Chapter 7.27

The wounds of Nozomu and the others sustained in the battle were healed in the blink of an eye by Zonne’s hands.

When Nozomu had gone out of control before, he was so exhausted that he had to sleep for several days, but this time, thanks to Zonne’s treatment, he woke up in about 10 minutes.

When he woke up, he understood the situation and, bowed his head to Irisdina and the others while clenching his lips.

"Everyone, I’m so sorry. I don’t know how I should apologize..."

Nozomu bowed his head so low that it seemed as if he might rub his head against the ground.

"Nozomu, please raise your head..."

Nozomu’s body trembled when he heard Irisdina’s serious voice.

Nozomu looked up fearfully, feeling sorry and guilty.

However, at that time, two impacts hit him in the chest.

"I’m glad, I’m really glad ..."

"Y-, you. Do you know how much you worry me!?"

The two girls who jumped to Nozomu’s chest were Irisdina and Lisa. The girls buried their faces in Nozomu’s chest, their eyes moist.

Behind them, Shīna looked relieved and stroked her chest.

Nozomu nervously glanced at them.

The sight of the girls clutching his chest looked very painful.

Irisdina’s black hair, which had been glossy, had lost its color to ashen white like an old woman, and Lisa’s crimson hair had also been cruelly cut at the shoulder.

"U-, umm ... Both of you, I’m sor- ..."

"No, Not that..."

"You know what, do you think we did something like this because we wanted you to apologize!?”

Irisdina and Lisa, while pressing their noses against his chest, spoke in weeping voices. Behind them, Shīna, who was watching over the three of them, also turned her reproachful gaze on Nozomu.

Nozomu was shocked into silence by the criticism from the three.

The others, unable to bear to look at him, called out from behind them,

"They’re right. Or do you want us to force a smile out of your depressing face?"

"Well, as for me, I demand compensation! Specifically, I demand money, money, money, or money..."

"Wasn’t all you said just about money?"

"You should shut up"


Shīna and Mimuru physically silenced Feo, who was making unnecessary jokes.

A painful sound was heard, but since it was already a familiar development, the others just let it go by.

Meanwhile, Nozomu slowly cast his eyes down once again. At the painful sight of Irisdina and Lisa, Nozomu’s face, depressed with guilt, distorted into an even more bitter expression.

Even if their physical wounds were healed, seeing the two of them made Nozomu regret what he did.

He had made such a mistake not once, but twice. Luckily all of his friends were still alive, but it wasn’t hard to imagine how tragic the situation would be if he made a mistake.

Even so, Nozomu understood that the girls didn’t want to hear an apology from Nozomu.

"T-, thank you ..."

Nozomu slowly stroked the hair of the two girls clinging to him, while thanking his friends as best he could.

His chest still ached with regret and self-guilt. But, Nozomu felt a burning sensation rising up from the depths of his heart.

At that moment, Zonne, who had been watching the situation, spoke up.

"Well, I’m sure you have a lot on your mind right now, but I think we need to deal with this one first."


At Zonne’s words, everyone turned their eyes to see Azel lying on the ground while being restrained.

Zonne stepped forward toward Azel and glared at her with cold eyes.

Nozomu and the others gulped as an indescribable air of supremacy seemed to ooze from his back.

"Azel, you went against the consensus of the dragon clan, crossed over to the human world without permission, which we had decided not to interfere with, and committed a crime. It is an extremely serious crime that, depending on the circumstances, could have led to an irreversible situation. As a guardian and former head of the White Dragon Clan, I cannot condone such a situation."

"Grandfather! Why don’t you understand! That is the abomination ... A-, guh!

"I understand. The danger hidden in this boy’s body is far greater than our current Lord, who wasn’t even born at that time. But even so, what you have done is unforgivable."

Azel tried to protest, but Zonne gave her a swing of his arm, and her restraints tightened, forcing her mouth to close.

He looked so dignified that it was hard to believe that he was the same pervy old man who had caused crazy incidents until now.

Slowly Zonne turns around. His eyes, which showed deep intelligence and a strong will, turned toward Nozomu and the others.

"So, then. What do you all want to do with this little girl? In this case, I think you, the victims, have the right to judge Azel."

"As far as I’m concerned, she deserves the death penalty."

"Well, I think it’s a little pathetic, but it’s just the way things are~"

When Zonne asked, Mars and Feo sighed and replied with harsh words.

Irisdina, Lisa, and the others also glared at Azel, who was being restrained, with stern expressions on their faces, although they didn’t say anything.

(Could you wait a moment?)

At that moment, a plaintive voice echoed in the minds of Mars and the others.

Upon closer inspection, the crystal in Zonne’s hand was glowing.

"What the? the crystal just spoke?"

(I’m not asking you to forgive Azel. There’s no way I could ask that. Because I’m also one of the accomplices. If you’re going to judge Azel, I want you to judge me along with her.)

Mikael begged to judge him as well.

Mars and Feo thought that Mikael might be hoping to reduce Azel’s sentence by taking the blame for the crime on himself as well, but they could not be sure of his true intentions.

It was also difficult to know what kind of punishment Mikael deserved. Mars and the others had no experience in judging crystals.

"I mean, it’s not like I should have much say in the matter, right?

Thinking about it, Mars decided that he should not be too involved.

Although he was asked to do so by Zonne, this case was originally caused by the relationship between the Dragons and Tiamat.

If so, it would be most appropriate to leave the matter to the direct victim.

"... T-, that’s right. What about Nozomu and Redhead think about this matter?"

"Eh? Me?"

"Redhair? Do you mean me?"

"You two were the worst victims this time, right? They were attacking out of the blue and seriously injure you two, and they let Tiamat run amok..."

After much consideration, Mars decided that it would be better for Nozomu and Lisa to make the decision, and decided to pass judgment on Azel and Mikael to them.

Nozomu silently gazed at his friends as if wondering what to do, but Irisdina and the others didn’t seem to have any particular objections or words.

"Even if you say so..."

"Old man, how will the White Dragon Clan judge her?"

Seeing that Nozomu was troubled, Lisa asked Zonne what would be the extent of the dragon clan’s judgment of Azel’s actions.

"I can’t overlook what happened this time. So I can’t complain even if Azel is sentenced to death, even though she’s a young dragon. However, the White Dragons itself is small in number. If possible, it would be appropriate to seal them up for a thousand years so that they can never interfere with you again..."

"A thousand years......"

"Surely, by that time, you were no longer alive, right?"

Nozomu and Lisa looked up at the sky as they imagined the length of a thousand years.

It was indeed a long time. Nozomu and Lisa could not even imagine how long it would be.

And while Nozomu was angry at Azel for hurting Lisa, he also felt a certain amount of guilt because he too had gone out of control and hurt one of his own friends. He wasn’t sure what he should do.

As for Lisa, she had to go through a series of upheavals, such as being informed that Nozomu was a Dragon Slayer, suddenly having to fight a legendary spirit species and being seriously wounded, and struggling against an out-of-control Nozomu.

They were physically and mentally at their limit, and frankly, they couldn’t think straight.

"What will happen after they finish their sentence?"

"If that happens, we’ll release them and let them live a normal life in the village. Well, I might have to restrain and reduce their powers to that of a rat for about 2,000 years, as parole..."

This time it was for two thousand years. The weight of the years and the difference in senses from the Dragon Race made Nozomu and Lisa feel as if they were losing their minds.

They looked up to the sky again. Beside them, Mars tilted his head at Zonne’s words.

"Anyway, is this guy really a young dragon?"

Mars had never seen a mature dragon with his own eyes, but Azel’s body was as large as a three-story house.

On top of that, the wide variety of magic that was powered by the spirits was far more threatening than the Undead Dragon he had fought before.

Mars could hardly believe that the owner of such overwhelming power was just a young dragon.

Perhaps Irisdina also agreed with him, she put her hand over her mouth and gave a small nod.

"Frankly, if Nozomu hadn’t wounded her, it was doubtful that we would have been able to restrain her."

"Her power is close to that of an adult dragon, but she is still about 700 years old. In human terms, she is about 14 years old."

"" Buh~ !? ""

"She is younger than us !?"

Nozomu and Mars were blown away by the fact that Azel was younger than they had imagined for a dragon, and Irisdina let out a gasp of astonishment.

"14 years old, you say?..."

“The growth rate of the dragon race is much slower than that of humans. They live for about 1,000 years before finally reaching adulthood. In a sense, this girl’s body is growing rapidly and she is as strong as an adult, but her mental maturity has a long way to go..."

She is 700 years old. But her mental age is still 14 years old. There was too much of a gap between the two.

However, there are some things that make it convincing, such as the fact that she ran away from her village alone to avenge her father’s death.

"So, what are you going to do?"

Once again, Zonne urged Nozomu to decide on the judgment.

Nozomu glanced at Lisa.

She, too, waved her hand to signal quietly that she, too, would leave the decision to Nozomu.

"I am......"

This time, Nozomu faced the young dragon of seven hundred years of age and fourteen years of mental age, who glared at him with resentful eyes.


Early the next morning, Nozomu and his friends returned from the forest and headed for the school as the morning sun lit up the cityscape. They were coming to school to inform Jihad of the incident.

However, upon arriving at the school, Jihad was already waiting for them in his office. In addition, next to him were Inda-sensei, who was his assistant, as well as Anri-sensei and Norn-sensei. And there was also Victor, the head of the Francilt Household.

They already knew about the attack by Azel in the forest. Zonne had used spirit magic to tell them what had happened.

At any rate, after hearing the specifics from Nozomu and the others, Jihad ordered them to rest and urged them to return home.

He knew from what Zonne had told him that it had been a tough battle.

All the wounds on their bodies had been healed by Zonne, but their white uniforms were already in tatters. That was enough for Jihad and the others to understand the severity of the battle.

Especially Victor, who saw the condition of his beloved daughter, had a particularly demon-like appearance.

When he saw Irisdina’s long hair, which had turned white, he was so angry that even Jihad was momentarily pressured.

Later, after a few days off from school, Irisdina and the others gathered at the Francilt mansion.

Irisdina talked to them who were probably bored and invited them to the Francylte mansion.

However, Nozomu was not there. Irisdina naturally invited him to the party, but he refused, saying that he had some unavoidable business to attend to.

At any rate, they, with the exception of Nozomu, gathered at the Francilt mansion and enjoyed the hospitality of the Franciert Household, which ordinary people would never be able to receive.

Then, in the late afternoon. After finishing lunch, Irisdina and the others were enjoying after-dinner tea in the salon.

"In the end, that guy, Nozomu, has left that ogre-like girl in the old man’s hands, and I wonder if it will be alright~?"

The salon was surrounded by luxurious furniture. Feo suddenly muttered so, as he reached for the expensive-looking pastries served there.

"Nozomu said it was okay. Well, It’s not for us to decide, is it?

Mars responded to Feo’s remarks, who wondered if it was too late to say anything about it, in a dismayed tone of voice.

Nozomu didn’t pass any judgment on Azel at that time. He simply glanced at Azel with a bitter expression on his face, clenched his fists, and said to Zonne, "I’ll leave it to you."

His expression was a bitter mixture of anger, remorse, regret, and other emotions.

Nozomu was the victim of this incident, but he had also made the mistake of being consumed by anger and going out of control.

Mars and the others felt that Nozomu must have had some thoughts about the fact that he had turned his blade towards his friends not once, but twice.

"No, I don’t blame Nozomu for his decision. But since it’s Nozomu we’re talking about, he might get himself into trouble again, right?"

"H-, hmm. That possibility may not be zero."

"That guy, Nozomu, has a tendency to carry everything on his shoulders alone."

Worried about Nozomu’s inner thoughts and feelings, Tom and Mars had a difficult look on their faces. Nozomu has a tendency to carry things on his shoulders and keep them bottled up inside of him, so there was no end to their worries.

At that moment, Shīna, who was listening to their conversation, suddenly spoke up.

"I think he’ll be alright."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Yeah, somehow, I just know it..."

Shīna drank her cup of tea and put it back on the saucer, then tapped her supple fingers lightly on her own chest.

She might have sensed something in her own way through the paths connected by the contract.

"But this incident was kind of a mess, wasn’t it?"

"Certainly. There’s so much going on that I still feel like my head’s going to explode."

Mimuru leaned back against the back of the luxury chair, and Mars let out a sigh.

The attack by Azel. The true identity of Zonne. The existence of Mikael and the dragon-sealing barrier, and Nozomu’s rampage and his unusual abilities.

Many things happened and various things were revealed. Even after a few days, there were still some of them that couldn’t be sorted out.

"The old man said he was going back to the Village of the White Dragon with Azel. And he would be back in a few days..."

"How can he come back in such a short time?"

"It seems that there is no problem if he uses the dragon’s veins and leaps through space. I don’t know if the old man is irresponsible or what."

At the moment, Zonne left Arcazam to take Azel, whom he had detained, to the Village of the White Dragon.

According to the story, the Village of the White Dragon was in a place where humans could never go, but to Zonne, it seemed possible to come and go in a short time.

According to Zonne, it was "like going down the river to the next town."

"When the old man said he was going to judge his granddaughter, he was extraordinarily intimidating."

"Indeed, I felt a shiver run down my spine."

When he was condemning Azel, Zonne was so full of dignity that even Irisdina and the others were amazed.

Zonne nodded at Nozomu’s answer and told him that he would take Azel to the village of the White Dragon and pass a judgment there, then he bowed to Nozomu and the others and apologized for his past rudeness and Azel’s barbaric behavior.

Finally, he thanked Nozomu and the others and disappeared along with the light.

"He thanked Nozomu-san at the end. For some reason, I can feel he’s worried about his granddaughter."

"And then, the old man left this rock instead."

Mars turned his gaze to the table.

There sat a crystal with a gold ornament inside. It was Mikael, who had tried to seal Nozomu with Azel in the previous incident.

While Zonne was taking Azel back to the village of the White Dragon, he left the crystal in the care of Irisdina and the others, just in case.

Zonne said to the crystal, "If you want to atone for your sins, lend the boy a hand."

However, since that incident, Mikael had remained silent.

"He hasn’t said a word since then, has he?"

"Hmm. Are you even trying to protect your own daughter?"

Mars complained in a grumpy tone to Mikael who remained silent and did not speak.

Behind his words, he was hinting at the idea that atonement might be just a way of making up for his sins.

But Shīna shook her head and denied Mars’ words.

"No, that’s not it. Maybe he just can’t speak."

"He can’t talk, you say? He’s a dragon and he was speaking at that time, too, right?

With a dubious look on his face, Mars asked Shīna a question.

In fact, at that time, Mars and the others heard Mikael’s words in that forest. It was only natural for Mars to be suspicious of Mikael.

"I don’t think so. He was able to speak probably because of Azel’s power, wasn’t it?"

"What do you mean?"

However, this time Tima answered Mars’s question.

As Mars tilted his head, Shīna opened her mouth again.

"I think Tima-san is right. Do you remember how the old man said that Mikael is now only for sealing? Literally, he has no other abilities anymore."

"So you’re saying he can’t speak of his own accord?"

"Not only that. It’s more natural to assume that he doesn’t have all the senses necessary for life."

According to Shīna, the current Mikael was now blind and deaf. He had no way of knowing anything about the outside world at all because he didn’t have all five senses.

And he probably lived for thousands of years in that state.

Having said that much, Shīna’s face contorted into a pained expression.

"He probably can’t even feel anything anymore. The feel of the wind caressing his cheek, the warmth of the sun’s rays, the sound of a water stream, and the warmth of his loved ones..."

Hearing these words, Mars fell silent and his eyes widened. Then he looked as if he was biting down on a bitter bug.

"But how did he end up in such a state?"

"According to the literature, the dragon race, while possessing immense power, is a race that can hardly grow after becoming a mature dragon."

"Really? That girl’s, Azel’s, magic was extraordinarily powerful, and she could do anything, including defense, restraint, and wide-area annihilation, you know?

"The reason is that dragons are not directly interfering with the phenomenon. In spirit magic, it is the role of the spirits to alter the phenomenon, and the dragon race is responsible for providing the power and commands necessary to alter it."

In other words, the dragons were like a huge reservoir, and it seemed that the spirits were the ones who worked with the water that was given to them. It was magic that could be taken as something that was left to others.

"Maybe, as a Dragon, he chose to use his soul to seal Tiamat. That’s why his body became like this."

"For that reason, he even used his own daughter? What a shitty guy..."

This time, Mars turned his eyes toward Mikael.

Mars had been abandoned by his own father, so he must feel the same resentment toward Mikael as he did toward his own father.

"No, I don’t think so."

However, Mars’ remark was denied by a blonde man who had just arrived at the salon.


"Irisdina, Somiriana, I’m sorry I couldn’t do anything when you were going through a tough time."

It was Victor, the head of the Francilt Household.

He walked toward his daughters with a benevolent expression on his face and gently stroked each of their heads with both hands.

Irisdina’s face was stained with embarrassment at having her head patted by her own father in front of her friends.

"N-, no. Don’t worry about it. We’re okay."

"So, what do you mean by you don’t think so?"

"Ma-, Mars-kun..."

Tima tried to stop him while looking flustered at Mars’ remark.

But Victor raised his hand and calmed her with a smile, then turned his attention to his daughters beside him.

"He can’t do anything on his own. Can’t even stroke his daughter’s head and comfort her. As a father, the most frustrating thing in the world is not being able to do anything when your daughter needs help."

Victor gently stroked his daughters’ heads again.

Irisdina, who was flustered with embarrassment earlier, sensed her father’s sincerity behind the gentle tone and this time accepted Victor’s hand obediently.

"Perhaps even he wanted to stop her? But he had no way of stopping his daughter. Because he was in a body that couldn’t do anything without his daughter..."

He wanted to protect his daughter, but there was nothing he could do.

There was nothing he could do to comfort his daughter with a gentle pat on the head, to play with her and make memories with her, or to correct her mistakes..."

"How frustrated and bitter he must have felt. Wasn’t sealing Tiamat the only thing he could do for his daughter? And wasn’t sealing Tiamat the only thing the daughter could do for her father?"

Of course, that wasn’t the only reason.

Mikael became a crystal long before Azel was born.

If Mikael voluntarily transformed himself into a crystal, he would have been prepared to seal Tiamat.

His own determination and helplessness. His affection for his daughter. Naturally, he must have also felt conflicted about his former friend.

It was not difficult to imagine that Mikael made this choice after considerable conflict.

"In other words. He betrayed his friend. Not once, but twice."

"You’ve been finding fault with him for quite some time now. Do you have any particular problems with this crystallized dragon?"

"Hmph. I just don’t like him."

While saying so, Mars roughly grabbed the cup of tea.

After Victor had told him this much, there was no way he couldn’t understand the weight of Mikael’s choice. Even Mars had cursed his own helplessness before.

Realizing what he had in common with Mikael, Mars drank the rest of the tea in his cup in one gulp, as if to stifle the bitter emotions that welled up from deep within his chest.

The cold tea calmed his rising anger. But even so, Mars didn’t feel like acknowledging Mikael.

"But why in the world would he go to such lengths to seal Tiamat in such a body?"

"I don’t know what was in his heart, but at least when I opened the path with him, what I heard was a voice of deep sense of despair and resignation."

Everyone who was there silently looked at the crystal on the table. A heavy atmosphere filled the salon.

"And by the way, Nozomu-kun isn’t here, I wonder what’s going on~."

Eventually, Mimuru, who could no longer bear the heaviness of the atmosphere, tried to forcibly change the subject.

However, to be honest, her word was like a bomb.

"Mi-, Mimuru-san ..."

"You really don’t read the atmosphere to say that here."

"E-, eh? What do you mean?"

Mimuru, who was unaware of her own remarks, was flustered and her gaze wandered here and there.

The rest of the group, other than her, were sighing as they watched Mimuru.

"Would you understand, if you think about what the person who isn’t here was trying to do before being attacked by Azel?"

"The person who isn’t here ... ah~ !?"

Mimuru finally understood. She turned her gaze toward the girl whose hair has turned gray and her best friend, the elf girl, while cold sweat poured down her forehead.

Shina didn’t seem particularly bothered and was enjoying her freshly brewed tea.

Irisdina, on the other hand, looked somewhat flustered, her fingertips playing with her hair, which has lost its color.

And then she would occasionally look out the window, with a complicated expression on her face for a moment, and then play with her own hair again. She was repeating the same act again and again.

"Umm, Ane-sama?"

"I know. It’s okay, Somia."

Irisdina used to try very hard to suppress her jealousy toward Lisa, but now she seemed to be somewhat relaxed.

However, judging from the expression on her face when she was looking out the window, it seemed that her jealousy was still there.

Irisdina’s expression, which changed from one to another, was like that of a dog. If she had ears and a tail, they would be moving busily.

Mars, Tima, and Feo looked at her who was like that.

"Somehow, Irisdina’s mood has been fluctuating, hasn’t it?"

"That ashen hair. I think she thinks of it as proof that she was able to help Nozomu. It seems she’s still jealous of Lisa..."

"A maiden in love~"

In response to the remarks of the three of them, a vein popped across Victor’s forehead.

The smile that had been benevolent earlier turned strangely black, and his mouth began to twitch.

"I-, Irisdina, is your hair all right?"

"Ah, yes, Father. It’s just a loss of pigmentation, and the doctor said that there’s no particular health problem. But, I don’t know when it will return to normal..."

Contrary to her disappointed tone, Irisdina’s expression was somewhat happy.

Her cheeks were stained red as she gently and lovingly combed her ashen hair with her fingertips.

"U-, uoo------------! How lovely my daughter is! That damn brat, how dare he take away my daughter’s most precious thing!"

At that moment, Irisdina’s father snapped. With a yell, he clasped his hands and thrust them up. Then, looking somewhat chagrined, he began to stamp his feet on the ground.

Everyone present was wide-eyed at the sudden start of Viktor’s eccentric behavior.

"Most precious thing?"

"Of course, her first..."

"Wha~, father! Please stop making misleading remarks!"

Mimuru smirked at Somia’s innocent question and tried to teach her extra knowledge, while Irisdina tried to stop her father’s strange behavior and remarks.

Meanwhile, the other members of the group were watching the situation unfold. Their eyes blink over and over due to the sudden turn of events.

"Well, they say hair is a woman’s life, and there’s no doubt it’s an important part of it."

"What does she mean by ’misunderstanding’? Ai, what did you imagine?"

"Who knows. There is no doubt that it’s a sensual thing. Did she think she could hide it now?"

Mars, Tima, and Feo start talking with each other while watching the Francillt parent and children who started making a fuss noisily.

When Mars glanced toward Shina, she stopped like a sculpture, her face turned bright red as she tilted her cup. Apparently, she had imagined something naughty due to Feo’s earlier comment.

Then Tom, Mimuru, and Somia joined the three of them in their conversation.

"I mean, the head of this household, he was such a man, wasn’t he? How is he going to make Nozomu-kun take responsibility?

"Well, if a man talks about taking responsibility, of course, it’s about marriage! Am I right~ Tom!"

The wildcat girl suddenly shook her lover and talk about how to take responsibility.

Mimuru started talking to Somia and making a passionate speech about how a man should take responsibility, and Somia just nodded her head.

"U-, umm. Is that how it is?"

"Of course it is!"

"Now that it comes to this, let our entire Francillt Household do everything in our power to socially obliterate that brat, and let him choose between seppuku or beheading..."

"Sorry, how about harakiri?..."

However, it seems that there was a deeper difference between Mimuru and Victor than the valley in terms of taking responsibility. Nevertheless, both were doomed.

"Father, enough, already!"

The next moment, with her face bright red, Irisdina’s fist plunged deeply into Victor’s cheek.

The punch, which was so brilliant that everyone in the room was in awe, was so powerful that it was hard to believe that it had come from a girl’s slender arms.

Victor’s body crashed through the window and was thrown out of the mansion. Then, *crash!*. The sound of something crashing to the ground could be heard.

By the way, the salon is located on the third floor of the Francilt mansion. Normally, there was no doubt that he would fall and die.

"Mena, where are you, Mena? This is a serious matter! Gather all the forces you can!"

However, it didn’t seem to hurt Victor in any way. He was downstairs, and a loud voice calling for Mena echoed.

Or rather, how could he be unharmed after being knocked down from the third floor?

"Today I understand. My true enemy is not the Fabran Household, with whom I am at odds in my hometown, but a single schoolboy named Nozomu Bountis!"

Victor angrily called all the servants in the mansion, telling them that Nozomu was more of a threat than his political enemy, and he was about to carry out a campaign to destroy Nozomu in the middle of the garden.

Furthermore, if he thought he didn’t have enough people, he even started saying that he should involve the Military Police and Jihad. Mars and the others pulled in their cheeks at the sight of this.

It goes without saying after that.

Irisdina, who was angry with Victor, who was trying to involve not only the servants of the entire mansion but also the whole Arcazam with his strange charisma, charged at him from the third floor with her face turning bright red. A fierce father-daughter quarrel broke out.

Irisdina, looking embarrassed and angry, thrust her rapier, and Viktor, out of love for his daughter, repelled it with his bare hands.

When the father, unable to leave his daughter alone, tried to hug Irisdina and begged her not to leave, the daughter looked very disgusted and ran away, kicking her father in the face. Such a commotion unfolded endlessly.

And in the background, Mena was nonchalantly urging the servants to get ready to clean up the mess.

In the end, for the next hour or so, until the two important figures had run out of steam, the Francilt mansion was filled with the sound of explosions.

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