Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 778 Absolute Suppression

Long Qingao wasn't a normal member of the Long clan. Rather he had a very specific identity there.

He was the only external clan member that had managed to fully awaken his guardian bloodline. With that, he had rapidly risen in status in the Long clan.

All this had happened a long time ago, of course, and over a hundred years had passed since that day. While his rise was quick, Long Qingao had ended up getting stuck at his current cultivation base.

It wasn't that he was facing a bottleneck, but rather that his body couldn't handle his bloodline at all. Since he was an external member of the clan, his original bloodline was very thin.

Normally, a person like him should have never been able to awaken it at all. And yet against all odds, he had done it. It was also because of that awakening that he was in this situation.

The elders of the clan and even the patriarch were at a loss for this and didn't know what the issue with him was. Long Qingao had found out the danger that his body was facing a while back, it was just that it he hoped that he would be able to overcome it when that time finally came.

And when it did, he was helpless. Even the ancestors of the Long clan ended up getting involved and checked Long Qingao.

They too couldn't find any concrete solution. But since Long Qingao was a valuable member of the clan, they didn't want to lose him either. Thus, they took a different approach.

It was to restrain his cultivation base itself and prevent him from breaking through any further.

To anyone else, it would be the same as a death sentence, but to Long Qingao it was a way to save his life.

Back when he was getting his cultivation base restricted, he had felt the auras of his ancestors. It was on an entirely different level and shook his very soul. Merely being in their presence was a tiring experience.

He couldn't even look them in their eyes because of the instinctive fear that his bloodline felt.

That showed the difference between the bloodline concentration of the clan.

"But how? How can the bloodline suppression be on the same level as that of ancestors?" Long Qingao muttered.

He stood in an empty dark hall wondering this. The next thought that he had was rather frightening to him.

'The only way something like this would be possible if... the bloodlines are equal.' Long Qingao thought.

"Welcome... Envoy of the Long clan." A voice echoed in the hall.

Long Qingao looked up slowly and saw the glowing body of Lin Wu in the distance.

As soon as his eyes met Lin Wu's though, he felt his vision darken.

"What...." Before Long Qingao could do anything, he found himself transported to a different place.

Here, he couldn't feel his body and only felt like his mind existed.

"Where am I?" Long Qingao wondered.


And as if to reply to him, a blue light shone from the area.

The blue light coalesced and formed into a long figure. Long Qingao saw it and reorganized what it was.

"M-my bloodline?!" Long Qingao was stunned.

The figure was long like a serpent, but its head had some draconian features. It had four limbs, each of them having three claws, two at the front and one at the back of the limb. The being didn't have any horns though, only two faint bumps could be seen that were scales that had overgrown a bit.

This was the figure of the Three Clawed Azure Serpent!

It was the representation of his bloodline. But what stunned Long Qingao was that he didn't know why this had happened at all. He knew that certain bloodlines could resonate, particularly that were strong and on an almost equal level.

But having that happen here meant an entirely different thing to him.


And just as he thought of this, he saw another figure forming in front of his own bloodline.


This time, emerald green light gathered together and formed into a figure that was over five times as big as his own bloodlines. The Three Clawed Azure Serpent was about twenty five meters long but Lin Wu was many times larger than that.

The emerald green figure took form as its details started to appear. Crystals appeared and grew, while spikes extended from the creature's back. Its body turned into multiple segments when the large head finally materialized.

The head filled with tens of crystal horns, that looked a bit like a crown!

Then appeared two red lights that turned into the eyes of the beast.

"Another serpent?" Long Qingao was surprised.

He finally understood why this kind of bloodline resonance had happened. Since both bloodlines were those of serpents, something like this was bound to happen. But what happened next was not something he respected.


The Emerald green crystal serpent let out a loud, distorted screech that shook his very soul. His bloodline's figure struggled under the screech and was easily suppressed. A crushing pressure shot from the Emerald Green crystal serpent's figure and pressed the Three Clawed Azure serpent bloodline to the ground.

Just like one would mash a worm into the ground, the green figure rubbed the head of the azure figure.

"Impossible... how can this be?" Long Qingao witnessed his bloodline being suppressed completely.

It was earthshaking for him, because it was against the facts that he had learned.

It was an accepted fact in the Ming Dao world that the strongest beast bloodlines were those belonging to the three guardian clans. There could simply not be any other beasts that could be as strong as them.

And seeing the scene in front of him, this fact had been shattered.

Even though Long Qingao didn't have the true bloodline of their clan, which only the patriarch and the ancestors had awakened, it was still enough to go against all bloodlines.

Only the Hu and Gui bloodline should be able to suppress it.

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