The treasure chamber shuddered under the impact of Bloody Lily's hammer against the creature, echoing a resounding crash that reverberated off the brick walls of the room. 

Hot air impregnated with molten metal enveloped the room, while the abomination's claws twitched, trying to grab the intrepid player.

Maelstrom watched the scene intently, his deep-set eyes fixed on the unfolding battle. "You have determination, Bloody Lily," he commented, his voice resonating like an echo. "But this guardian is a manifestation of greed itself, and its hunger for power is insatiable."

When he had finished speaking, the creature, though wounded, roared in response. Its golden skin, a twisted amalgam of metal and flesh, showed signs of cracking and wear. However, its fiery rage was undiminished, and its razor-sharp claws sought revenge on the player's audacity more than anything.

The Bloody Lily, anticipating the creature's rapid advance, leapt backwards gracefully, avoiding the blows of the metal claws that closed tightly on the empty space. The player, now in a defensive position, quickly analyzed the situation. The treasure chest she had initially planned to use as cover had been reduced to rubble by the creature's beam of light, and the uneven and unstable terrain made every move dangerous. So she didn't need an effective method to be able to protect herself.

"You may have dodged the first beam of light, Bloody Lily, but Avarice has more tricks in store," warned Maelstrom, his voice echoing like a warning whisper.

"RAAAAAAAAAAARRRGH!" The thing screamed so loudly that it made the whole room shake.

While the creature tried to adapt to Bloody Lily's evasive style, the player continued to exploit its weak points. Emerging from a different point, she attacked again, this time focusing on one of the creature's legs. Her precise blow with the Hammer caused a metallic clang, and Avarice staggered momentarily.

The advantage was clear for Bloody Lily. She moved with supernatural agility, dodging the monster's sight with feline grace and striking at just the right moments. 

The creature, now wounded and confused, searched frantically for its opponent, but the player continued to evade it skillfully.

The treasure room became a stage of shadows and light, a contrast of strategies between the stealth of Bloody Lily and the blind ferocity of Avarice. Every move was an expression of skill and cunning, a deadly dance where the player had the advantage of invisibility. 

However, the creature wasn't completely dumb, nor did it act solely on its instincts. 

In a room full of treasures like this, it was common for many of the objects to be so clear that their surfaces literally became mirrors. So, when the creature saw a red cloak moving to his left being reflected by a gold wardrobe, for the first time Avarice smiled and opened his mouth so wide that it looked like he was about to launch his biggest attack yet. An instant later, an explosion of light was unleashed by it, which made the whole room tremble more than ever, and this explosion hit exactly where the Bloody Lily cloak was.

Silence filled the room. Even Maelstrom raised an eyebrow, curious. 

However, when the creature approached to check on Bloody Lily's condition, she saw a pool of blood and a tattered red cape lying on the floor, so she knew she hadn't hit the player. 

Even so, Avarice didn't have time to react, because a second after the creature realized what had happened, a spear pierced its chest from top to bottom and, with a flick of the wrist, Bloody Lily tore the golden creature in half.

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