Chapter 299: The Grand Duel Begins

Jack was taken aback. Excuse me? he asked.

The question was clear, the white-dressed woman replied. Are you willing to join the Hand of God? We can make it worth your while.

Jack opened and closed his mouth a couple of times. In his mind, the Hand of God had been the enemy for a long time now. He hadnt expected them to just invite him in. Worth my while? he asked.

The man nodded. This duel of yours We can arrange it to not be to the death. After you lose, you will be executed by the Animal Kingdom, but it will be staged. In truth, well find a lookalike to die in your stead while you come to our headquarters for further training.

As for your home planet, the woman added, we will ensure that your loved ones escape. Just give us a short list and well make it happen.

Jack was flabbergasted. This sounded too good to be true. All his problems could be solved just like that!?

At the same time, however, he knew that he could not accept. Not only did the Hand exercise deceit and tyranny, as they had proven repeatedly in the past, but the Sages vision and explanation remained all too vivid in his mind. The Hand of God was nothing but a tool for the Immortals, the ones who forced the entire universe into an age of bloodshed, pain, and strife. They were the bad guys.

Not to mention the Life Drop, which still existed inside him, or the fact that hed already agreed to join the Black Hole Churchwho may be equally bad, but at least they hadnt shown such sings yet.

Jack did not like the Hand of God. Joining them rubbed him the wrong way, and with the many unknown variables in place, it had good chances of being a terrible decision. It was tempting that they could save his friends and familythough not everyone on Earthbut at the end of the day, the way of the fist was all-or-nothing. Half-measures had no place in it. Jack would either follow the best path possible and use his own strength to save his peopleor everyone would die trying.

However, he wasnt an idiot. If deceiving these guys was the only way to escape his current predicament, he would absolutely do it. The Fist did not encourage stupid deaths.

He needed information.

The Animal Kingdom would agree to that? he asked. After everything I did to them?

The man gave him a hard, meaningful smile. The Hand of God doesnt take no for an answer.

There was a clear double meaning in that sentence, one that Jack got all too clearly.

This sounds too good to be true he said slowly. Could I take some time to think it over?

The eyes of both people narrowed at the same time. This is not an invitation, said the woman. It is a summoning. Dont think too high of yourself. You will join the Hand of God, the true rulers of this galaxy, and you will do as we say. Am I understood, Jack Rust?

Jack lowered his gaze so they couldnt see through his thoughts. If these guys werent going to take no for an answer, he would just lie to them.

I understand, he said.

Good. After the duel, we will contact you again to fake your execution and rescue some of your planets people. However The woman eyed him seriously. The duel will be to the death, but I expect you not to kill anyone. You will defeat Sapasun without killing him, and then you will lose to Maximus Lonihor so the Animal Kingdom can preserve a bit of their dignity. Otherwise, even we wont be able to save you. Am I understood?

Yes, maam.

Excellent. We will speak again.

Both white-dressed people nodded at each other and disappeared. They didnt teleport away, just ceased existing. If Jack didnt know he was too insignificant for people like them to waste time on, he would have thought they still waited in his cell, watching invisibly.

He sighed. How did I get into such a mess again? he asked himself, but no answer came.

What do I do? Do I really have no choice but to go along with them? His eyes hardened. I need to speak with the Sage.

Hey, he called out. Then, louder: HEY!

He heard the faint sound of boots on stone. A few moments later, a guard walked past his cellthe same lycan deacon hed seen before. It looked like hed taken some distance to let the Hand of God agents speak to him freely.

Stop shouting, he said.

Can I see my friends? Jack asked. I want to make sure theyre okay.

Rot in your cell, murderer. Youll meet them at the duel, where they get to see you die, the guard replied with a snort, then walked away.

Jack sighed again. Well, thats good enough for me. I can speak to the Sage with telepathy.

A few different storms raged inside Jacks head, each problem striving to seem more gargantuan than the previous one. However, he knew when to bother and when not to. Right now, all he could do was wait. When he had more information, he would decide better.

And so, Jack settled down to meditate, waiting for his duel.

Two days went by.


Jacks duel was even greater in importance than he thought. His previous adventures on Hell had already made headlines across the galaxy. News of his coming duel, with the Animal Kingdoms honor on the line, spread like wildfire. Before the three days were over, every important person in the galaxy had heard the news. The Merchant Union worked overtime to arrange things.

By the third day, large projectors had been set up in every major city across the galaxy. The event would be broadcasted live to trillions of cultivators. Small and large planets saw their populations flock to city centers. Many businesses stopped working. Other events were rescheduled. Every cultivator with eyes made sure to leave that day open on their calendar.

All the way from the core of the Animal Kingdom constellation to the very fringes of System space, the gaze of the entire Milky Way galaxy was focused on Jacks duel.

It wasnt just the scale of the event. They had already heard about Jack Rust. He was a warrior of freedom fighting against the tyrants and miraculously holding his own. He was the ultimate underdog. At the same time, when was the last time a B-Grade faction bet its honor on such a public event?

How could anyone not watch this spectacle?

Projections were set up in every core planet of every B-Grade faction. The Exploding Sun, the Wipe Swirls, the Dragon Valley. Even the Hand of God was watching. Every D-Grade cultivator had their eyes peeled on the screen, eager to be inspired by the best of their Grade.

Of course, amongst all the planets of the galaxy, there were some that hosted peculiar audiences.

On the outer planet of the Exploding Sun headquarters, a large group arrived to watch the battle. They were three hundred people carrying drums, trumpets, even popcorn. Leading them was a very proud and expectant brorilla, flanked by a canine and a barbarian girl.

In the capital of the Fair Way Continent, two hooded figures watched from a rooftop, one filled with glee and the other with bitterness.

On Earth, both the Bare Fist Brotherhood and the Ice Peak had secured projections from their respective merchants, and the entire war had come to a pause as everyone waited with bated breath. Edgar was gulping nervously. Vivi held a hand over her belly to calm herself down. The professor had clasped her hands together, praying for Jack to a god she didnt believe in. Even the planetary overseer had interrupted her meditation to watchafter all, Maximus Lonihor was her son.

In the depths of Trial Planet, an old man clad in silver armor waved his hand, hijacking the projection signal to conjure a small screen before his face. He watched with sadness.

In a starship dock on a small planet of the Animal Kingdom constellation, a minotaur, a feshkur, and a saphira looked up at the projection in the sky with mixed feelings.

Trillions and quintillions of credits were circulating around Jacks duel, the greatest public event in the galaxys recent history. The heart of the galaxy beat in one pulse, and everyone wondered the same thingcould Jack Rust actually win?


Artus Emberheart knelt to the ground. Grand Elder, he said reverently. Before him stood an old, muscular leonine whose fur was half gray and half golden.

Artus, the Grand Elder said. You may rise.

Artus did, his teeth gritted. He seemed unwellfilled with rage and worry. I have received word from the Hand of God inquisitors. As impossible as it sounds, Jack Rust was employing no external help to match Maximus. I fear that my disciple, Sapasun

Speak no further, Artus, the Grand Elder interrupted him, raising a hand. What we have said in public, we cannot take back. Your disciple will fight Jack Rust and scout out his powers for Maximus. The Hand of God has decreed that no deaths will occur in the duel. If your disciple still manages to die, he can only blame his own weakness.

Artus nodded deeply. Yes, Grand Elder.

This is a battle we cannot afford to lose, Artus. The entire galaxy is watching, the Grand Elder replied grimly. I have the Hands assurances, but I do not trust Jack Rust to obey them. If he can defeat Maximus, I believe he will do so. It is your job to ensure that doesnt happen. If it does, I will have your head.

Yes, Grand Elder.

But do not underestimate that man. Time and time again, he has exceeded our expectations and secured critical hits. He has slain the man who was both your son and my own disciple, the one we paid a steep price to send to an un-Integrated planet: Rufus Emberheart. He has killed hundreds of our immortals, treating Hell as his playground. It is imperative that he never rises again. I dont care what the Hand of God says. Instruct Maximus to kill him no matter what. Should that man survive, then, with the enmity we have cultivated, it will spell ugly days for our noble faction.

Artus Emberheart nodded deeply, and his lips were drawn into a smile that was both wicked and pained. Yes, Grand Elder.


Near the core of the Animal Kingdom, at the capital of Hell, on the rooftop of a massive prison campus, a large, spherical arena had been set up. It had a radius of three miles and could easily seat a million people. Obviously, all seats were occupied. Transparent barriers protected the audience from the battle inside the stage, supported by the Kingdoms C-Grade Enforcers.

The honor seats were also occupied. The Warden was there, as were several other Elders of the Animal Kingdom, including the Grand Elder: an old, muscular leonine whose fur was half-gray half-golden. Elders Huali and Monsoon of the Exploding Sun were also present, having been personally invited by the Kingdoms Grand Elder. Even the white-robed representatives of the Hand of God were seated beside the others. The only D-Grade on the honor seats was Li Qian, who sat besides his master.

No B-Grades were visible, though they could have been watching unseen.

It was the first time in history that a duel between D-Grades garnered such an esteemed audience.

On one side of the arena stood a man: Sapasun, the canine deacon who was the Wardens head disciple. As agreed, he would be the first to fight Jack, and he was extremely worried. So what if his master had assured him Jack wouldnt go for the kill?

Sapasun remembered very clearly how, when his opponent was still weak, he had broken all his limbs and gloated about it. More importantly, that Jack Rust was a certified lunatic.

The future seemed bleak for Sapasun, but he would try his best to surrender before he died.

And on the other side of the arena stood the man of the hour. The D-Grade who had managed, against all odds, to magnetize the gazes of the entire galaxy. The man who had achieved the impossible time and time again.

Jack Rust.

A deep voice boomed out, echoing across the arena. Through the projection stones, it spread to the entire galaxy. Esteemed Grand Elder, Elders of various factions, Enforcers, and immortals. Ladies and gentlemen, it began, bursting at the seams with excited professionalism, I present to you, the top disciple of the Warden of Hell, a peak D-Grade canine overflowing with talentSapasun!

Sapasun howled at the sky and tried to appear cool. A few people cheered. Most didnt.

And on the other side, the presenters voice continued, curbing its enthusiasm, the D-Grade criminal who employed underhanded means to murder two hundred immortals. Jack Rust.

The voice was flat now. It was clearly working to downplay Jack. Yet, the moment his name was called out, Jack raised a proud fist.

And the entire stadium, the entire galaxy, shook to its foundation as almost every mouth opened to cheer for him.

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