When Xanthea's Ancestral Eucalyptus staff fell to the ground, the glow at its tip lasted only a few moments before gradually fading. The interdimensional hole that connected the dimension where the Red Dragon was and the battlefield of the Valkyria Arena slowly began to close.

Xanthea looked back and saw all this, saw the dragon trying to resist, saw that the chains that bound them had broken when she stopped using the spell. She knew she had to act, so she quickly tried to reach for her wand, only to have the arrow of blood in her chest suddenly change shape and mix with the witch's own blood to create chains that bound her wrists, neck, feet, and chest, stiffening her movements and causing her to fall to the ground.

She looked at Bloody Lily, who had emerged from her cover in the wreckage, with hatred and fear. She saw that the red-haired warrior was looking at her with a victorious smile.

Then everyone within a radius of tens of kilometers could hear a last deafening roar from the Red Dragon, who had no time to return to his dimension as he was crushed by the force of the rift in reality. He struggled for a few moments and then was cut by the interdimensional hole, which closed.

Bloody Lily watched all this with a face that was a mixture of surprise and happiness. She couldn't believe she had won. At the same time that the entire Valkyria Arena was in shock, she slowly walked over to Xanthea, who fell to the ground, her blood cuffs learning like a trap. She immediately kicked the witch's wand away, sending it rolling across the devastated battlefield. Crouching before the witch, she said:

"You were a worthy opponent, Xanthea. But I am superior. I am the Bloody Lily, the one who defeated you in the Tournament of the Three Great Human Nations. Remember that nickname, for you will hear it often."

All of the spectators present shouted with excitement at these words, and the Valkyria Arena shook with the warm celebration.

In turn, Bloody Lily smiled warmly and stood up, raising her arms high and waving.

The hundreds of thousands of people crowding the stands of the Valkyria Arena congratulated her with a generous round of clapping, shouting, and whistling. It was surreal for everyone to see Bloody Lily looking even more radiant than before the battle, and although she was already a very famous figure among the players of Rise Online, defeating Xanthea elevated her to another level.

Bloody Lily heard the shouts of her name echo through the air and felt an indescribable thrill in her chest. She had triumphed. She had defeated the most feared witch in the world.

Xanthea, still on the ground, felt a sharp pain in her heart. She could not accept that she had lost. She had summoned a Red Dragon, one of the most powerful and majestic creatures known, had used all her strength and wisdom. And yet she had been outmatched by a warrior who used only a transmorphed weapon and blood skills. The simplicity of Bloody Lily's powers bordered on the ridiculous to someone like Xanthea.

"Damn... Looks like I'll have to postpone my fight against Kaizen..." She muttered, looking down at her opponent, who was being cheered by the crowd. She saw Lily's victorious glow and a deep, burning resentment for her. She vowed to get revenge. She vowed that one day she would have her revenge, but first she had to turn the page.

After a few seconds, Xanthea closed her eyes and finally whispered:

"I give up."

After the second semi-final began, Bloody Lily left the battlefield to the cheers of the crowd. When she returned to the competition hall, she was surprised by her fellow members of the Crimson Soldiers Guild. They greeted her with enthusiasm, respect, and admiration, but unlike what might have happened in other guilds, they did not kneel down, but embraced her warmly.

"Congratulations, Lily! You were sensational!" exclaimed Araxie, a tank with beautiful blonde hair and white armor. She hugged her friend affectionately, although her personality was rather serious in most contexts.ραпdα `nᴏνɐ| сom

"You're awesome, Emma! You really deserve this victory!" Dathan said with his handsome smile, nodding to his friend in admiration.

"You humiliated that witch! MUAHAHAHAHA! You were great!" Dodir said with folded arms. He was an assassin who wore black armor and had black hair.

Bloody Lily thanked her friends with a smile. She was happy to have their support. They were like family to her. But she still missed someone. Someone who should be there, because the grand finale of the tournament wouldn't be long now.

She looked around and searched for Kaizen. She had hoped that he would be there to congratulate her, but he was not. Still, there was no reason to get discouraged, she knew she would find him soon, since they were both in the grand finale.

While Bloody Lily waited, the Valkyria Arena was filling up with fans from all over the world who had come to witness the grand finale of the Three Great Human Nations Tournament. The anticipation was great, and the stakes were high. People crowded the halls and stands, carrying flags and banners representing their favorite guilds.

The crowd was excited and eager for the battle to begin. Comments about the players' skills and strengths flew through the crowd, while others on the Internet wondered and theorized about who would emerge victorious.

Finally, the announcer called the players into the arena, and the crowd fell silent. The tension in the air was palpable as the crowd watched with anticipation, some biting their nails, but Kaizen hadn't even reached the contestants' waiting room yet.

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Edited by: DrHitsuji

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