Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 795 New Opportunities

Lin Wu and Kai Li ended up discussing for several hours after this as Lin Wu wanted to go over the other conditions too.

Some of these changes that Lin Wu did made Kai Li feel like she was not talking with a beast but rather a Shrewd Businessman who had been doing business for a few hundred years.

Kai Li truly felt like she was not facing a beast but rather their patriarch in a business negotiation.

It was perhaps the most stressful negotiation of her life until now. But at the same time, she was learning a lot from it too. After all, the details that the system pulled up might be complex to the cultivators and might be mistaken by most, but for a great A.I. like the system, it was a joke.

It could easily analyze and derive several different conditions instead of the ones that were initially written. Kai Li couldn't even begin to think just how much experience one would need to come up with clauses such as this.

In her eyes, she had already placed Lin Wu on the same pedestal as the Patriarch of the Lian clan who had brought the clan to its current heights.

Then there were some other suggestions that Lin Wu gave in addition to the established conditions.

It was mostly to do with the transport routes that they would take.

The Lian clan had its own routes that they always took, as it was well charted and had enough support on it. But instead of taking those, Lin Wu suggested alternative routes that were not trade routes at all.

In fact, they weren't routes at all and went through wilderness, hills and barren lands filled with dangers.

Sure, they were shorter than the established trade routes, but if one lost their goods and their lives on it, all of it would just be useless.

Kai Li thought so too, until Lin Wu enlightened her on the fact that they were now using a different method of transport. His beast subjects would suppress all other wild beasts that stood in their way and drive them away.

Not to mention there would also be Lin Wu's aura on them, which alone would keep the stronger beasts at the Nascent soul realm and above away.

Having heard it all, Kai Li could only see a mountain of gold rising in front of her. She could almost imagine swimming in it already.


She could already measure that the time needed for them to transport all the goods would reduce by half in many cases and in a couple of them, the time could be reduced to only a ten percent of the original.

This would give them a supreme advantage over the other merchants and traders. It would also eliminate the need for hiding their trade routes and keeping it secret as others might try to take them too and take away their advantage.

With the beasts, though, even if the others found out about the routes, it wasn't like they could do anything. They were more than welcome to take the same route, but the death and loss that would come with that would be theirs to bear in the end.

Kai Li would be happy if the other competitors tried this and died. It would leave the with an even greater monopoly that way and result in far greater profits.

'Hehehehehheehheheh~ this will be the deal that will make me a queen!' Kai Li thought to herself as her eyes glinted with the shimmer of gold.

While Lin Wu and Kai Li animatedly discussed the deal, Elder Ruanjian and Lian Xiaojian could only stand there and watch it helplessly.

"How long do you think it will take them, Elder Ruanjian?" Lian Xiaojian whispered.

His legs were kinda hurting now, as he had been standing for over twelve hours. It wasn't that he hadn't thought of sitting, but he didn't know if that would offend Lin Wu. Thus, he could only bear it and stand.

Elder Ruanjian looked at his young master and had a lost expression.

"I don't know… discussions like this can last days… your father, the patriarch, has a record of twenty days of nonstop negotiations." Elder Ruanjian stated.

"That… they won't take that long, will they?" Lian Xiaojian asked, feeling a bit afraid that his legs might just fall off before that.

Elder Ruanjian wondered if it would really take that long.

'They've already gone through half the clauses… and if they keep the same pace, they should be done in a day perhaps…' the elder estimated.

"We just need to wait. It should be over eventually." Elder Ruanjian said.

'That's not really an answer though…' Lian Xiaojian thought but didn't say anything.

He glanced at the Lin Wu and Kai Li talking and secretly took out a plum that he had hidden in his pockets.

Since he couldn't access his spatial storage treasure due to the restriction of the radiation field, he could only use up his emergency snack stack.


Lian Xiaojian took a bite, and let off a crunch a bit too loud than he had expected.

"Umm…" He stopped midway, his teeth still stuck in the plum and red juice dripping down the side of his mouth.

Lin Wu and Kai Li stared at him, with Kai Li having an irked expression.

Lian Xiaojian felt cold sweat appearing on his back and was now stuck in the awkwardness.

Lin Wu furrowed his brows and recalled something he had thought of before.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about you two." Lin Wu said.

"F-forgive me King Lin Wu." Lian Xiaojian hurriedly spoke.


But he was then struck with an object.

"Ow!" He rubbed his shoulder in which the object was now stuck.

His fatty skin folds had accurately gripped the object.

"What's this?" He asked and Elder Ruanjian too looked on in interest.

"Something good. Read that and maybe try practicing it." Lin Wu said as he waved his tail and sent them away.

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