Chapter 385: Fighting Dragons

Jack and Brock surveyed the situation from afar.

A tree larger than the rest stood out from the jungle. Its trunk rose a thousand feet into the air, and it was thick enough that even a dozen people together couldnt hug it. Its canopy was dense with leaves, each of which radiated life energy.

The real prize, however, were its fruits. There were four, hanging close to the trunk. Each was perfectly round, containing enough energy that, by all means, they should have exploded long ago.

In nature, many things contained the power of the Dao. Even a simple apple contained life energy. As for heavenly treasures like these fruits, their energy was a trillion times greater than an apples. Unfortunately, even though energy was abundant, most natural resources could not be consumed. Their energy was suited for them alone; eating them would be the same thing as a mortal trying to eat rocks.

Those were not real treasures. At most, they were pretty to look at or could be used indirectly for minor benefits.

Some resources, however, had a rare attribute: the energy they gathered was pure enough to resemble the ambient Dao and could be directly absorbed by cultivators. They were far more effective than Dao stones. When such resources were discovered, they were heavily sought-after, but their growth period was usually extremely long. Growing them was too difficult; the easiest way was to discover them in a hard-to-access locationfor example, a hidden realm.

These were the so-called lucky chances that everyone was searching for. And these four fruits, as they proudly hung from the tree, were certainly such treasures. Despite being slightly life-oriented, Jack could sense the purity of their Dao blowing over him like a gentle breeze, opening his pores and begging him to absorb it.

Here we are, Brock, he said. This place really is filled with lucky chances. We only flew for half an hour and already ran into one.

Hmm. Yes. But I think the dragon will not be happy.

There was a gargantuan brown dragon coiled around the tree. From afar, its scales looked like bark, while its great body must have been almost a mile long. Though asleep, a corrosive aura surrounded it, warning anyone against approaching.

The two of them were currently far enough away that they could see the dragon but not reach it with their Dao perception. Naturally, it couldnt reach them either, so it was blissfully unaware.

How could it be easy? Jack said, shaking his head. We can use these treasures to cultivate, but so can spiritual beasts. Its already lucky that we chanced upon the fruits as they are about to mature; this dragon must have kept watch for a long time, waiting for the fruits to reach their optimal state before consuming them. It didnt let anything else eat them; thats our luck.

But it must be strong, Brock said. Big bro of this area.

I can take it. I am not close enough to inspect it, but its aura is not too powerful. And, even if it is, I am confident we can run away.

Okay. Lets go.


They flew closer. The jungle was just below them now, their feet almost scraping the canopy. The tree loomed closer in their sights. Before long, they had approached enough to scan this dragon.

??, Level ???

Unknown species. Compiling observations. Please wait.

Really damn useful, Jack thought, but it didnt matter. He had been outside System space for a long time now. He was used to estimating his opponents power level through their auraand his estimation told him this dragon was a late C-Grade.

Powerful, but not enough.

As Jacks perception reached the dragon, so did its own reach them. Its eyes opened. Dark green irises were revealed underneath, matching the bark-like skin. Was this a tree dragon?

It did not look happy.

Hello, bro, Brock said, in case this creature could speak.

Cultivators the dragon replied. Its voice was deep and bass, almost scratchy as if two branches were scraping each other inside its throat. Dark green fumes left its mouth every time it spoke, and sharp teeth were revealed. My kin have sensed your arrival. You are destroying our jungle and killing us. Have you come to steal my fruits?

We are no thieves, Brock replied, then sighed deeply. Butthese are not your fruits. They belong to you because you strongest. Now, we strongest. That is the truth. Please, dragon bro, step aside.

The dragon stared deeply at them. Its eyes turned to Jack, who remained silent but with a billowing aura. It could not see through his strength clearly, but it sensed he was weaker than it was. As for the speaking brorilla, it was even weaker.

The dragons irises narrowed. Its huge maw opened wider, revealing sharp teeth and a deep, dark throat. Dark green spit flew outanything it touched sizzled and disappeared, corroded. THIEVES! it roared, its voice impacting them like a sonic wave. Leaves blew wildly, branches shook, small trees were uprooted. The dragons roar echoed into the ground and air, reaching the ends of the world.

Jack had expected this. He geared up for battle, immediately summoning his Life Drop battle form. As two new arms grew under his armpits, the dragon showed no surprise.

Since you dared to come, it growled, you will never leave.

A torrent of dark green flew out of its mouth. Jack and Brock teleported away. An entire line of flora melted where the dragons breath hit, creating an empty expanse. The dragon slowly uncoiled its upper body. Two bark wings spread from its back, and its large form stood against the sky.

Jack snorted. If you want to fight, well fight. Meteor Punch!

The world darkened under his might. The ambient energy for several miles gathered around his fist, then exploded. The dragon took the fist head-onits head was flung backward, but it endured. Sap bled out through a crater on its forehead.

Jack was impressed, but he did not let up. Space shattered under him, his body flitting around the dragon and pelting it with attacks. Its defense was extraordinary, but so was Jacks endurance. Meanwhile, the dragon was madly clawing and biting, but it could not touch him. He was like a wasp stinging it to death.

The dragon roared.

This content has been misappropriated from Royal Road; report any instances of this story if found elsewhere.

Big bro! Brock exclaimed. He stood farther away, as he didnt have the strength to participate in this battle, but how could it be so simple?

The jungle ground was covered with ferns. Neither Brock nor Jack had paid any special attention to them, but now, those plants were slowly transforming. They pulled themselves out of the ground. The fern leaves were their wings, stones made up their fangs, and intertwined roots composed their bodies.

These were dragons.

Jack glanced at them.

Draconic Twig, Level 240 (D-Grade)

Roots taken draconic shape. These plant lifeforms like to cover vast areas, pretending to be harmless ferns. They do not attack others as they can sustain themselves through photosynthesis and absorbing nutrients from the soil. Their cultivation is passive and long. However, their minds are connected, and they all attack together if they sense danger.

Most Draconic Twigs are at the F- and E-Grades. Through unknown means, this particular specimen has achieved far greater power. Due to their high numbers, caution is advised.

Jack drew a cold breath. In this place, even random plants were late D-Grade lifeforms. Just who could have such an inner world!?

Destroy them, my children! the dragon roared, going all-out against Jack. It couldnt strike him, but it could keep him occupied while the twigs handled Brock.

Jack didnt mind. He clenched his four fists, shooting a barrage of Meteor Punches at the dragon as he chipped away its defenses. The bark scales were torn away, revealing wood-like skin underneath. Sap flowed from its wounds, and creaks followed its every movement.

Unfortunately for the twigs, Brock was also stronger than he looked. A book appeared in his one hand and a staff in the other. His entire body emitted golden radiance.

We are stronger, but you refuse to yield, he declared solemnly. That is un-bro-like. Shame!

His voice smashed into the swarm of roots flying at him. They shook. Many fell from the sky, their minds consumed by illusions, while many more gave pained shrieks and started convulsing. However, a portion of the twigs was unaffected. They flew at Brock, their claws extended and their root jaws opened wide to crush him.

He drew back. His staff of stone became a dazzling gold as he smashed it down, felling the draconic twigs by the swathe. They swarmed him. He was too powerful. Jaws broke against his golden skin, and his staff sent dozens flying with each swing. On his other hand, the book shot out golden beams, paralyzing anything it hit.

Brock was like a golden god in a sea of devils. He roared out. His brorilla instincts surfaced. Twigs broke left and right, and though their numbers seemed endless, he did not seem the least bit tired. Even if they could eventually take him down, they would suffer extreme casualties.

Seeing this, the dragon finally showed hints of worry. Children! it roared, ignoring Jack and trying to fly Brocks way. As more and more of its body uncoiled from the trunk, Jack saw that it had no tailthe back end of its body was embedded into the tree, as if this entire dragon was a branch.

Only now did Jack realize that the dragon and the tree were the same creature. Magnificent. How the hell does that work?

But there was no time to think. The dragon was headed for Brock. Jack punched space and teleported before the dragon, facing it like an ant against a giant. Move! the dragon roared, spitting a long breath of poison directly at him. There was no dodging thisif he did, the poison breath would fall onto Brock, who was too busy fighting to teleport.

Jacks gaze sharpened. His fists unclenched. His palms grabbed the air before him, and then, with a mighty roar, he pulled to the side.

The world twisted. The fabric of space itself had been pulled by Jack, stretched, so that what seemed like a straight line no longer was one. The poison breath suddenly changed its course, passing by him and veering off to the side. He had manipulated not the breath, but the space through which it flew.

This was Jacks Space Mastery!

The dragon came to a stop, its eyes widening. It had not expected such a usage of space. In truth, since its body was one with the tree, it couldnt fly too far away. It couldnt reach Brock. The only way to act against him was to shoot out poison breaths, but there was no meaning if Jack could just steer them away.

Behind Jack, Brock was still fighting off the draconic twigs. They broke with every hit of his staff. Though they didnt die immediately, as long as they jumped back into the fray and were hit a couple more times, they really would shatter.

And there was nothing the dragon could do about it.

Enough! it roared, its voice eclipsing the wind. Stop! You win! Dont slaughter my children!

The twigs froze, then retreated as quickly as they could. Brock was suddenly left alone, hovering like a victorious golden god. Took you long enough, he said. Sorry for harming your children. They attacked me first.

The dragon did not reply. Its body remained uncoiled and outstretched, its eyes exuding hatred. Yet, they also carried a hint of surprise.

You stopped? it asked in confusion. Why?

Because you asked us to, Jack replied. You gave up. Why would we kill you?

You are cultivators. You want my fruits. You want to kill me.

I think you have the wrong idea about cultivators.

Dont try to trick me, the dragon replied, its eyes wide in anger. My kin is slaughtered by your people as we speak. Destruction is everywhere. You brought war and steel, killing us to steal our power!

Jack frowned. I am not them, nor can I control them. If other cultivators are killing your dragons across the jungle, that is regrettable, but I cannot stop them. As for me and Brock, we have no desire to kill anyone. We just want your fruits.

He glanced at the trees base, where the tree and dragon merged as one. Since the two were the same creature, he could no longer claim that the dragon was in possession of the fruits because it was the strongest creature around. They really did belong to it. Suddenly, wanting to take them seemed a bitunfair.

Brock stepped up. We understand, he said. We do not want to harm you. However, you are a tree, and these are your fruits. We want them. Let us have them, and we promise not to attack you anymore. We will also promise to plant the seeds in good location, so your tree children can grow big and safe.

The dragon gazed at them with deep suspicion. You lie, it growled. You will cut me down and use my body for alchemy. You will take my bark, my sap, my leaves, and my roots. You will tear me to pieces and destroy me, as the rest of your kind does.

We will not do that, Brock replied calmly.

Why should I believe you?

Because you have no choice.

That was the sad reality. The cultivation world was not a kind place; everyone killed each other for treasures, and to abstain from that was to doom yourself to weakness. Jack and Brock were no saints. Even if the fruits belonged to the tree, they would still take them.

The dragon seethed in silent fury for a moment. Its gaze bore deep into theirs, as if trying to see their souls. After some time had passed, it finally agreed. Fine. I will not fight you to the death. Take my fruitsbut you must promise to leave the rest of me unharmed!

We promise, Jack and Brock replied immediately.

The dragon drew back towards the tree. Its claws rose towards the fruits, then pulled them out. It did not seem to feel any pain. Magical or not, trees were trees. The purpose of their fruits was to be consumed by others and have the seeds inside planted somewhere nice.

One dragon claw holding four fruits approached Jack and Brock, who took two each and placed them in their space rings. The claw drew back. Jack and Brock bowed lightly.

Thank you, Jack said. We will plant the seeds at a good place. We promise.

The tree dragon seemed on edge. You really will not attack me?

Of course not, Brock replied. Taking your fruits is one thing. Killing you and selling your body as materials is another. We are not monsters.

The dragon tree stared at them for a while. Its eyes shimmered. Youare not too detestable, it finally said. Better than the rest of you, anyway. Go. My fruits were my greatest treasures, but they will regrow. With them taken, no other hated cultivator will try to fight me. The rest of my body is not as precious.

Thanks, tree dragon bro, Brock said, then looked towards the ground, where the hundreds of draconic twigs still stared at him in apprehension. Sorry for hitting you, little bros. Grow big and strong.

The two of them flew away. The dragons gaze followed them for a long time. Then, it slowly closed its eyes and coiled back around the trunk, falling into the deep slumber that trees enjoyed.

The twigs dug back into the ground. However, they did not sleep yet. Their species formed a network covering a large part of the jungle, and their minds were all connected. Just like others had informed them of violent and destructive cultivators, these twigs also informed their kin about Jack and Brock, who were more reasonable than most.

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