

The pulses coming from his body cracked the rocks of the mountain and created gullies in the ground. It also broke and fragmented the trees while killing a lot of unfortunate beasts that had managed to die under his hand.


Tim's body suddenly shot up like a cannonball and rose through the forest. His eyes were glowing with a yellow light, while his body had dimmed down.

"Now what?" Lin Wu said as he too flew up.

He looked at Tim and could faintly feel a different vibe from him, but he couldn't exactly tell what had changed. Tim's expression, that used to be mostly mellow, pissed or uncaring, changed to become that of seriousness.


His body reached the skies and shone like a lantern, pulling everyone's attention.

It was night time thus it was very eye-catching.

"Look! What's that?!" The beasts called out.

The Twin Lights Liger King and the other beasts that had come to congratulate him all looked towards the new source of light in the sky, feeling perplexed.

"Isn't that… the weasel?" Someone said as the Twin Lights Liger King narrowed his brows.

At the same time, he had an anxious feeling in his heart.

'This isn't going to end well… is it?' The Twin Lights Liger King through.


His words were like a trigger that opened the flood gates of spirit Qi.

"HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?" All the former rulers said in unison, seeing the phenomenon.

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