Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 776 Patriarch Bing's Shock

Patriarch Bing had not expected his discovery to be like this.

"Why can't I sense any spirit Qi at all?" Patriarch Bing wondered.

Finding it to be like this, he decided to ignore the warning given to him by Wang Xiong and used his spirit sense. But when he did that, his surprise only increased that much.

"Even my spirit sense can't work?" Patriarch Bing was shocked. "No… it can't even leave my body."

He tried to extend his spirit sense out of his body, but found it impossible to do. It was as if there was a barrier surrounding it and had locked in his spirit sense. And since he couldn't sense any external spirit Qi either, it was the same experience as being sealed.

'No, wait… was I tricked?' Patriarch Bing had a shocking thought.

His anxiety shot through the roof as several other thoughts came to his mind.

'The king killed the supreme elder thus he has strength equivalent to that of a Dao Treading realm expert… my disciples teleported with me at the same time but now they are not with me… I can't sense any spirit Qi here and neither does my spirit sense work.' Patriarch Bing analyzed his situation.

"No way… was I tricked into being sealed?" Patriarch Bing said to himself.

Getting stressed, he tried all methods he could think of. He tried to use his spatial storage tool, wanting to see if spirit stones or pills might work, but was unable to access it at all!

'It really is like that… I was sealed… but how? There were no signs of it. For a seal to work on a Dao Treading realm expert like me, it would have to be very strong. But even then, I should have detected it.' Patriarch Bing thought to himself.

The very situation was absurd to him.

While Patriarch Bing was lost in his thoughts and was muttering to himself, a certain worm was observing him from a short distance away.

'What is up with this guy? Why is he acting like that?' Lin Wu thought.

He had been observing the man ever since he appeared here, wondering how he would act, but his actions were entirely different. Unaware of Patriarch Bing's thoughts, Lin Wu decided to reveal himself.


A green glow appeared some distance away from Patriarch Bing, pulling his attention.

"Huh?" the man was shaken out of his thoughts and looked at the light.

It was certainly bright in this dark hall and allowed him to see something for the first time. Since his spirit sense was unable to work, he was essentially blind in the dark. It was the same for most cultivators and they were blind too without their spirit sense in pitch black darkness.

The earlier glow from the runes had faded away as well, thus the man couldn't even see what he was able to before. At least, the outlines of his body were visible, but nothing after that.

"WHO?" Patriarch Bing was stunned.

In his stressed state, he had momentarily forgotten what he had come here for. Plus the sudden shock of losing his ability to sense spirit Qi had also thrown him off the course. Subconsciously, he had already accepted that he had been sealed.

Which was not true at all.

A pair of crimson red eyes appeared on top of the figure that was letting off the green light.

"Welcome… Patriarch of the Frozen Cloud sect." Lin Wu finally spoke.

Patriarch Bing's eyes finally adjusted to the brightness level, and he was able to see better.

In front of him was a large beast.

It was larger than any other beast he had seen before and was almost the height of a small mountain. Lin Wu's body towered over the man, who was merely a fraction of his height.

Patriarch Bing, who was not even 1% of Lin Wu's size, felt a bit pressed by merely glancing at Lin Wu.

Still, his initial shock quickly wore away as his instincts kicked in. He calmed down and his expression returned to the stillness it used to be like.

"Are you the one who sealed me here?" Patriarch Bing questioned without fear.

He knew that there was no use being afraid. After all, a being that could seal him without giving him even a chance to know was already strong enough to kill him. If the being wanted to, it could have already killed him beforehand.

'If he has not acted even now, then he might not want to kill me.' Patriarch Bing thought to himself.

Lin Wu's brow crystals furrowed upon hearing Patriarch Bing.

"Sealed? I haven't sealed you." Lin Wu replied.

"Why do you need to lie to me? I clearly can't use any spirit Qi or even my spirit sense here." Patriarch Bing stated. "It is opposite of the environment of the Millennium forest."

Hearing this, Lin Wu finally understood what the man was getting ah.

"AHAHAHA!" Lin Wu couldn't help but laugh, for he had missed this too.

Seeing the loud beastly laughter of Lin Wu, Patriarch Bing was unnerved a bit. It didn't help that Lin Wu's voice would get distorted at certain moments, becoming very unnatural to hear.

It frankly gave Patriarch Bing shivers.

It was very high pitched, like someone was scratching at a glass sheet with a sharp nail.

"Forgive me… this is just the effect I have. I forgot to change the area before." Lin Wu finally spoke.

"What?" Patriarch Bing said, not understanding.

"Give me a moment." Lin Wu said as he took a deep breath.


Suddenly, winds swirled in the hall and a strange energy appeared. Patriarch Bing could clearly feel it and found it to be entirely new to him.

'What kind of energy is this? Some different from of spirit Qi?' Patriarch Bing wondered.

But just as he was thinking about this, he suddenly detected something.

"Spirit Qi?" Patriarch Bing muttered.

Patriarch Bing found leftism able to sense spirit Qi again. Not only that, but upon attempting to use his spirit sense, he found that it could leave his body now!

"The seal was released?" Patriarch Bing said in confusion.

"That was not a seal." Lin Wu said as he finally finished reabsorbing all the radiation from the hall into his body.

"Then what was that?" Patriarch Bing questioned.

"Hmm… you could call that as my aura I suppose." Lin Wu answered.

"Your aura?" Patriarch Bing repeated in surprise.

'There's no way that was aura… can mere aura restrain spirit Qi like this? If that was just aura then what level is this being at when merely his aura can act like a seal?' Patriarch Bing wondered to himself, a new feeling being formed in his heart.

"Indeed. That was my aura. It has an effect at suppressing spirit Qi, you could say." Lin Wu replied.

p This was the effect of Lin Wu's bloodline and his body. It had the passive effect of turning any place that he lived in radioactive. Most of the time he stayed in this hall, as it was his private hall.

And when he met his subordinates, it was in a different hall. Thus, they weren't affected by the same radiation. But even if they were, they wouldn't be affected at the same level and would resist it rather easily.

And those that had the Emeraldine Legion Bloodline could even absorb the radiation on some level. This was the passive ability that they had gained from Lin Wu too.

"Now then, it should be a bit more comfortable for you, Patriarch Bing." Lin Wu spoke after checking that there was no more radiation left.

He even went so far as to accelerate the speed of the Qi channeling formation so that the air could be replenished with spirit Qi quickly.

Patriarch Bing felt the air again and found the concentration of spirit Qi rising rapidly. In less than a minute, it reached the same level as that of the Millennium forest. And in another minute, it was already three times stronger than that.

"This… is already beyond the level of our seclusion hall…" Patriarch Bing muttered to himself.

Lin Wu heard his words and smiled a little, displaying his sharp fangs and hundreds of teeth.

What Patriarch Bing didn't know was that Lin Wu could increase the concentration even more if he wanted to. But he didn't since there were limitation to it. His avatar was currently cultivating in a different hall and the concentration of spirit Qi was set to the highest level there.

With the current limitation of the tomb, the arrays could only concentrate spirit Qi on the highest level in a single hall. Lin Wu would only do that for his hall when he was cultivating fully.

And since he wanted his Avatar to breakthrough to the Shell completion stage of the Dao Shell realm soon, he let it have all the spirit Qi it wanted.

"Now then… time to discuss some things. Isn't that what you came here for?" Lin Wu spoke.

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