[LN] Volume 4: Chapter 1.5

Volume 4 Chapter 1.5

A Fresh Start Part 5

Translator : PolterGlast

After being kicked out of the library, Shina made her way alone back to the girls' dormitory.

People in the town looked a little frightened when they saw her walking with a wrinkled forehead and angry atmosphere, but her heart was so shaken that she didn't care about such surrounding gazes.

[Oh, by the way, currently, Nozomu-kun and Irisdina-san are on a date in the forest together~~. Just the two of them, alone in a place where no one can disturb them! I wonder what they are doing right now~~]

Her chest was throbbing. As she turned her head to the side, her pearly cheeks puffed out sullenly, she saw her own face reflected in the glass of a store window.

(What a terrible face......)

She heaved a heavy sigh as she saw herself looking like a young child having a tantrum.

She then entered a back alley to escape the surrounding gazes. She hid herself behind a dimly lit alleyway and leaned her back against the wall, where she felt a cool sensation spreading across her back.

Then, absentmindedly looking up at the sky in the narrow alleyway, she relaxed her body and slowly closed her eyes.

Eventually, her body gradually began to glow faintly. It was the glow of magic.

It wasn't very praiseworthy to use magic on such a narrow alleyway. Sheena, who was usually an earnest person, would not have done such a thing, but she couldn't help but be concerned about those two in the forest.

While paying attention to her surroundings, she increased her magical power.

A blue-colored magic light leaked from her body.

Having temporarily increased her magical power, she did not scatter it around her as she did when she made the spirit contract, instead, she concentrated it on a point within herself, the channel that she had opened through the previous contract magic.

Normally, this channel would have disappeared on its own, but instead, she has been maintaining it by pouring her own magical power into it regularly. When she thought about the disappearance of this connection, she felt a sense of loss as if there was a gaping hole in her heart.

A worn-out magical channel. She gently and carefully unfolded it out as if she were handling a precious treasure.


To be honest, it is not a praiseworthy thing to connect a channel without the other party's knowledge. Contract magic, which deeply connects different beings, can be very dangerous depending on how it is used.

After the battle with the [Cracked-Crown] Giant Centipede in the forest, she tried to connect this magic channel again, but she restrained herself, thinking it was a bad thing to do. But after he woke up and heard his past stories and anguish from his mouth, and saw Irisdina walking with him today, she couldn't stop herself any longer.

What she felt beyond the magic channel that was gradually opening up was the presence of Nozomu, whom she was anxious to see.

Behind her closed eyelids, her vision, which had been pitch-black, a small light drew nearer from within the darkness.

When Shina saw this light, the corners of her mouth relaxed. The guilt and frustration she had previously felt began to disappear as if it were a lie.

Shina's feelings were stirred, and her magical power increased in response. And through her body, the connection with Nozomu was further strengthened. Immediately afterward, the small light exploded into a flash.

A gust of wind swept over Shina's body. But she kept smiling and let the breeze wash over her entire body.

At the same time, a pale light that expanded simultaneously enveloped her body. She could feel Nozomu's presence from all directions, and it was as if her whole self was embraced in his arms.


The elation that welled up naturally brought a smile to her lips. Eventually, with the sensation of breaking through the clouds, her vision suddenly became clear. However, the scene that jumped into her eyes made Shina let out an unintentional gasp.


A beautiful dark-haired girl was looking up at her, somewhat wistfully, as if pleading.

It was as if she was about to express her feelings for him. Her outstretched hand touched his cheek.

The elation that she felt a moment ago suddenly disappeared, and instead, the heart-wrenching sadness returned.


After leaving the Ox-head Pavilion, Nozomu and Irisdina entered the Spasim forest and headed directly to Shino's hut. This is where Nozomu and his master had spent their training together.

"Then, Iris, pardon me, but will you help me?"

"Yeah, leave it to me."

The hut of memories had been completely destroyed in the battle with the [Cracked-Crown] Giant Centipede two weeks ago. The two of them began by clearing away the debris, one by one, and gathering them to the side.

"Alright, I guess that's about it."

Nozomu breathed a sigh of relief as he finished removing the debris that had covered his master's grave.

"Nozomu, this grave is your-......."

"Yes, Shishō's grave. I'm sorry for making you feel suffocated, Shishō......."

[Goodness gracious, how long have you been neglecting me, you foolish disciple!]

Nozomu couldn't help but let out a wry smile as he felt as though he could hear her whispering to him from beneath the grave.

"At any rate, I bought your favorite pastries, so please cheer up, Shishō."

As if he didn't want her to come out of it, Nozomu offered cookies, her favorite treat before her death, on her grave.

By the way, it's alcohol-free. If she got drunk, she might come out from under the grave for real.

Nozomu stared down at Shino's grave, which was illuminated by the sunlight. Then, he put his hand on her grave and closed his eyes. Memories of his master flashed through his mind, and his mouth loosened involuntarily.

The atmosphere was so solemn that Irisdina hesitated to even speak to him.

In such an atmosphere, Irisdina watched his calm profile with a somewhat wistful expression on her face.

It took a few minutes. When Nozomu finished his silent prayer and stood up, Irisdina called out to him in a slightly hurried tone.

"Nozomu, what were you talking about?"

"Hmm? A status report, I guess. About Lisa, and also ...... declaring my determination."

"Declaring your determination?"

"Yeah, just like what I said earlier at the Ox-head Pavillion. I'm going to get to know Lisa better. Apart from that, there's also that matter-......"

The calm expression on Nozomu's face turned grim.

Lisa is not the only problem he faces. Tiamat cannot be ignored either.

After all, he once fell victim to this dragon's schemes and turned his blade on Irisdina and the others right then and there.

Even if they were safe, even if he was forgiven, he could not forget it.

And Tiamat's interference has also been increasing in frequency.

(How is it that I can go back after being killed so many times in that spiritual world? I don't know why.)

He was chomped and crushed over and over again. Yet, Nozomu is still alive and maintains his consciousness. But he didn't know how much longer he could endure it......

(My fear won't go away. No, I am sure it will never go away. But......)

Nozomu looked down at the invisible chains that were wrapped around his body.

A curse that binds him, yet also a lifeline.

His anguish is never-ending and his anxiety never goes away.

But at the same time, despite the circumstances, his mind is remarkably calm.

It is like looking down at a raging sea from high in the sky. Or perhaps it is the feeling of a large tree deeply rooted in the ground amid a storm.

How can I feel so calm? Thinking back again, the faces of the [girls] who had come to rescue him in his desperation at that time came back to his mind.

Although they were almost crushed by anxiety and fear, they never gave up, and such persistence filled Nozomu's heart with warmth.

The important thing is not to erase the anxiety. Rather, it is to hold on to it while still moving forward.

(That's why, I'll try, once again.)

Gently resting his hand on his master's memento at his waist, Nozomu conveyed his intentions to his master and then turned on his back.

The tense expression on his face had somehow relaxed and returned to a calm one.

"Thank you for helping me, Iris. It was a big help."

"N-No. Don't mention it. I came here because I wanted to."

Irisdina's tone was a bit nervous, perhaps because she couldn't help but look at Nozomu's profile.

Meanwhile, Nozomu, oblivious to her state, sat down on a piece of wood that had been laid out nearby.

The sun is still high, but it will fall soon. He has no intention of staying in the forest at night, and after a short rest, he will have to return to the city.

Irisdina glanced at him and sat down next to him.

Just one person. With such a slight distance between them, the two of them stared at the sky above the trees in the forest for a while.

"Speaking of which, why did Iris come to this academy?"


Suddenly, Nozomu opened his mouth.

"I'm sure there should be an aristocratic school in the Kingdom of Forsina. Isn't it customary to go there?"

"Aa~, right. One of the reasons is that my father strongly encouraged the establishment of Solminati Academy. He also invested a considerable amount of money in it. Besides, the culture of the aristocratic schools in my home country just doesn't suit me."

"Doesn't suit you?"

"It is true that they provide a certain level of education, but at the same time, it is a place for socializing. In my country, women can participate in social activities to a certain extent, but even so, more than 90% of the heirs of the family are men. Even fewer women are willing to take over the reins of the family, not by chance, but of their own volition. Almost none. That's why", Irisdina added, "I was looked down upon quite bizarrely in my home country."

Her situation that he was unaware of. Hearing this part of her story, Nozomu involuntarily gasped.

And then he realized. When he thought about it, he realized that there was a lot he did not know about her.

Both of them were of different origins, a noble and a commoner. On top of that, they came from different countries. It's only natural, but talking about it like this makes him aware of it again.

"Iris, what are you planning to do after you graduate from the academy?"

"Let's see, I want to join the Silver Rainbow Knight Order. That Knight Order is the most powerful and prestigious on this continent. It would be a good foil for me to become the head of the Francilt family."

Silver Rainbow Knight Order. It is the top-ranked knight order on the Arkmel continent, housing the largest number of S-ranked knights. As the shield and spearhead of humanity under threat from demonic beasts, they are the most honored.

Jihad Roundel, the headmaster of the Soluminati Academy, was once a member of this order, and his name is well known throughout the continent.

"Well, it won't be easy, though......."

Saying so, she looked upward at the sky as if staring off into the distance.

Her voice carried a hint of ambiguity. But the light shining in her eyes was strong and straight.

"For Somia-chan's sake, huh......."

"And for my country and my people as well. It's thanks to them that I am able to learn so much. That's why I want to be worthy of them."

She has the spirit of a noble person and is moving forward with a solid goal.

The fact that she is different from his broken self is so dazzling to Nozomu.

"In spite of that, you peeped on your sister's date, though."

"T-That one was inevitable!"

As if to hide his feelings, Nozomu unintentionally cracked a flippant remark.

Irisdina's face flushed red with shame as she was hit where it hurt. Nozomu couldn't help but let out a chuckle as he watched her begin to flinch and blush.

"If Somia were to be angry with me because of that, I wouldn't be able to handle it......"


Irisdina glared at Nozomu while gritting her teeth. He couldn't help but want to make fun of her more after seeing her like this, as she usually maintained a dignified demeanor.

"I thought this before, but Iris, you sure are clumsy, huh?"

"C-Clumsy!? T-That's rude!"

"Ouch, ouch! Wha, stop, I'm against violence!"

"You're the one who started the verbal abuse first!"

"But, it wasn't violence, it was more like confirmation of a fact......!"

Perhaps having been made fun of too much, Irisdina finally retaliated. The way she hit him with her hands was cute, but despite her slender appearance, her fist was quite painful.

When Nozomu surrendered after a few moments of offensive and defensive action, she finally stopped.

"Good grief, you are such a-......"

Her cheeks puffed out with a flushed face. Seeing this, the distance that had separated them slightly returned.

They noticed that the sunlight was beginning to shine over the tops of the trees.

The blue sky was gradually turning vermilion.

"It's almost sunset. Shall we go home?"


As if urged by Nozomu, who stood up, Irisdina also lifted her hips and they started their way back home.

The sound of the grass being stepped on quietly and crisply was wafted away by the gentle breeze.

Irisdina stared at Nozomu's back as he walked ahead.

(I wonder, how are you feeling, about the current Lisa-kun now......?)

A former lover, separated by the schemes of a childhood friend.

What does he intend to become in relation to her?

With such a question, the image of Nozomu alongside Lisa flickered in her mind. And then there was the image of him, devoured by that giant dragon.

The back of Nozomu, who was supposed to be right there, somehow seemed to be fading away.

She felt her entire being tremble. And then Irisdina found herself taking Nozomu's hand.


Then, as he turned around, she quickly reached out and touched his cheek. As if to confirm that he was indeed there.

"......Sorry, I just had a feeling you were going to disappear."

"I'm not going to disappear. I don't want to."

I know. Even as she responded so, Irisdina would not let go of the hand she had placed on Nozomu's cheek.

A face as refined as an elaborate statue of a goddess. Her jet-black eyes, which were somewhat sad and misty, began to waver as she stared at him.

"About my words at that time-......"


"No, it's nothing. Shall we go home?......"

Along with her averted gaze, the hand on his cheek moved away, as if reluctant to leave.

Just like that, Irisdina began to walk toward Arcazam.

Nozomu reached for his own cheek, which was touched by her hand for a moment, and then turned his gaze back to her as she walked away.

Her back looked somewhat lonely. As if following her, he too stepped forward and lined up next to her.

His gaze was distant and his mouth was closed shut. A hint of conflict could be felt from her. In front of such of her, Nozomu.......


"What is it?"

"Thank you for calling me at that time......"

Just one sentence was all he convey. There were many words that came to mind, but none of them felt right, so he made his choice. What he received as a reply was only one word, "I see.......". And what followed was silence.

Rustle, rustle ...... and the sound of two footsteps quietly overlapping, drifting away in the gentle breeze.

The expression on Iridina's face as she walked next to him was somewhat softened.



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