Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 801 Splurging The Investment

Lin Wu could not even be considered to have properly cultivated the Taiji Dual Unity Scripture. There was the issue that the information about it was greatly limited and even the information hidden in the tomb was encrypted that the system couldn't access.

The only method Lin Wu had was to continue cultivating it. And as far as he knew, a cultivation technique on this level would take hundreds of years to show effect.

The Taiji Dual unity scripture had more than just a basic cultivation method in it. There were many skills, Dao insights, and a lot more composed in it all. It was just that Lin Wu had not gone into the comprehension part yet.

It wasn't entirely his fault either, as the Taiji Dual unity Scripture was not simple either. Cultivation techniques like the Immortal Sky Shaker art that were considered top level in the Ming Dao world alone took a few years to learn and decades to get competent in.

Even Shirong who was a genius, spent over thirty years practicing it before he had reached his current level.

Lin Wu on the other hand, was not a genius when considering comprehension talent for cultivation. The system could only help him up to a certain level. It could help him get strong as long as it was material resources and matters.

But when it came to the intangible such as the Dao and comprehending different phenomena and intents, that was not something the system could do. One would have to understand it on their own.

It was also the reason why the system couldn't just boost Lin Wu to the Dao Treading realm and he would need to comprehend the rest on his own.

With such a limitation on his current power level, Lin Wu could only think of this method to get stronger.

'Once my avatar is nearly on the same level as my main body, once I fuse them both, the strength should be almost on the Dao Treading realm.' Lin Wu reckoned.

Of course, this Dao Treading Realm level power was considered in terms of Lin Wu and not normal cultivators. He was after all, already strong enough to go against Dao Treading realm cultivators at his current level.


"Enough of thinking, time to get into the good stuff!" Lin Wu said as he controlled the fake crystal spear.

It had more than enough spirit Qi to propel the avatar to its breakthrough and still have some amount left over.

'I'll be just enough for the system to use and modify the spear more. From a fake crystal spear, it will become a true functioning spear...' Lin Wu thought.

The fake crystal spear flew and reached the avatar. There it directly embedded into the avatar's back, as if it were a memory card.


As soon as it did, the entire avatar glowed in a green light, illuminating the entire hall.

"Alright system, begin the transfer." Lin Wu ordered.




TRANSFER COMPLETED: 39,873,774 units (liquid spirit Qi) transferred


TARGET: Crystal Spear

SPIRIT QI STORED: 5,784,377 units (liquid spirit Qi)

VITAL ENERGY STORED: 41,684,554 units


AVATAR CULTIVATION BASE: Shell Initiation stage of the Dao Shell realm

-Spirit Qi required to upgrade = [70,000,000/70,000,000] units (liquid spirit qi)


Seeing the transfer had been successfully completed, Lin Wu quickly gave the green signal.

"Time for the breakthrough system!" Lin Wu spoke.

Lin Wu watched as the spirit Qi waves coming from the avatar rapidly increased. The breakthrough from the Shell Initiation stage to the Shell Genesis stage was relatively quick as it was merely the stabilization of the shape of the Dao Shell while also solidifying a part of it.



CULTIVATION BASE UPGRADED: Shell Initiation stage of the Dao Shell realm -> Shell Genesis stage of the Dao Shell realm

AVATAR CULTIVATION BASE: Shell Genesis stage of the Dao Shell realm

-Spirit Qi required to upgrade = [0000/90,000,000] units (liquid spirit qi)


Seeing that the breakthrough was finally completed, Lin Wu was feeling excited yet a bit empty at the same time. Though it was mostly because the many zeros that had popped up.

"At least it's not as high as back then. Though it's barely 10% of a difference." Lin Wu muttered as he saw the amount of spirit Qi needed to further upgrade the cultivation base of the avatar.

90 million was a high number, but with the gains Lin Wu would gain in the coming time, it was something he was bound to reach.

"Hang on... I still have my other Dao Shell in my main to progress too..." Lin Wu recalled, feeling a bit depressed again.

But his depression was soon wiped out by the feeling of power that was surging over from the avatar.

"Bah! Nevermind, I got tons of time. I'll even have an AFK bot now and he'll help me quite a bit." Lin Wu motivated himself.

Lin Wu watched the avatar and let it stabilize a bit. About an hour later, the cultivation base had settled down and the worm nascent soul in the avatar also seemed to be a lot more happy.

But after the avatar's cultivation base had stabilized, Lin Wu got another crazy idea.

"Hmm... I haven't tried fusing for a while now, have I? Should I try again?" Lin Wu wondered.

He stared at the avatar for a moment before moving towards it.

"FUCK IT! LET'S DO THIS!" Lin Wu said as the avatar and his main body started to coil together.

The two soon morphed and the crystals started to meld. Lin Wu felt the spirit Qi within his body surging rapidly as the meridian started to join up as well. It was a exciting as well as painful feeling.

Once the meridians were all fused, Lin Wu could sense the Dantian shift. The main body's Dantian was many times bigger than the avatar's, thus it directly engulfed it and took the worm Nascent soul and Dao shell within it!

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