Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 763 - A Sly Junior Elder

Chapter 763 – A Sly Junior Elder

Hearing her words, the rest of the elders were certainly surprised. While it may have seemed fine, it was still indirectly challenging the patriarch's words. The elders didn't say anything though as one might see in another clan.

There would be the ever so eager, ass-kissers, who'd try to kiss up to the patriarch in any way possible. But the elders of the Lian clan were different. They simply kept silent and watched on with interest.

Some even smiled and took bites out of the spirit fruits kept on the tables in front of them; fully intending on enjoying the show. 

If Lin Wu was here, he'd probably do the same and take the elders as fellow snack munching drama enjoyers. 

It would be a battle between the average ass-kisser and the average snack munching drama enjoyer.

"Would you elaborate, so why?" Patriarch Lian Dajian asked patiently.

"I've been investigating some things in the past couple of years. They were related to a deal I was looking to pursue with the auction of the Jiao clan's assets, but I was reaching a dead end with them. 

It was then that I came in contact with a few cultivators who had been to the Millennium forest. They had visited it over a decade ago, and had supposedly witnessed a great battle there.

The said battle was between beasts, and they were barely able to hide at the cost of a small earth isolating talisman. But what they witnessed was perhaps the most shocking thing they said they had ever witnessed.

They saw that the beasts of the millennium forest were fighting in unison against different beasts. After getting the descriptions from them, we learned that the said beasts were known as Southern Tusk Tapirs.

The said beasts are natives of the forests south of the Frozen Cloud sect and were being lead by a Silver Tusk Tapir who was at the Dao Shell realm. They didn't know why this was happening and could only keep on hiding while trying to avoid as many attacks as they could.

Even then, among their companions, over half of them died, leaving only three in the end. These three that survived managed to see the end of the battle. In that… they saw a person appearing. 

The person was wearing a white fox mask and executed a single skill that killed all of the beasts, including the Dao Shell realm Southern tusk tapir. 

But that was not all that was surprising. The witnesses actually saw the said person interacting with the beasts… conversing with them. They couldn't understand most of it of course, but one of them managed to hear a couple of words." Junior Elder Kai Li said and took a pause.

By now, Kai Li had managed to capture the attention of each and every elder. The snack munching drama enjoying elders were even more vigorous in their actions, stuffing deep fried spirit boar rinds into their mouths and munching on them.

A slight smile appeared on the woman's face but it disappeared quickly as well.

"Don't leave us hanging. What did those men hear?" Someone finally asked, unable to bear the pause.

"Those men heard the white fox masked man speak that… He was there to fulfill a promise." Kai Li answered.

Hearing this, all the elders were surprised and wondered to himself just how much of this was true and how much false. 

"Hmm… I see… and what else do you have? I don't think you would just believe the words of a few random cultivators, will you?" Patriarch Lian Dajian said.

"Of course not patriarch. I did several more checks and found out more things. Shall I list them out to clarify your concerns?" She questioned.

"Go ahead." Lian Dajian permitted.

"The earlier information provided by those three men certainly got me interested in the millennium forest, but I wasn't going to just take it all as it is. I contacted other sources and learned more things.

There were some things that were already out in the open and known by even the commoners. These were the fact that the Millennium forest had a Forbidden zone and it was created when a meteor fell there.

The area is deadly and has even killed Nascent soul realm cultivators. From the reports, it is filled with deadly poisons and gases that can even suppress cultivation bases of all that enter it.

This was merely the first of the many concerning things. 

The second thing I learned linked to this was the fact that the heir of the Ji clan… Ji Shirong actually went to the Millennium forest. Not just that, but he apparently has some arrangements with the Ling Kingdom as well as a minor alliance with the Deer wood city that is close to the Millennium forest.

Then I thought… why would the heir of the second ranked Ji clan go to a place like this millennium forest. The open reason that I found was that it was to gain allies and to train himself, but I doubted the JI clan needed to send their heir for that to a remote place like that.

Rather than that, they could very well use their own training grounds.

But they didn't do so…. And the effects were certainly shown. Ji Shirong had a quick rise after that, reaching the Nascent soul realm shortly after that. He then left the Millennium forest as well as the Ling Kingdom, heading to the west.

He was last seen near the now forbidden zone, the Dread Coil marsh, and had met up with the leaders there about something. 

And must I remind the elders and the patriarch that there was something really important to us that was lost near the Dread Coil Marsh in the past." Kai Li continued.

Hearing her final worlds, the eyes of the elders went wide, while the patriarch furrowed his brows. By now, many were already starting to understand where Kai Li was getting at and it was a matter that was rather sensitive to the clan.

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