Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 782 Calling In Shirong

Long Qingao was already feeling the changes in his bloodline. The pressure he felt internally had greatly lessened, and the power needed to control his bloodline was also reduced.

'The seal that Ancestors put on me... it is gone too...' Long Qingao noted.

It was a rather surprising thing to him, as it was not something that could be removed by just anyone. A person would need to have a cultivation base almost on the same level as that of his ancestors for them to be able to remove.

If anything, this only deepened his belief in Lin Wu.

"Thank you senior!" Long Qingao said with gratitude.

"You needn't mention it. I simply hope that you will be there when I call for you." Lin Wu replied.

"Of course Senior! I shall be at your beck and call! And as long as it doesn't go against the vows of my clan, I shall never falter in assisting you." Long Qingao stated with determination.

"Very well." Lin Wu nodded his head with a calm face.

Though internally he was rather happy.

'WOO!!! BABY! THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!' Lin Wu rejoiced in his mind.

After successfully conning Long Qingao, Lin Wu thought that it was time to send him back.

'I still have more people to rope in. And the next one is rather special too...' Lin Wu thought to himself.

"You can leave now. I have to attend to other guests too." Lin Wu spoke.

"Alright senior." Long Qingao said before taking his leave.

Lin Wu teleported Long Qingao out of the Tomb directly, much to his shock.

'So senior could have done this from the start... I didn't even detect anything before that.' Long Qingao felt even more awe for Lin Wu.

With him gone, Lin Wu gave the order to bring in another person. He waited excitedly as a man approached the tomb after about ten minutes.

"This will be a rather fun meeting... wonder if you will find anything suspicious, Shirong..." Lin Wu muttered as he saw the man enter the tomb.

Shirong's expression was calm, yet alert. He was assesing each and everything that he was passing by and his spirit sense was active the whole time.

'As cautious as always huh...' Lin Wu noticed.

In the past, Lin Wu had been scared of Shirong finding out about him, but now he didn't need to worry about it at all. Not only was he stronger than him, but he now had a basic backing that could resist him.

If not that, he could always escape and bide his time to gain more power. Lin Wu had several plans ready, but he knew that none of them might actually be needed at all.

'With the plan we have now, Shirong will never think anything else... I'll give him a legitimate excuse...' Lin Wu thought to himself as Shirong finally reached the teleportation circle at the end of the corridor.

"So this should be the one that takes me to the throne room?" Shirong said as he observed the runes on the ground.

He could actually read about half of them, which the others were unable too.

'Seems like spending time learning about ancient runes was indeed beneficial.' Shirong thought to himself.

After returning to the Ji clan, Shirong had understood that there were a lot of mysteries of this world he was in the dark about. Then he also had the spear that he needed to awaken again.

He didn't know much about the spear and the method to awaken it, thus he looked for old records that might have some kind of a solution. He was indeed able to discover that the spear could still absorb some spirit Qi and vitality when he offered it dead beasts or anything else like that.

That gave him some hope, but it was not enough for him and he wanted to learn more.

This goal of awakening the spear had ended up with him learning as many ancient records as he could and also deciphering them to the common tongue. It was something not many would normally do as it would mean that one was neglecting their cultivation process.

Even Shirong would not have done something like that, had it not been for the fact that he had the spear as a driving factor. He knew that with the spear awakened, he would progress many times faster than without it.

Thus, his goal was always to awaken the spear. Additionally, there were also other secrets of the crystal spear that Shirong wondered about. He had already gotten a hint of it in the past when he managed to develop spear intent after watching the demonstration of the skill.

That had made Shirong think that there were perhaps other skills in the spear, along with more stuff that was unknown to him.

"Let's see what secrets this king holds..." Shirong muttered as he stepped into the teleportation circle.


It activated as hundreds of runes appeared around Shirong. He felt his vision go dark and his body turning weightless. Finding as if he was soaring through the air, he knew that he was being teleported some place distant.

Which wasn't exactly right, rather it was due to just how the teleportation array was made, making others mistake it as a long distance teleportation.


Finally, the runes settled and Shirong felt his body stabilizing. He opened his eyes and found himself, to be in a dimly lit room.

But he also knew that he was not alone here. His instincts were telling him that there was something very dangerous here.

"King of the Millennium forest, I Ji Shirong, have come to pay you a visit." Shirong announced with confidence.

Seeing the words of Shirong, Lin Wu couldn't help but chuckle in his mind.

'As cocky as always huh... this will just make it more fun.' Lin Wu thought as he made his body glow.


From the tip of his tail an emerald green light spread all over his body

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