Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 759 - The Lian Clan's Excitement

Chapter 759 – The Lian Clan’s Excitement

The declaration of independence by the Millennium forest and sent waves across the entire Long continent. 

At the Lian Clan's great hall.

Several elders dressed in opulent robes were sitting in the long and wide hall. There were tables set in front of them, placed on which were several dishes, fruits, and wine.

It looked like it was the royal court of an emperor and all the elders were the ministers and other court members. They merrily ate and spoke, while scantily dressed women giggled along with them.


The scene of merriment was brought to a sudden pause as the hall's doors suddenly opened.

"PATRIARCH! PATRIARCH! BIG NEWS! BIG NEWS!" Rushed in a man who looked to be in his thirties.

But he was also very fat and with each of his step, the fatty folds of his body jiggled. It looked like a small meat hill was running and if he started to roll instead, it would probably be faster.

The elders looked at the fat man who had just entered, and had irked expressions on their faces. But soon they changed their expressions and went back to doing what they were before.

"Don't be so noisy Lian Xiaojian," The elder sitting at the head of the hall spoke calmly.

He gestured to the girl standing next to him, and she lowered another peeled grape into his mouth. If one looked at the small table next to her, they would see that there was a bowl full of grape skins.

And next to it, there was a pile of grapes. They were plump and dark purple in color, each of them letting out faint spirit Qi fluctuations.

If these grapes were seen by any average cultivator who was knowledgeable about spirit fruits and herbs, they would realize that these were no common grapes. They were none other than the rare, Prosperity Grapes!

Each of these grapes was very hard to grow and most places where they grew in, only a single grape could grow on a plant. And yet there was a bounty of them here. The grapes were even in bunches, and that showed its quality.

It was said that the more the number of grapes in a bunch, the higher the quality of them.

But at the same time, if a person saw the bowl full of peels, they would feel pained. For it was a great waste! Perhaps the peels in that bowl alone contained enough spirit Qi to rival a peak grade spirit stone alone!

Such opulence was painful for most people to watch.


The Fat man panted as he came to stand in front of the elder eating the grape. He caught his breath for a half a minute, during which the elder continue to eat grapes as the girl peeled and fed him.

Once he had finally caught his breath, the fat man looked up at the elder, who was also equally fat!

He looked like a hill full of fat that had been squeezed into a throne. Rolls of fat bulged out of the side of the throne, and from below the armrest. If it were not for the fact that the throne was made out of precious materials and was a spirit tool as well, perhaps it would have broken apart already.

"Father! I have big news!" The fat man spoke to the far elder, who was evidently the patriarch.

And he wasn't just any patriarch, but the patriarch of the third ranked clan in the entire Long continent! He was Lian Dajian!

Lian Dajian looked back at his first son as a hint of interest appeared in his eyes.

"Oh? What could be the news that it would make even you run like this? You barely train otherwise." Lian Dajian questioned.

"I have big news! Big profit news!" Lian Xiaojian said, as his eyes sparkled.

"Huh?" The ears of all the elders in the hall perked up, and they stopped what they were doing as well. 

They all looked at the first son of the patriarch, wondering just what it was too. They thought the news must be good enough to make the lazy first son, Lian Xiaolian leave his personal palace and run like this.

"Speak my son." Jian Dajian spoke as he gestured for the girl next to him to pause her task.

"In the south, the Millennium forest… They have declared independence!" Lian Xiaojian revealed.

Hearing this, the brows of all the elders here furrowed.

"The Millennium forest? Did some power take over it or something?" One of the elders asked in wonder.

"The last I heard of it, there was some spirit beast that broke through and scared all the weaklings out." Another elder replied.

"Oh yeah! I remember now, it was a Twin Lights Liger that apparently managed to reach the Dao Shell realm." Someone else stated.

"But if that's so, then how did they declare independence? I don't think there are many Dao Shell realm experts living around that forest. If some power took over it, they would need to first get rid of the beast." The first elder who had spoken asked.

"Don't forget that they can control the beast, too. As long as they tamed it, the result would still be the same."

"Who knows, perhaps someone was actually behind the breakthrough of the beast. Maybe its master. Someone could have tamed the beast in secret." 

"It's not that at all, elders!" Lian Xiaojian said, much to their surprise.

"What is it then?" Lian Dajian asked again.

"It isn't some human power… but rather the beasts themselves that declared it!" Lian Xiaojian answered.

"WHAT?!" The elders were all stunned, while the patriarch narrowed his eyes.

"Take a look at this, father! I got the initial reports from our people there." Lian Xiaojian continued.

'This is surprisingly diligent of him.' The elders all thought.

The patriarch took the scroll from the hands of his son and unrolled it. The scroll was rather short for most, but if one looked at it, they would find it to be empty. The patriarch injected some spirit Qi and a string of sentences appeared on the scroll.

His eyes moved from top to bottom as the sentences continued to change and fade. The scroll itself was a spirit tool that could show more information that was visible on its surface.

The patriarch read the information for about five minutes, after which he put down the scroll. And when he did, his fat face was visible again. But this time there was a difference. There was a wide smile on his face instead.

"Good! Good! You did good, bringing this quickly." Lian Dajian praised, surprising the other elders as it was rare for him to do so.

"All elders shall take a look," the patriarch said and flicked the scroll into the air.

A single finger of his was as fat as three normal fingers and was enough to send the scroll flying.


The scroll lit up in the air and suddenly runes appeared on it. The runes turned into a long screen on which the same information that the patriarch had read appeared. The elders read through it word by word and soon their expressions turned the same way as that of the patriarch.

"Ahahah! I ALREADY SEE GOLD!" One of the elder said with joy.

Lian Xiaojian too, let out a wide smile, but his thick lips and fatty face made it look like it was a Blob fish instead.

"We have to hurry! If we aren't the first ones there, we'll be missing out!" an elder said with impatience.

"Uncle Ko is right, we need to send our people quickly." Lian Xiaojian agreed.

"Who do we send, patriarch? Should I head there myself?" One of the elders asked.

Patriarch Lian Dajian stroked his fatty chin and thought to himself. He looked rather silly doing this, but no one who knew about him would dare to ridicule him.

He was the patriarch of the Lian clan and perhaps one of the five richest people on the entire Ming Dao world! He had taken the Lian clan to new highs and made it almost on the same level as that of the Ji clan.

The Lian clan was already as rich as the Ji clan, which had longer history than them by at least a few hundred years. And still they had managed to reach their level. The only reason they were not on the second rank among the clans was due to the the lack of strong experts among them.

While they had plenty of Dao Shell realm experts and others below them, there were only a handful of Dao Treading realm cultivators in their ranks. 

Though there were still rumors of them having an ancestor who had been in seclusion for over a thousand years now. Even the elders of the Lian clan didn't know if the said ancestor was still alive or not and the patriarch would not reveal it, anyway.

Besides, as long as it wasn't something that could bring them profit, it was not worth their time. The reputation and power of the Lian clan gave them advantages and brought them profit in an easier way thus that was good enough for them.

Lian Dajian thought for about ten minutes, which was rather long for the elders as they knew just how prompt their patriarch usually was. 

'Is the Millennium forest really that good for him to spend this much time thinking?' some of the elders wondered.


"Alright! I've decided," Lian Dajian said, while tapping the armrest of the throne.

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