Chapter 307: Blowing the Horn

One by one, ominous shapes surfaced around the Integration Starship. They were painted blue with white strips, blending in with the seawater, and each had a traphole at the top, along with a periscope.

The people at the edges of the concert were the first to notice. Then, as the commotion spread, more and more eyes turned to look. The guards tensed up; the Ice Peak cultivators lowered their brows. Everyone in the know nodded somberly.

It was time. The war was starting.

Vanderdecken kept blasting the audience with music, but far fewer people paid attention to his performance now. Even at the seats of honor, behind the planetary overseer, the Ice Peak had detected the commotion and was pivoting away from the singer.

They did come Alexander muttered, a grin appearing on his face. Good. This will make the clean-up easier.

The overseer did not react visibly, but her brows were furrowed. She had no idea what gave these people the courage to start a fight. Maybe she couldnt participate, but all reports claimed that the Ice Peak had more than enough power.

The submarines surrounding the concert came to a stop at the same time. The trapdoors at their top swung open, letting out row after row of battle-ready cultivators. Many wore armor of various kinds. Others donned robes, and yet more wore varied clothing, like t-shirts or boxing shorts. One thing they had in common, however, was the resolve in their eyes. These people had come for war.

The voices of the audience rose so high that even Vanderdecken began to be eclipsed.

At that moment, two forms shot out of the crowd, one surrounded by wings of fire and the other flying on what seemed like a jetpack. A moment, everyone! Vivi shouted, easily overpowering Vanderdecken, who obediently stopped playing.

Oh, man, he muttered to himself. And I was only at the third song.

Seeing that she had everyones attention, Vivi continued. We apologize for interrupting. As you can see, the cultivators of the Flame Brotherhood alliance have surrounded the Integration Starship, and we are about to engage with the Ice Peak. We do not wish to harm innocent bystanders or the honored representatives of the Animal Kingdom. Anyone not affiliated with the Ice Peak, please depart immediately, or you will be considered their accomplices.

Her speech was sharp and to the point, delivered with the hardness of a war general. It was followed by a second of stunned silence. Then, all at once, the crowd broke into screams, rushing to the dock so quickly that they created a stampede. Vivi watched coldly. She had no compassion for most of these peopleshe just couldnt afford to make more enemies right now. If they wanted to stampede each other, let them.

A freezing current spread from the seats of the Ice Peak. Alexander Petrovic took to the air. As soon as he reached Vivis altitude, his wings spread apart, revealing a level of detail that would awe the greatest of sculptors.

Have you no shame? he asked in a booming voice. This is a moment of celebration. Why must you interrupt us with your warmongering stupidity?

Dont play coy, Alexander. Everyone knows you are the dogs of the Animal Kingdom. If we delayed by just three hours, the grace period would be over, and this battle would be impossible.

He laughed. It is impossible, Vivi. Your military might is far inferior; you dont stand a chance.

Lets find out.

Her flame wings burned brighter. A whip of blue fire unfurled between her hands, snapping at the nearby air. Her long red dress, made of fireproof fabric, fluttered at the wind, revealing nothing but enhancing her image as a warrior queen. The men in the audience paused for a moment to admire her beauty.

Losing no time, I see, Alexander replied with a laugh. Two ice swords slowly grew out of his palms, and he crossed them in the air. Venerable Elder! he called out. May I destroy this witch?

Still sprawled on her chair, the overseer betrayed no emotion. Do whatever you want, she said. This is a battle between natives. As long as we are not implicated, the Animal Kingdom will not act.

In that case, esteemed overseer, said Vivi, could you please move? Your current position makes it hard for us to do battle.

The overseer gave Vivi a hard, drawn-out stare. When she didnt flinch, the overseers brows furrowed deeply. The grace period ends in exactly two hours and forty minutes, she announced. Then, without another word, she slipped through space and disappeared.

Meanwhile, the alliance army had stepped out of the submarines and onto the concert area. As the crowd receded, they advanced. The army of the Ice Peak spread as well, each seeming cool and confident, and the two armies slowly came to face each other.

The projection stones were still running. Much like Jacks duel, this battle would be transmitted across the globe, replacing Vanderdeckens performance as the main event. All over the planet, people gasped and rose from their seats, calling everyone they knew to watch the projection. A massive screen hovered in the air over every major town on Earth, and people gazed up from their rooftops with stunned expressions.

To them, both the alliance and the Ice Peak were unfathomable existences. Most of the war so far had been fought in dungeons or places where people couldnt freely watch. Moreover, all news came distorted by both sides. It was hard to tell truth from falsehood.

Right now, however, there was nothing stopping them! They could watch the battle as clearly as if they were there, see how the two forces compared against each other and how their leaders behaved.

This was a breathtaking moment!

At the same time, another question spread through the planet like fire.

Hey, a woman said, touching her husbands arm. This war Do you think Jack Rust will show up as well?

I have no idea! he replied, his fists clenched with excitement. But I sure want to find out! After all the miracles hes achievedwho knows!? He just might return to save us!

For the people of Earth, Jack Rust was already a legendary hero. His name had spread after the Integration Tournament, serving as a beacon of hope for all who were lost. The people of Earth had no idea what the future held, but they believed that, no matter what happened, Jack Rust would return for them!

Or, at least, so it seemed. He was an existence so far beyond them that they couldnt predict his moves. It was unknown whether hed show up for this battle or not, but so far, he was missing.

Vivi, the professor said in a low voice, I will go command the army, okay?

She nodded. Has Jack replied?

No. He I dont know what happened.

The professors voice was strained, but to anyone who couldnt hear them, she appeared strong and confident.

Vivi nodded. Very well. Lets believe, since thats all we can do. Go. Ill hold him off.

The professor went to say something again, then caught herself. She couldnt let wayward emotions influence her. Okay, she finally replied. I trust you. Stay safe.

I will.

The professor dove down, still riding her jetpack, while Alexander laughed.

And here you were making fun of our starships, he said. Those submarines of yours look expensive as well.

They were ours to begin with. Its not like we could sell them to get food.

I dont understand why youre doing this, Alexander said again, growing somber. You have nothing to gain. Even if you somehow win, you will still be eliminated in a few hours. There is no way the Kingdom will let you live after what Jack Rust did.

What else could we do? Vivi replied with a sad yet hard smile. We will die anyway. If we can rid the world of your filth before that, it will be enough. And besideswe still hope for a miracle.

At this, Alexander burst out laughing. What miracle? Jack Rust cant save you! Nobody can! You are criminals, goners, relics of the past. Your death will herald a new era, and it will come at my hand.

Vivi smiled. She straightened her whip arm towards him. Try it, she said. Her eyes darkened. This is for Harambe.

Down on the concert area, the two armies faced off against each other. Each was made up of their respective factions top elites. The weakest cultivators present were at the peak F-Grade, as anyone weaker than that would just die for no reason.

Now that the armies stood in the open, their respective powers were clear.

The Ice Peak had the advantage in numbers. They were around seven hundred to the alliances five. As the professor rode her jetpack to the back of her armywith a shielding spell prepared in case the enemy threw projectilesshe scanned everyone and came to the conclusion that the Ice Peak had the advantage in power as well. They possessed slightly more E-Grades, and with slightly higher cultivations.

This would be an uphill battlebut they had to manage.

On the bright side, the alliance had a secret weapon, too. Out of the crowd of cultivators stepped Edgar, covered by a long, multi-colored robe that fluttered in the breeze. His slick hair was drawn back, leaving his face and sharp eyes exposed. He was surrounded by an elemental aura that made the enemies shiver, while his Level was revealed to be at the peak of the E-Grade: Level 124. He had spent most of the last few months in E-Grade dungeons to prepare for this moment.

Give me space, Edgar said to the front line of his army, his words as steady as his magic. As he spread his arms, seven fireballs materialized around him, shining like stars ready to be unleashed.

The surrounding people took a few steps away, giving him space to work with. On the opposite side, a squad of over a dozen mid and late E-Grades stepped forth to face him. Their faces were hard, their eyes sharp. They were experienced warriors, yesbut Edgar was one of the strongest E-Grades on Earth, and his current Dao was perfectly suited for such a battle. Alexander aside, nobody in the Ice Peak could match him.

At the same time, inside a far-off submarine, two people were discussing calmly. One was a canine, lean and joyful with a goofy smile. The other was a woman with pale skin and blond hair, wearing animal fur that only covered her privates, drawing the eye of the male sailors who operated the submarine. However, nobody had dared speak to her after they noticed her cultivation.

She was at the peak E-Grade. Both of them were, because this was Gan Salin and Nauja, and they were here specifically to kick ass.

I have never seen such a weak planet before, Nauja said, poking her head out of the manhole to take a peep. Are you sure these are your elites?

Mhm, my elites, yes. Because Im totally from this planet, Salin replied. Ever so slowly, he put on his clawed gauntlets and smiled predatorily. Wanna hear a secret? he asked.


After all the training Brock put us through, I look forward to tearing through these little guys.

But I said no

Come on, Nauja. Weve lived together for almost a year now. You should know better.

She sighed. Then, drawing her bow, she pulled on the string. An arrow of wind materialized, trained right at the submarine walls. I want to fight, too she complained.

Hey, you heard the boss. Since youre not from Earth, you have to stay in here until Jack and the others arrive, or the overseer will have an excuse to violate the grace period and wipe us all out.

Nauja sighed again and lowered her bow, much to the relief of the submarine crewmembers. Where the hell are they, anyway? she asked. Werent they supposed to be here already?

I have no idea. Maybe something came upyou know, a running tap, a forgotten oven, stuff like that.

She glared at him.

Anyway, he continued, flashing her a smile, gotta go. Wish me luck.

Kill them all, she said, still sad that she couldnt participate. Gan Salin gave her a thumbs-up, then jumped out of the submarine and rushed to the forefront of the battle. Everyone else was gearing up as well. In both armies, every cultivator drew their weapon and summoned their powers. He even saw four brorillas flexing at each other and getting hyped, while a pack of gymonkeys was pooping into a large bucket.

Sorry, excuse me, coming through!

Salin pushed through the crowd to reach the front of the army. Then, sensing the violence in the air, he grinned. The two armies were ready to cleave through each other. All they needed was the signal.

Before that came, however, two figures flew over from afar. Well, one figure flew over; the other was hanging from the firsts feet. They landed on the ground before the Ice Peak army, who welcomed them with cheers.

Shit, Salin said.

Gan Salin, you traitor, Fesh Wui, the eagler scion, spoke with scorn. His wings were spread wide, and his chin was raised to the sky. You would turn against the Animal Kingdom for what? Power? A woman?

I have no idea what youre talking about. Im a pure-blooded native of Earth-387, Salin replied, winking continuously. Then, his voice suddenly grew serious. But, he continued, I know that Jack Rust treated me far better than the Animal Kingdom. If I had a hundred lives, I would spend them all fighting by his side. You guys are nothing more than fools dancing a never-ending waltz of grief, and I will never, ever return.

The eagler snorted. Next to him, the elef scion readied her magicgreen specks flew around her raised arms.

Both scions were Level 124, at the peak of the E-Grade. Both possessed the Fourth Ring Conqueror titletheyd apparently also entered Trial Planet at some point. In theory, each of them was only slightly weaker than Gan Salin. He couldnt fight them alone.

In practice, he wasnt alone. A person arrived by his sideBrother Tao, the one-armed, bald monk following the Dao of the Staff. His other arm had been lost in the final battle of the Integration Tournament. However, he had still managed to reach Level 121.

Let this little monk fight by your side, brother Gan, he said as his six monk companions, all over Level 100, walked into the alliance army.

Hey bro, Salin said. I appreciate the offer, but are you sure you can take them? These guys are strong, and you are, uh, kinda unarmed.

Brother Tao smiled. Either we win or I die. What is there to fear?

Hmm. You know, that makes a lot of sense. Alright. Lets show them what youre made of.

Silence fell over the battlefield. Most of the crowd was done retreating, and those who werent were gathered at the docks, on the opposite side from where the two armies faced off. There was now enough space to fight without harming any bystanders.

Everyone tensed up. At the signal, they would attack. Their fingers were twitching. They held their breath.

The professor didnt give the signal yet, and neither did the enemy commander. Even Vivi and Alexander were still facing off. However, on the central stage, Vanderdecken still stood alone, surrounded by an empty venue and two armies. He had not moved. Feeling the tension, excitement overtook him, and he strung out a sharp, violent chord. AND DANCE WITH THE DEVIL! he shouted.

The moment his tune resounded, everyone assumed it was the enemys signal to attack. Their discipline collapsed. Both armies charged at once, while their wizards unleashed rows upon rows of all sorts of projectiles. Roars and shouts filled the sky.

And then, framed by Vanderdeckens battle music, the two armies collided.

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