Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 675 - A Fucked Up Situation

The string of shocks was not coming to an end anytime; or so it seemed like to Lin Wu.

He could feel the aura of the sealed being flicker all of a sudden as if it had been shocked as well.

"They're looking at each other? No… It's Tim glaring at him." Lin Wu realized.

Tim and the Sealed being started at each other for a couple of moments before Tim made his move. 


A move was not the correct word for it, since Tim simply opened its mouth wide as if he was eating something.


Then as if a vacuum tunnel had been created between Tim and the sealed being, all the green energy it was letting off as tendrils started being sucked.

"HOW ARE YOU—?" The Sealed being seemed to be confused, angry and scared at the same time.

But his feelings were not something Tim cared for and he simply devoured all the energy that was reaching him. His mouth was like the abyss and everything that entered it disappeared without a trace.

The system showed hundred of error signs as it failed to understand anything that Tim was doing even with the Data banks they had accumulated till now. 

"I give up." Lin Wu said as he felt sidelined by it all.

For some reason he had a hunch that all that happened right now was being done by someone way more powerful than him and the orchestration was complex on most parts. Lin Wu had read enough to know that interfering in things like these was only pulling more trouble to himself.

"At least I don't have to deal with the sealed being or I would have no option but to run  away." Lin Wu muttered to himself.

Both the system and Lin Wu knew the power of the sealed being was beyond their limits. Even the encryption on the being was complex that would take the system a long time to decrypt.

And yet, a seal as powerful as that was weakened by Tim's breakthrough. 

"System, start the conservation protocol." Lin Wu spoke in a low tone.



COMMAND ACCEPTED: Activating Conservation protocol!





The moment this was done, a large circle of runes surrounded the entire millennium forest. If one looked form the sky, they would see that it was almost invisible and would not even be seen from the ground perspective.

The circle of runes was not that thick, being merely a meter thick. Compared to normal fomentation runes, it did seemed to be very dense, but when considering its massive size spanning several thousand kilometer of circumference it was still thin.

It was this thin circle of runes that created the biggest formation array that Lin Wu and the system had made. It was something that was already the part of the Taiji Celestial's tomb and could affect the entire forest.

But this formation array was originally broken and could not be repaired fully. Hence the system made some minor changes that lowered its effect but still made it function. 

Once the circle of runes was activated, any loud noise or energy fluctuations would not go past it.

The Millennium forest had turned into a dome like cage that isolated the things inside. But this was not without its flaws. It could only stop fluctuation of energy that were already weakened and it could not stop actual living things from leaving it either.

But that was all Lin Wu needed for the time being. 

He had never thought that something like this would come in handy this day. He had originally kept it for himself as a means to hide but now it had to be used prematurely. In fact it wasn't even fully ready and there were still many parts that the system had to finish up on.


"Guess I'll go with the flow now." Lin Wu muttered to himself and looked at his servants and subordinates.




That one order was enough to break our the beasts that were frozen with fear. Lin Wu had used two of his skills in combination to do this; the Sound Command and Kin Command skills.

They were two skills that he had not used often, but they were very useful in substations like this, since they forced the beasts that were under Lin Wu's leadership to listen to him regardless of their status.



SKILL PROFICIENCY INCREASED: Sound Command (Lesser) (Proficiency: Basic) ->Sound Command (Lesser) (Proficiency: Novice) 

SKILL PROFICIENCY INCREASED: Kin Command (Lesser) (Proficiency: Basic)-> Kin Command (Lesser) (Proficiency: Novice)


The mass use of the two skills on so many beasts at once resulted them in being enhanced. 

'That's a nice surprise…' Lin Wu thought as he focused his attention back on the situation at hand.

The servants and subordinates were steadily making their way to the edge of the forest while Lin Wu stayed where he was.

He was not particularly worried since he himself could escape this place at a moments notice. The teleportation range of the Taiji Celstial's tomb was enough to take him beyond the Deer Wood city.

Thus it was more important for him to wait and observe what was actually going to happen and hold for the others to leave. 

'Can't lose them after all the effort I've spent in nurturing them. They all are precious investments. Until they pay back the principle several thousand times more, I won't let them be wasted.' Lin Wu thought with a vicious glint in his eyes.

He himself didn't realize the strangeness in his personality and kept on gazing at the two things clashing in front of him.

"CURSES! STOP THIS OR I WILL KILL YOU!!!" The sealed being shouted from the fissure.

But Tim didn't seem to care for it one bit and kept on sucking all the energy. 


A strong burst of spirit Qi came from his body as the illusory figure of the Dao Shell finally appeared above him.

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