Kaizen and Xisrith stood alertly around them, feeling and seeing the grains of sand burn beneath their feet.

Suddenly, humanoid creatures appeared on a dune northwest of them. They were huge, muscular creatures with scaly skin and razor-sharp claws. Their eyes glowed with a sinister aura, radiating an air of ferocity and cruelty. Each of the creatures had unique characteristics, revealing the impressive diversity of the species. Some had sharp spikes along their backs, while others had jaws full of dagger-sharp fangs. Their tails moved with impressive agility in an almost hypnotic manner.

"What are those things?" Xisrith asked in surprise.

Kaizen, who had already used the <Analyzing Eye> skill, replied:

"They are Desert Abyssals."

"I've never heard of those monsters."

"That's because they are not really monsters, they are a race of NPCs that are not very friendly to players of any race, and they try to survive far away from any civilization, and they can only be found in extreme places. I read a mention of them in some forum post, but I didn't think I would encounter them so soon."

The impending confrontation was a real unknown for Kaizen, Xisrith, and their adult Hellround, because none of them could predict what NPCs as aggressive as monsters were capable of. If they were considered NPCs and not monsters, they surely had enhanced intelligence or the ability to use magic.

On the other hand, the Desert Abyssals did not hesitate to attack, advancing with ruthless force.

"Well, there's nothing to worry about. This will be a good test for Hellround to prove how strong it has become." Kaizen said, looking at his summoning.

However, to everyone's surprise, Hellround sat up and turned around, refusing to fight instead of joining or helping his master in battle.

"Come on, Hellround! What are you doing?" Kaizen said.

Then the summoner lay down on the ground and bowed his head, making a sound of displeasure and refusal.

Kaizen and Xisrith looked at their faithful companion in confusion, unable to understand what was happening. The bond they had with Hellround seemed fragile at that moment, leaving a feeling of confusion and helplessness. The adult Hellround, in his instinctive wisdom, perceived something about these creatures that the players could not. His animal instincts told him there was no need to engage in this battle.

As the creatures advanced relentlessly, Kaizen and Xisrith had to make a quick decision.

The desert abyssals roared and seemed to mimic laughter, eager for a confrontation that was sure to come. With the desert floor shaking beneath their feet, Kaizen and Xisrith prepared to face the creatures alone. Though they had no help from Hellround, they knew they would have little trouble.

Kaizen raised his spear, feeling the adrenaline rush through his body. He focused his attention on the creatures in front of him, watching their movements carefully, looking for any openings in their defenses. There were more than a dozen opponents in all, but Kaizen could see every move of every one of them.

Xisrith, for his part, wielded his sword.

The creatures advanced with savage fury, attacking in unison, and then the battle began. Their claws and sharp fangs quickly tried to penetrate the players' defenses, thirsting for blood.

Kaizen and Xisrith moved in perfect harmony, deftly dodging the attacks without losing the offense. Xisrith's body moved with incredible agility, dodging the creatures' attacks with impressive precision. His red eyes glowed with fierce determination, while his mind quickly analyzed every move of his opponents in search of a strategic advantage.

Soon, Kaizen lunged forward with his spear, striking with millimeter precision, each strike propelled by the power of the spear itself, slicing through the air with unstoppable fury. It wasn't long before the spear found its first deadly target, piercing the flesh of one of the creatures' chests. Dark blood gushed out, scarring the sandy ground.

Meanwhile, Xisrith moved like a swift shadow among the creatures. His blows were swift, finding vital points with terrifying precision. His sword sliced through the air, leaving a glowing and sometimes physical trail of energy. The energy slashes materialized in the air, hitting even creatures that seemed far away. The Desert Abyssals retreated slowly, temporarily, under the relentless fury of their attacks.

However, the creatures were not easily defeated. Their physical resistance seemed to know no bounds, and with each wound inflicted, their fury increased, as did their regeneration. Roars echoed through the desert, filling the air with a constant threat.

Yet Kaizen and Xisrith remained calm.

Psyker knew there was a way to try to undermine this accelerated regeneration, so Kaizen activated the <Free Manipulation of Flames> skill, creating a barrier of fire around him. The flames would serve to scorch the approaching Abyssals, forcing them to retreat for a moment or, if they were bold enough, pause their regeneration for a moment.

As the fire burned around them, Xisrith took advantage of the pause to drink a mana potion.

"Klaus, I'm going to try something." She said after throwing the vial to the ground, "Please lower the barrier."

Looking into her eyes, Kaizen realized that she was serious, so he nodded.

With a quick movement, Xisrith extended her hands forward and uttered the following words:

"Ventus Ignis Fulmen!"

The air around her became charged with electricity, forming a glowing ball of sparkling energy. In an instant, she unleashed the electrical discharge, sending bolts of energy into the desert abyss. The lightning struck the creatures with devastating force, not only temporarily halting their accelerated regeneration, but also paralyzing them. The Abyssals howled in pain as the electricity coursed through their scaly bodies.

When Kaizen saw the Desert Abyssals becoming paralyzed by Xisrith's attack, he seized the opportunity and advanced again.

Edited by: DrHitsuji

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