Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 797 Potential To Destabilize A Clan

Lian Ruanjian looked at Lian Xiaojian waiting for the man to respond.

"O-okay..." he finally said, his voice trembling.

"Hold on, young master." Lian Ruanjian said as his spirit sense probed the fat man.

It easily pierced through his skin and met no resistance, before finally entering his Dantian. From there, it followed the meridian pathways and scanned the entire cultivation base.

A minute later, Lian Ruanjian's eyes went wide as he found what he was dreading for.

"It really is the Vital House Physique..." Lian Ruanjian said in a voice filled with dread.

Rather than Lian Xiaojian having a physique, he would have much more preferred that he didn't have it. After all, even if a physique could offer benefits, a drawback like death was definitely not worth it.

Lian Ruanjian didn't even mention to Lian Xiaojian that he wasn't actually worried for him, but rather his father.

After all, in terms of the Lian clan's stability, the death of the first son would be far more manageable than the death of the patriarch. It would send the stable clan into a tizzy, and Lian Ruanjian was sure that the elders would break into a race for power.

The current heirs would be the same and would do anything to get the position of the patriarch.

Everything would turn ugly and it would derail the growth that the Lian clan was enjoying right now.

'With how similar the young master and patriarch are, there is a great chance the patriarch has the physique, too. And he never mentioned to us that he had a physique, which means he doesn't know of the hidden danger either.' Lian Ruanjian thought to himself, while his back started to sweat.

Lian Xiaojian iaojian too heard the elder's words and was feeling lost.

"What will I do now, elder Ruanjian? Will I die?" Lian Xiaojian questioned.

Lian Ruanjian was a bit confused too, but then recalled something.

"WAIT! THERE WAS MORE TO THE SLIP!" The elder recalled.

With the shock of the information in the initial part, he had entirely forgotten to check the other half. The fatty had done the same and not checked that there was actually information that could solve his problem, too.

Elder Ruanjian quickly picked up the crystal slip again and read the other half of the information that mentioned how the Vital House physique could be awakened.

"It can awaken automatically? No! That's not something we can rely on..." Lian Ruanjian quickly moved on to the next option.

But then, upon reading the second option, which was to suffer prolonged injuries, Elder Ruan felt his body getting colder.

'To save the patriarch, he'll need to be hurt first? What kind of a method is this?!' Elder Ruanjian screamed internally.

Though after a minute, he calmed down and thought over it again.

'It does say that the second method has the greatest chance of success. The only thing that might prevent it is if the willpower of the individual is weak. If it is strong, then they will manage to awaken their physique.' Lian Ruanjian thought before taking a look at the fatty.

'If it's the young master... I can't assure his willpower would be strong enough to survive that. But if it's the patriarch, then...' Elder Ruanjian analyzed the options and its viability.

Lian Xiaojian watched as the elder went silent and pondered on his thoughts. Ten minutes passed like this and Lian Xiaojian could not stay silent anymore.

"Elder Ruanjian, what do I do now?" Lian Xiaojian questioned.

Elder Ruan woke up from his thoughts and looked at Lian Xiaojian, as a firm look appeared in his eyes.

"Young master! All hope is not lost! You can survive this!" Elder Ruanjian said with determination.

"I can?!" Lian Xiaojian was excited but not entirely relieved.

"Yes!" Elder Ruanjian said before he described the method to Lian Xiaojian.

The fatty was shocked and didn't believe it before taking another look at the crystal slip. And once it was confirmed, he collapsed to the ground.


"That's it... I'm dead either way..."

While the Elder and Young master despaired in the room, Lin Wu was entirely unaware of it.

He had simply left the system to monitor them, but wasn't paying attention to them. Lin Wu was also in the dark about the fact that his little act of potentiality roping in a new pawn had caused such a great upheaval for the two.

After all, Lin Wu didn't know that what Lian Xiaojian suffered from would be the same as his father.

This act of his had the potential to destabilize the entire Lian clan too.

Kai Li was also unaware of it all, and animatedly continued to discuss with Lin Wu. The two were now sitting around on the ground, and a plethora of large pillows had been spread around for them to sit comfortably.

And at one point, snacks and refreshments had also been summoned by Lin Wu.

"This is a great suggestion King Lin Wu!" Kai Li said as she took a sip from a goblet full of spirit fruit juice.

Once her throat was moistened, she continued. "We can probably increase the profit margins even more if we delay the sales and put a gap of at least two weeks between each restock."

"That might really work." Lin Wu agreed as he threw a few roasted skewers into his mouth.

Unknowingly, twelve hours had passed since Lian Xiaojian and the elder were sent away.

'Never thought I'd have such a great time discussing business... Hmm, perhaps I should have taken business studies in my past life instead of biology...' Lin Wu thought to himself.

Kai Li continued to look through the new clauses they had made and was content with it all.

"Looks like we are all set, King Lin Wu. You can look forward to some big profits." Kai Li said.

"Let's hope so." Lin Wu replied causally.

And just as he said this, Kai Li looked around for her companions.

"Oh yeah, I should bring them back now." Lin Wu teleported the Young master and elder back.

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