[LN] Volume 1: Chapter 6.2

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Volume 1 Chapter 6.2

An Unforgettable Birthday Part 2

Translator : PolterGlast

In front of the main gate of the Francilt mansion.

The darkness of the night had descended, and an old man was standing in front of it.

A maid, who happened to be in the hallway, noticed the old man and went outside the mansion to intercept him.

The old man was dressed in a crisp gray butler's suit, and his elegant appearance indicated that he was obviously serving someone of nobility.

"May I ask who you are?"

"I apologize for disturbing you at such a late time of night. I am here to discuss a matter with the master of this mansion, and I was wondering if you would be so kind as to arrange a time for us to meet?"

"Regrettably, a party is being held today to celebrate Milady's sister's birthday, so no one will be able to help you. I will inform Milady of your request after the party if you don't mind."

The maid was a little impressed by the old gentleman's very polite attitude, but at the same time, she wondered why he was visiting so late at night.

The maid inquired about his business, but the old gentleman insisted that he had to speak to the owner of the mansion directly, and would not compromise.

"I know it's rather rude of me to visit at this time of night, but would it be possible for you to arrange a time for us to meet?"

"You may, therefore, please state your business here."

"I am sorry. I am not permitted by contract to disclose the matter to a third party."

The old gentleman repeatedly asked the maid to arrange a meeting with the master of the mansion, but the maid kept refusing him politely.

"Well, it can't be helped then ......"

Eventually, the old gentleman seemed to give up, let out a sigh, straightened the collar of his butler's coat, and snapped the fingers of his right hand.

Then, suddenly, the maid's strength drained from her body and she collapsed on the spot.

"Forgive me. This is my Master's order."

The old gentleman caught the maid's body as she fell over the bars of the gate, leaned her body gently against the front gate, and then swiftly ran his fingers through the air.

A light reminiscent of fireflies danced in the air, forming a shining white magic circle on the path leading from the front gate to the mansion.

The old gentleman nodded his head, looking at the shining magic circle at his feet, and quietly entered the mansion.

After calming Mars and Ena down, Nozomu and the others regained their composure and were about to hand over the presents they had prepared to Somia.

"Well, it's a birthday party, so we've prepared some things for you ......."

Nozomu and the others let out a wry smile upon seeing Somia's eyes sparkling even before they handed over the presents, and she was impatiently begging them to be quick and hurry up.

But at that moment, the door to the venue of the party, the grand hall, slammed open and an elderly gentleman walked in.

"...... Huh? Is that person a guest of this party?"

An elderly gentleman with silver hair tied behind his head, dressed in a gray butler's coat, and wearing a monocle.

Nozomu tilted his head at the appearance of a man whose figure he had not seen before at this party.

"Hmm, I don't recognize him either. He is not a member of the Francilt family."

Irisdina, who was watching over Somia beside Nozomu and the others, also frowned doubtfully.

An old gentleman with glowing red eyes and a monocle. In Irisdina's memory, there was no such person in the mansion.

The attendees who were enjoying the party noticed the suspicious old gentleman, and all of their attention began to focus on the old gentleman.

With the appearance of the suspicious old gentleman, the venue was gradually enveloped in silence, and with the silence came a sense of tension.

"May I ask who you are? I don't believe you were invited to today's party."

Irisdina, stepping forward, questioned the old gentleman in a stern voice.

The old gentleman, on the other hand, upon seeing Irisdina, put his hand on her chest, took a step back, and responded with a magnificent curtsy.

Each gesture, such as the gaze, the position of the shoulders, the hips, and the gait. All of them were the most perfect curtsy that even Irisdina, who had lived as a noblewoman, had ever seen.

"I am truly sorry to have disturbed you with my rude manners. I am a butler in the service of a noble family in a certain country, and my name is Rugato. I presume you are Irisdina and Somiriana, the owners of this mansion."

"Indeed I am Irisdina Francylt, the Master of this mansion. Behind you is my sister Somiriana. What brings you here?"

Irisdina, who had guessed from the old butler's mannerisms that he actually served a high-ranking aristocrat, asked again in a condescending tone of voice.

The person on the other end of the conversation was apparently a high-ranking nobleman's messenger.

However, Irisdina did not recall allowing this person to enter the mansion.

If he was clearly trespassing, she needed to deal with him with the proper decorum, even if it meant accusing him of being disrespectful.

"First of all, why don't you tell us the name of the master you serve? It is a bit unreasonable to welcome a person who has suddenly entered a mansion and does not even introduce himself on behalf of his master."

"Indeed you are right. However, if possible, I would like to speak only to Irisdina-sama and Somiriana-sama ......"

"Do you think you, who suddenly interrupted my sister's birthday party without my permission, the owner of this mansion, have the right to demand such a thing?"

"Understood. I am a servant of the Waziart family of the Dizard Empire. On this occasion, I have been entrusted with a message from my master."

"The Dizard Empire. I believe it is in the northwestern part of the continent ......"

Nozomu's mouth twitched as he muttered the name of the country.

The Dizard Empire is a snowy country surrounded by mountains in the northwestern part of the Arkmel Continent. The country is exposed to a harsh climate, but what makes it unique is that it was founded by seven different races.

The seven races that founded the country all have powerful abilities, but at the same time, they have a history of being ostracized by other races for a variety of reasons.

The nation that these races joined together to establish was the Dizard Empire.

Because of their historical background, they did not have diplomatic relations with other countries and did not interfere in other countries themselves.

However, the power that it possessed was so great that it was able to repel a huge army of demonic beasts that crossed its borders alone during the Great Invasion 20 years ago.

"My only objective is for you to return the treasure that was previously loaned to the Francilt family, [the Furnace of Spiritual Flame]."

"[The Furnace of Spiritual Flame]?"

Irisdina tilted her head upon hearing these words, which she had never heard before.

As the next head of the Francilt family, Irisdina has a detailed memory of the family history, but she seemed to know nothing about the item, [the Furnace of Spiritual Flame].

"Yes. It is a sacred artifact that allows one to take the soul of another person and make it one's own, and originally belonged to the Waziart family, whom I serve."

With a glance, Rugato's gaze turned toward Somia.

Irisdina frowned at that meaningful glance.

"...... From what I have seen, it seems that the artifact currently merged with Somiriana-sama's soul. I request you to return it at once."


Everyone present could not believe what they were hearing.

According to Rugato, [the Furnace of the Spiritual Flame] had merged into Somia's soul.

Moreover, he said he would have that artifact returned to him right this instant.

"Well then, I will carry out the contract now."

"W-, wait!"

Irisdina, who had no idea what was going on, called out to Rugato to stop him, but he ignored her words and ran his fingers through the air.

The next moment, a tremendous amount of magical power covered the entire mansion.

The magic power that filled the surroundings enveloped the bodies of everyone present, and a powerful suggestion came over them that they must leave this room.

"~, kuh!"

Nozomu reflexively raised his Qi to resist any suggestion that assailed him.

The quickest way to deal with suggestion-type magic, such as sleep and hypnosis, is to raise one's magical power and Qi.

The raised Qi repelled Rugato's magic power, and the suggestion that surfaced in his mind receded in the blink of an eye.

But the butlers, maids, and Somia's friends in the mansion, unable to resist the suggestion, walked out of the grand hall with empty expressions on their faces.

The color of the entire hall changed from white to grayish, and the scenery outside the window seemed to have faded as if time had stood still.

"W-, what is going on?"

Somia asked her sister with an anxious voice.

"Perhaps it's some kind of barrier magic ....... It seems to be the kind of magic that makes a strong suggestion on people other than the target."

Barrier magic is a type of formation magic that creates lasting effects within a certain area by drawing a magic circle on the ground or at a fixed location.

The duration of effect is relatively long, and depending on how it is used, various effects can be produced over a long period of time, but it is a magic that basically requires time and effort to set up the formation and requires a tactical approach.

Furthermore, the wider the area of effect, the shorter the duration and the less effective the magic is.

By looking out the window, the barrier seemed to cover the entire Francilt mansion.

"What about Mars and the others? ......"

Nozomu looked at the condition of the others and found that Mars and Tima, like Nozomu, seemed to be able to resist Rugato's barrier magic.

However, Ena, who was not familiar with magic, was under the suggestion of barrier magic and went out like the other maids and butlers.

"I am terribly sorry for being so violent so suddenly. But this is part of our contract. In order to retrieve the artifact, I will have to extract Somia-sama's soul."

The words of the old gentleman named Rugato further struck Nozomu and the others into a whirlpool of shock.

"W-, what do you mean by 'extracting my soul' ......?"

Somia asked Rugato in a trembling voice. The expression on Irisdina's face next to her could not be stiffer, and she glared at Rugato with a hostility in her gaze that could only be described as deadly.

"I mean it literally. Three hundred years ago, the head of the Francilt family at that time made a secret contract with the Waziart family."

The old gentleman took out a piece of old parchment from his chest and unfolded it so that Nozomu and the others could see it.

"At that time, in order to solve a problem that the Francilt family was facing, they sought support from the Waziart family. At that time, one of the magic tools given to them was [the Furnace of Spiritual Flame]. And here is the contract that was signed at that time."

The parchment clearly stated that the Waziart family would indeed provide assistance to the Francilt family, and in exchange for providing the magic tools owned by the Waziart family, the Waziart family would be given a huge amount of goods and the return of the used magic tools after a certain period of time.

In addition, as proof of this secret agreement, a covenant bracelet was to be made and held by the Francilt family as proof of the agreement.

It was further stipulated that when the term of the contract expired, the messenger of the contract summoned by the bracelet would forcibly fulfill the contract and retrieve the magic tools.

And further, it said that the Francilt family could not protest against the Waziart family in any way for any damage caused in the process.

The contract also included, as a final touch, family crests that only the head of the family was allowed to use.

"No way......"


The contract proved to be true, and both Irisdina and Somia looked into each other's eyes.

"In order to retrieve the artifact, we need to remove the soul, so Somia-sama's soul, who has been merged with the artifact, will die, but that is also part of the contract. Now, let us fulfill the contract."

"W-, wait!"

Rugato, after saying so, began to pour his magic power into the contract parchment in his hand.

The engraved old letters began to glow mysteriously.

Then, with a pounding sound, the magic power poured into the contract pulsed. At the same time, black magic light seeped out from Somia's bracelet.

"E-, eh, what's going-......"

The bracelet, which began to glow with an ominous light, vibrated in a chittering manner, as if in resonance with the parchment Rugato was holding up.

The next moment, a black mist erupted from the bracelet, and a hooded shadow emerged from the darkness.

A tattered hood and a skeletal body beneath it.

In its hands, it carried a huge scythe that was taller than its body.

His figure was the very embodiment of the god of death.

"It is the familiar that presides over this contract. The overseer of the contract and the custodian of the artifacts. Please rest assured. You will not feel any pain or suffering."

"Eh, Kyaaa!"

After Rugato declared so, chains suddenly sprang out from under the hood worn by the Grim Reaper and bound Somia up.

The Grim Reaper, carrying a scythe worthy of its name, attempted to reach out its skeletal hand toward the bound Somia.

"I won't let you!"

Irisdina cast a spell in an instant in front of the Grim Reaper, who was about to reap Somia's soul. Black chains appeared in the air and entangled the familiar of the contract.

[Restraint Magic?Chain of Darkness]

This is a dark attribute magic that belongs to the intermediate level. The black chains, which emit a pale light, bind the Grim Reaper's body, instantly restraining its movements.

"Hoo, that deployment speed. Is that [immediate Deployment] ability?"

Rugato expressed his admiration for the high-speed cast of magic by Irisdina's ability [Instant Deployment].

From his point of view, Irisdina's magic had an incredible power, which was hard to believe that it was a magic constructed only by her imagination.

But it was not enough to seize this Grim Reaper. Every time the familiar moved, the chains that restrained it creaked and cracked, and countless cracks began to appear in the rings of the chains.


Irisdina, who judged that it would be difficult to restrain the Grim Reaper for a long time with her own magic, pulled out the rapier at her waist and slashed at it.

However, before Irisdina's blade could reach it, the Grim Reaper destroyed the chains that restrained it and intercepted her slash.

The Grim Reaper's physical strength was stronger than she expected, and Irisdina's body was blown away.

"Ugh, Tima!"


The Grim Reaper, who had just repelled Irisdina, attempted to attack Somia again.

However, Tima, who had finished her chanting while Irisdina bought time, blocked the Grim Reaper with more powerful restraint magic.

Four different magic circles were deployed around the Grim Reaper.

The four magic circles of red, blue, green, and yellow formed an even larger circle with each of them at the top, and the Grim Reaper was bound to the center of the circle.

[The Four Circles of Sealing Formation]

The magic circles of the four attributes intertwined with each other to form a complex magic circle, completely confining the familiar within the circle.

"Hoo, what a marvelous magic. Each attribute is constantly circulating without repelling each other, forming a stronger restraint. I have lived for a long time, but I have never seen someone who could use magic like this so well."

The magic deployed by Tima seemed to have stirred Rugato's heartstrings as he clapped his hands with a wave of praise.

"Irisdina-sama's magic is amazing as well. The effect of magic through [Instant Deployment] can easily be weakened depending on one's concentration, and yet you're able to restrain this familiar, albeit temporarily......".

The old gentleman's praise was also directed at Irisdina, who had bought some time.

"However, no matter how many times you stop the familiar, it won't be enough to end it."

Intense magic power welled up within Rugato. He judged Irisdina and Tima to be obstacles in the way of fulfilling the contract and began to eliminate them.

Rugato extended his left hand and drew a magic circle in the air with his index finger.

Then a magic bullet shot out from the magic circle and hit Tima directly on the shoulder.


A sharp pain struck her shoulder, tearing her uniform and causing blood to flutter.

A jittery pain then began to spread from her shoulder to the rest of her body.

Tima almost collapsed from the pain and shock but managed to hold her ground and continue to maintain her magic.

The restrained Grim Reaper glared at Tima, the caster of magic.

"~ !"

The cold, yet somewhat silent gaze from the Grim Reaper and Rugato's hostility toward her chipped away at her feeble spirit.

But despite the pain and the fear that shook her body, she refused to release the magic that was restraining the Grim Reaper.

While biting her lip, she just kept on concentrating her mind on maintaining the magic.

(Scary, this is so scary ....... But if I were to dispel the magic, Somia-chan's life would be hunted!)

She is the younger sister of her dearest and best friend.

Tima, having awakened to excessive magic power at an early age and being at the mercy of uncontrollable power, found herself growing up with a gloomy and reclusive personality.

And that did not change even after she came to Arcazam and entered Ecross.

Her magical abilities clearly exceeded that of even the truly talented individuals on the continent. Furthermore, she had an extremely high aptitude for four attributes.

[Symphony of Four Scales].

This is the nickname that was given to her for her abilities.

Hence, even in Ecross, she was isolated and her reclusive nature grew worse and worse.

Irisdina and Somia were the first friends and family she made.

She still remembered it.

Even after entering Solminati Academy, she was isolated, and her dark-rooted personality made her even more distant from her classmates. Until Irisdina came to talk to her.

"Hi, nice to meet you. May I have a moment?"

"H-, hi ..."

An ordinary, casual greeting. But for Tima, who was longing for human interaction, these were the words she had been waiting to hear.

They began to talk little by little, and before long they became friends.

In the process of getting to know each other, she also met Somia, and being charmed and guided by the two who were so different from her own dark personality self, her world gradually began to regain its light.

For her, Irisdina was the brightest star in the night sky, and Somia was the sun that dispelled the darkness.

"Do you still want to keep going? Your magic power may be quite impressive, but you seem to have pretty little mental strength."

Thanks to the two of them, the lonely girl was no longer alone.

With this gratitude in her heart, Tima concentrated solely on her own magic.

While witnessing Tima's resistance, Rugato deployed his magic circle in a nonchalant manner. The five fingers of Rugato's left hand moved in the air and simultaneously deployed five magic circles.

"I won't let you!"

Irisdina attempted to slash at Rugato, but the old gentleman deployed four magic circles with his available right hand.

Two of the four magic circles produce blood-red swords that shoot out toward Irisdina.

"~ !"

Irisdina flashed her rapier, [the Silver Wing of the Evening Star], to repel the approaching blood-colored swords.

However, the swords flew back into the air and rushed toward Irisdina again.

The flying swords, even after being repelled, repeatedly attacked Irisdina, preventing her from reaching her target.

If one were to look closely, two of the four magic circles deployed in Rugato's left hand were still in motion, and his fingers were moving in a complicated manner.

Apparently, Rugato was using yet another magic to control the swords he had created with his magic.

The difficulty of magic will jump exponentially as the power, variety, and number of magic deployed increases.

Tima felt a cold sweat running down her spine upon seeing Rugato's skill at manipulating multiple different types of magic at the same time at will.

While Tima was frozen in shock at Rugato's skill, five magic bullets were formed from the magic circle in the old gentleman's left hand.

As Rugato swiped the air with his index finger, the generated magic bullets gathered into a single point and became a giant light bullet that came rushing toward Tima.

"Ah ......."

Tima, who was in a state of maintaining an extremely high level of restraining magic, could not move.

She stared at the incoming light bullets and then bit her lip in frustration.

There was no way for her to avoid the incoming attack. Nevertheless, Tima decided to withstand it and stared at the light bullet.

However, the magic never struck her body.

Just before Rugato's magic bullet struck her body, a shadow intervened and obliterated the light bullet.

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