Klaus and Ashley were studying in the library when a group of students started teasing them and trying to stir things up. After trying to ignore the students' comments and teasing, Klaus stood up to ask them to stop, but they continued to tease. Then Klaus grabbed the head of one of the boys and pressed it against the table, scaring the others.

As the displayed boys looked at Klaus in astonishment, Klaus kept the smile on his face, but his voice remained serious.

"If you don't stop now, I can show you what else I can do. And believe me, you won't like it." he said, keeping his hand firmly on the head of the blond boy, who was trying to force his way out, but couldn't even move a finger from Klaus.

"You can't do that!"

"Yeah, you'll be expelled when they find that out."

At that moment, Klaus' smile disappeared, and it happened not because he was sorry, but because of the audacity of these guys to threaten him.

"Do you really think that would be enough to get me expelled? I'm not even taking this seriously yet." Klaus slowly began to close his fingers, applying pressure to the small head on his left hand. "Pay attention, you're going to leave us alone and not tell anyone what happened here. If you do, you can bet that I am very good at remembering faces, so I will gladly come after you. I have no problem being thrown out of here."

The other three boys were silent, clearly intimidated by Klaus' attitude. After a few tense seconds, they finally stood up.

"Come on, boys. There's no reason to pick a fight inside the library."

"Yeah, we could get kicked out even though we didn't do anything major."


Klaus let go of the blond boy, who stood up, nervously, and followed his friends in silence, leaving the library with his tail between his legs. Finally, Klaus returned to Ashley's desk, who was standing with a look that mixed admiration and concern.

"Are you all right?" she asked.

"Yes, I am." replied Klaus, sitting down again. "I just won't tolerate that kind of childish and unnecessary behavior getting in the way of our meeting."

Ashley sighed in relief. "I understand, but please be careful. I don't want you to get hurt because of me."

Klaus smiled at her. "Don't worry about it. I've dealt with worse people than spoiled teenagers while working in the early morning hours. Besides, I'll always protect you, Ashley."

Ashley smiled and sat back down. She knew Klaus was brave and strong, but she was relieved to see that he didn't have to use any more violence to resolve the situation. As they went back to studying, this time it was Ashley who couldn't concentrate. She couldn't stop thinking about Klaus' courage and how much she admired him. She didn't know how, but she had to show Klaus how much he already meant to her.

That night, after her date with Klaus was over, Ashley called one of her friends on campus, Amanda, for help finding the perfect gift for someone like Klaus.

Amanda was the best person to help in this situation, as she had an incredible instinct for gifts. When Ashley told Amanda about the situation in the library and how Klaus protected her, Amanda was more than happy to help, not least because Klaus was roommates with the boy she liked, Nathan. That being the case, she first suggested that they buy tickets to a show that Klaus had always wanted to see, so they could get off campus after exams and have a real date.

"I don't know... Klaus doesn't seem like the kind of guy who cares about concerts." Ashley said.

"Um... Then it's going to be even harder than I thought," Amanda said. "You know what would be cool too? Why don't you invite Klaus to spend a weekend at your parents' house? You could take a rental car trip, introduce him to your family and friends. I'm sure he would love that. Men like that kind of thing."

Ashley was surprised at the suggestion, but found it interesting. "I never thought of that. But do you think it's a good idea? After all, we are still getting to know each other."

"Of course it's a good idea!" said Amanda, excited. "You already like him, right? So why not show him a little more about your life? It's a great opportunity to strengthen your bond and see if you guys really match."

Ashley considered the suggestion. In truth, she had always been afraid to introduce any of her friends to her family, who were very strict, but with Klaus it might be different. She felt comfortable and safe around him, and wanted to share a little more of her life with him.

"I think you're right." Smiling, Ashley stated. "After the exams, I'm going to invite him to spend a weekend with my family. Thanks for your help, Amanda."

"You're welcome, friend," Amanda said excitedly. "I can't wait to hear what your date will be like."

"What would I be without you?"

"You'd still be trying to find the perfect gift for Klaus," Amanda joked. "Now, just get ready for the big day."

After she hung up the phone, Ashley felt a chill in her stomach. She was excited and at the same time afraid, as she had never done something like this before, but she was anxious to see how Klaus would react to the invitation.

Moreover, she couldn't wait to see what her parents' reaction would be. Although they were strict with her, they wouldn't be so critical of Klaus, would they?

Edited by: DrHitsuji

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