Road to Mastery: A LitRPG Apocalypse

Chapter 392: The Drowning Man’s Despair

Chapter 392: The Drowning Man’s Despair

A dozen people emerged from the crack in space. Arkenstal led them, closely followed by Min Ling. Both were lightly injured. Behind them came another ten cultivators, ranging anywhere from being perfectly safe to heavily wounded. Shi Mo was present as well.

All of them were exhausted, too, since theyd just been through a large battle. However, Jack, Baron, and Brock easily surpassed them in both exhaustion and injuries. They were barely in fighting condition.

Seeing the other cultivators appear, Jack knew things were terrible. There was a great chance he would die here. As he lay in the lava, he used his Dao to reach into his space ring and fish out a pill, which he immediately swallowed. A bit of strength returned to his body. It was filled with the uncomfortable heat of burning something precious.

Jack had bought this pill back in the Cathedral. If he was ever exhausted but still needed to fight, it could recover some of his strength at the price of weakening him for a period of time afterward. It was a desperate measure.

At the same time, the Life Drops energy was seeping into his body, pushing his regeneration to unprecedented levels. His disintegrated right arm was slowly reforming, one tendril of flesh after another. Bones grew like fungi. The pain was so excruciating that even Jack could barely keep from screaming.

What the hell is going on!? Arkenstal demanded to know, glaring at both Jack and Baron Longform.

He wanted to steal, Baron said, blood leaking from the edges of his mouth. Istopped him.

Are you telling me that just him brought you to such a state?

This time, Baron didnt respond. Being unable to kill Jack here was his lifes greatest shame.

Arkenstal then turned to Jack. Do you have anything to say for yourself? he asked coldly.

Jack pressed his eyes shut, struggling to subdue the pain. The space bubble protecting him flickered. Finally, he opened his mouth to speak laborious words. It is not true, he said. Baron chased me all the way here. He wanted to kill me. I only barely survived.

Is that so? Are you saying he somehow pulled you of the battle without anyone realizing it, and then you chose not to inform Min Ling but somehow managed to run all the way here? In this suspiciously large lava cavern positioned right below the volcano?

Jack closed his eyes. Yes.

Do you think we are idiots, Jack Rust? You wanted to steal the treasure while we fought the dragon. It was your monkey who discovered the informationperhaps you hid some parts, like the treasures precise location.

That is not true, Jack replied resolutely. A small part of his strength had returned by now. However, even if he was at full power, wanting to escape from all these people would be near-impossible.

Not true? Very well. How about you let us inspect your space ring first? And your monkeys, too. If we find no treasure, we can keep talking. However, if we do find something, I will kill you on the spot.

Compose yourself, Arkenstal, Min Ling said, stepping up from beside him. Jack belongs to my Black Hole Church. Even if he did try to steal something, punishing him is a duty that falls to us.

No matter what, Jack was a talented disciple of the Church as well as Elder Boatmans personal disciple. He had also informed her of his plan ahead of time, and she had promised to help defend him if things turned ugly. She couldnt let him perish here.

Arkenstal was not surprised by her words. He turned to face her directly, gazing deep into her eyes. You seem determined to protect him, he said. Why is that? Is it simple devotion towards your Church, or is it something deeper? Because, Min Ling, I seem to recall some rumors about you and this Jack Rust. I also noticed that you delayed during the battle with the dragon, purposely letting more of our people die. At the time, I thought you were just being cowardly, but it is clear now. You were aware of Jacks attempts to steal the treasure. Maybe you even colluded with him, planning to split the spoils later. After all, how could he have the confidence to go against all of us without someone like you having his back?

Min Lings gaze turned frigid. Arkenstal had hit the nail in the head. You are slandering me, she said. What proof do you have? Bring it out or keep my name out of your mouth.

Proof? Arkenstal laughed. His robes flapped to the wind of his own voice, protected by the lava in a perfect space bubble. I dont need proof. I am ninety percent sure you colluded with him, and that is enough for me. For us.

Min Lings eyes flickered. She glanced around. Originally, the Church and Hand forces had been evenly matched, which was the only reason they dared to work together. Suddenly, however, she realized that Baron and Jack were out of commission. Baron, specifically, was a powerful combatant she relied on. Moreover, since her factions battle prowess had been lacking in the dragon battle, most of the casualties had been from the Church.

Right now, as she glanced over everyone present, she noticed that eight of the cultivators belonged to the Hand of God. Only four came from the Church. As for Jack, Brock, and Baron, they could no longer fight.

The two factions were enemies, and no matter how they spoke against infighting, Arkenstal had the greatest C-Grade of the Cathedral trapped underground and outnumbered. Killing her would be a great merit. Plus, they wouldnt need to split the treasure afterward.

It didnt matter if she really had colluded with Jack or not. Arkenstal was planning to kill them all here anyway.

Min Lings heart went cold. Speaking was useless. A red, dark-tipped spear flew into her hands, erupting with pressure. The surrounding lava roiled and bubbled.

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Everyone burst into motion at the same time. The Hand of God cultivators turned against the Church ones, who tried to escape. But it was useless. Arkenstal was a spacetime wizard. He raised his hands, instantly trapping everyone in a spatial cage. The escaping cultivators ran into its side and bounced back, forced to defend against two people each. A woman was cut down on the spot.

Min Ling released a shout. Twin fire and lightning gathered around her spear, combining into a single golden light. She stabbed it forward, right at Arkenstal. He laughed. Two Hand cultivators flashed before him, working together to block her attack.

Min Ling was extremely powerful, but so was everyone else. The two cultivators weakened her attack enough that it simply broke against Arkenstals chest, stopped by invisible space armor.

It is useless, he said. Die!

His hands, which had been opened wide, suddenly clasped together. The spatial cage shrank. The three Church cultivators screamed as they were pushed into their enemies weapons, murdered on the spot.

Jack, who was also in the cage, reached out and pulled Brock to his side. The brorilla was similarly exhausted, but he was also far weaker than everyone present. He needed protection or he would die instantly. Jack grabbed Brock, then frantically looked around, searching for a way out. His current strength was not enough to break through this cage. The only reason he was still alive was that no one had bothered to attack him.

Min Lings hair rose in an invisible wind. Fire and lightning sparked around her body, pushing away the lava even as her strength rushed at the tip of her spear. She threw a final hateful glare at Arkenstal, then turned around and smashed into the spatial cage.


The world shattered. Lava recoiled for miles. Thunderfire shone on her spear, piercing straight into Arkenstals space cage and twisting it until it shattered.

The two were of similar strength to begin with. Arkenstals wide area cage couldnt resist Min Lings focused attack.

As a hole appeared on the cage, Jack rushed over, carrying Brock. The Hand cultivators attacked. A sword slash came for Brock, forcing Jack to fly in the way. Defending would take too longhe withstood it with his back, a stream of blood flying out. The wound revealed white bone. If not for his tempered body, just this sword slash would have cleaved him in two.

Min Ling waved her spear, dissipating two more attacks. Come! she shouted. The lava came alive, pushing Jacks space bubble forward. He barely made it out of the space cage before its walls repaired themselves.

Min Ling grabbed Jack and Brock and pulled them along, using her lightning Dao to achieve extreme speed. They were a current rising through the lava, rushing for the surface. Jack was dizzy.

At the same time, as Arkenstals attention was focused on their side, the other side of the cage burst open as well. Baron shot through, his entire body bloodiedhed once again burned part of his cultivation for the strength to escape. Otherwise, he would have died here.

Of the original seven Church cultivators present, three had died. Baron was retreating deeper into the lava cavern, where he would have a tiny chance to escape his pursuers, while Min Ling was dragging Jack and Brock towards the surface.

Unfortunately, Arkenstal had used his control over space to completely lock it down. They could not teleport. Even if they could, he would catch right up.

After them! Arkenstal shouted, drilling through space to achieve a speed even more extreme than Min Lings. His followers entered the tunnel he carved through space, managing to keep up. Nobody went after Baron.

Jack saw everything. Baron was running away, injured within an inch of his life. Given his direction deeper into the lava, he would probably die even if nobody chased him.

Nine Hand of God cultivators flew after Jacks group, led by Arkenstal, who used the utility of space to both lock them down and increase his own speed. At the same time, Jacks strength was faltering. He had suffered injury after injury and even sacrificed his arm. Just maintaining the space bubble took up his entire concentration, and he wouldnt be able to continue for long. They had to reach the surface.

But even then, the situation would remain hopeless. Min Ling possessed great speed, but Arkenstals was even greater. He could easily catch up. The only reason Min Ling still persisted was that they were inside lava, where her Fire Dao gave her a small advantage.

But staying in the lava wouldnt work either. Jack would soon run out of strength. Brock, too. Min Ling couldnt spare the attention to shield them from the lava. The two of them would die, and she would be left alone, sprinting through endless red.

There was no way out.

Jacks gaze went cold. His heart was like a tundra. At this critical moment, he considered everything and came up with an idea that was extremely cruel to himself but also their only chance of survival.

Can you break space? he asked Min Ling.

Its hard, she replied quickly. By now, they had almost reached the entrance of this cavern, from where they could follow a series of tunnels to reach the surface.

But can you?

I can. Its meaningless. I will use up my energy and they can just teleport after us.

Do it. Break space. Ill teleport us.

She glanced at him. Are you sure?

His eyes were resolved. Im sure.

She chose to believe. Her spear struck out, clad in lightning fire. It pierced into the void. Cracks spread throughout the world, then shattered with the sound of breaking glass. Space was momentarily free.

Before Arkenstal could lock it down again, Jack punched through space, dragging all three of them along. Arkenstal laughed, preparing to follow them upward.

But Jack hadnt teleported to the surface. As their position stabilized, they remained inside the lava. They were even deeper than before. The Hand group was above them. They could no longer rise up, only dive into the bottomless cavern.

And right in front of Jack was Baron Longform. The barons entire body was bloodied, while his eyes were lifeless. His aura was weak like a dying candle. He had been trying to escape, and as he saw Jack and the others appear, his eyes widened with disbelief. He tried to conjure a defense, but it was too lateJacks punch tore through his guard, into his chest, and tore out his heart.

Baron was completely shocked. This had all happened in a single instant. Even until his heart was crushed inside Jacks hand, he still had no idea how or why he had died.

No was all he managed to mutter before his Dao collapsed and lava filled his body, burning him inside out.

Min Ling was also shocked. She had never imagined that Jack would be so viciouswhile running for his life and drowning in lava, not only had he not rushed to the surface, but he had also used up part of his remaining energy to kill Baron Longform.

Just how great was the hatred between these two? How decisive was Jack?

In her heart, Min Ling felt confusion, but also a hint of admiration. She did not say anything. She pulled Jack and Brock, rushing deeper into the lava, into the bottomless cavern.

Her own Dao included Fire. Resisting the lava consumed very little energy. She could survive for a long time here, far longer than Arkenstal or any of his followers. In truth, diving deeper into the lava had been her best chance at survival, and the only reason she rushed to the surface was to protect Jack and Brock. If Jack chose to go deeper, she wouldnt refuse.

Such a large cavern had to have more exits or spots close to the surface. Perhaps they would find another way out. Or, perhaps, they would die.

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