[LN] Volume 4: Chapter 3.3

Volume 4 Chapter 3.3

Rampage at the Martial Arts Garden Part 3

Translator : PolterGlast

After the morning classes and lunch, Nozomu headed to the training ground with Mars, Jin, and the others. He was already familiar with Jin and the others, not only because they had worked together during the Special Comprehensive Exercise, but also because of the incident in the classroom this morning.

However, when Nozomu and the others arrived at the training ground, they all tilted their heads in puzzlement.

The instructor was not in the training ground where the practical training class was scheduled to take place, but instead a large sign was standing in his place.

"Hmm, what's this? A notice of change of location for the joint class?"

"Let's see...... the location is, Martial Arts Garden? Why there?"

Nozomu and the others tilted their heads when they saw the notice.

The Martial Arts Garden is the largest training facility at Solminati Academy. It is a huge oval coliseum, with enough space in the central arena for all the students of one grade to gather.

In addition, the arena is surrounded by staircase-like spectator seating that can accommodate several thousand spectators.

This is because the Martial Arts Garden was built as a place for students to showcase their martial arts and magic demonstrations to guests not only from outside the school but also from outside the city. Therefore, this facility is used only when the academy makes a big campaign. It is not a facility that is normally used for practical classes with other classes.

"Well, all we can do is go there for now, right?"

Nozomu and the others nodded at Mars' words, and they all moved together to the Martial Arts Garden. When they arrived, many students had already gathered. The number of students gathered in the central arena was several hundred.

"Oi-oi, look, it seems that all three grades have gathered here."

"We just finished a Special Comprehensive Exercise, and they're already holding an event involving the entire school year?"

"Also, look at the spectator's seats."

The third graders were not the only ones in the Martial Arts Garden. In the spectator's seats sat first and second graders, who were juniors, and fourth graders, who were seniors. The students of Ecross, an affiliated school, were also there. In addition, there were about 30 people dressed in various, but extravagant, outfits.

"Why are there underclassmen here? Are they here to show off?"

"No, then it's a little strange to have outsiders here. And judging by the way Anri-sensei is behaving, it doesn't seem that way......."

Nozomu pointed to the other side of the Martial Arts Garden, right across from the center, as he said this to Deck and the others who were voicing their concerns. There, Anri, the 10th-class homeroom teacher, was waving her hand with a big smile on her face. Beside her were Jihad, the school's principal, and Inda, his assistant.

Anri is a student-oriented person who treats the lowest class, Nozomu and the others, with kindness and equality. Looking at her, there is no sign of aversion or avoidance toward this training.

(But sensei, can't you do something about that conspicuous gesture? I'm attracting a lot of attention here......)

Anri has an outward appearance that reminds one of a young lady with a deep peerage, but on the other hand, her personality is strangely childlike.

When Nozomu grimaced at her behavior, she began to jump up and down. Perhaps she wanted him to wave back at her the same way she did.

Her childishness increased even more, and her long skirt fluttered up in the air.

This is not good. Nozomu had no choice but to go along with Anri and waved back. The eyes of the whole Martial Arts Garden turned to Nozomu at once, as if they were looking at something strange.


While Nozomu's cheeks twitched under the concentrated bombardment of stares, Anri looked satisfied before returning to her business.

Then a blue-haired girl approached him.

"You sure are standing out, Nozomu-kun."

"Ah, Shina-san. You see, Anri-sensei is kinda......."

Shina, who entered the Martial Arts Garden with Mimuru, Tom, and Feo, spoke to Nozomu with a smile on her face, but her expression seemed to be somewhat strained.

"...... You are well-liked, huh?"

"Is that so? I don't think that's the case-...... why are you glaring at me like that?"

"...... I'm not glaring at you though."

No, that's a lie. Nozomu thought about it, but he couldn't say anything about the accusatory glances that were directed at him, and he broke out in a cold sweat. Then, Mimru, who was standing next to Shina, opened her mouth while grinning.

"Don't worry about it~~. She's just worried about you, Nozomu~~."



Immediately after, Shina's iron claw unleashed on Mimuru. "Migyaa~!", a scream like a flea being crushed resounded along with the sound of creaking bones.

"Hey Nozomu, good morning. Oh, Shina, you're here too."

"G-Good morning......."

While Nozomu's face twitched at the tragedy in front of him, Irisdina and Tima who had arrived at the Martial Arts Garden also called out to him. The girls chuckled at Shina and Mimuru's comedic antics and took a glance at the people gathered in the spectator's seats.

"What a huge crowd......."

"Yeah, holding joint classes for the entire school year is one thing, but inviting people from outside the academy to demonstrate the classes is unusual at this time of the year."

Soluminati Academy, for the reason of its establishment, naturally has opportunities to showcase its students and their abilities to the outside world. However, it is mainly later in the annual year's curriculum. As far as Irisdina knows, there is no such thing as a public exhibition of classes in the early spring.

Conversely, it could be said that the students have more opportunities to show off their abilities.

While having such a conversation, Nozomu's eyes naturally went to the place where the students of the 1st-class were gathered and caught sight of the red-haired girl. Lisa also noticed Nozomu, and as usual, she turned her angry gaze on him. The sight of her unchanged behavior confirmed Nozomu's suspicions.

(Ken is the one who is controlling Lisa, after all......)

The one who is actually controlling her is probably that lesser water spirit called Mefi. A sense of resentment welled up from deep within his chest.

Irisdina, standing next to him, looked at him with a complicated expression.

"Everyone, assemble! Line up in ranks!"

The signal to assemble issued by Inda resounded. Apparently, the time has come.

Nozomu parted from Irisdina, Shina, and the others as they lined up.

The school's representatives, including Jihad, were lined up in front, and behind them in the spectator's seats sat Ecross students and other dignitaries from outside the school. The seats they sat in were exceptionally luxurious.

The Ecross students look interested and excited, but the dignitaries cast a somewhat judgmental glance down at the students. A look that almost made one's spine itch. While Nozomu uncomfortably winced, Jihad took a step forward.

"Now, this joint class was suddenly arranged to be held for all three grades at the same time.

This is a special measure because the previous Special Comprehensive Exercise was canceled midway through."

If one does well, one can expect to get quite a few extra points. Furthermore, it is possible to attract the attention of the important figures outside of the school.

The students who were not able to perform well in the Special Comprehensive Exercise had a strong glint in their eyes.

"The first matches have been announced in advance, but after that, the students are free to form their own teams under the supervision of each instructor. I hope that each of you will fully demonstrate your abilities, and I hope that this will lead to your future growth. That is all."

With Jihad's words, the joint class began.

The content of the class was combat training between different classes, and the locations where they were held also differed between classes.

The higher-ranked classes were in front of the main arena, while the lower-ranked classes were at the end of the arena.

Nozomu and his classmates moved to the edge of the Martial Arts Garden, but Anri came running up to them and called out.

"Ah, Nozomu-ku~~n. Also Mars-kun, Jin-kun, and the others~~! You're going to have combat training over there, so follow me~~"

Anri-sensei rushed up to them while waving her hands in a lively manner just as she did earlier.

While Nozomu and the others tilted their heads, wondering what she meant, Anri continued her explanation.

"Nozomu-kun and the others had excellent results in the Special Comprehensive Exercise, so we'll have you start along with the 1st and 2nd classes~~!"

"...... Huh?"


Nozomu's face turned dumbfounded at Anri's words, while Jin and the others were surprised.

All of them have reviewed the contents of the joint classes to date. They had never heard of special arrangements being made in this way.

Nevertheless, the recent Special Comprehensive Exercise itself has been an unprecedented situation.

And, at the urging of Anri, Nozomu and the others were brought to the front of the main arena where the 1st and 2nd classes were having a joint class. The other upper-class students, who were unaware of what was going on, looked doubtful, but their expressions turned curious when they learned that it was Nozomu and his team.

They were surprised to see that Nozomu and his team, who had been at the bottom of the barrel, had made it to the top in this year's Special Comprehensive Exercise.

"Mars-kun, Jin-kun, and the others are going to have a combat training with the 1st class. Nozomu-kun, you go this way~~"

"Huh? Wait, Anri-sensei!?"

Meanwhile, Nozomu was further pulled away from Mars and the others by Anri.

"Alright, please wait here~~"

Nozomu was brought to the waiting seat at the front of the arena.

It is a place for students to take a rest after the battle. Behind him, seated in the provided seats, are a number of invited spectators. Curious as to why someone from the 10th class was here, intrigued and unreserved gazes were directed at Nozomu's back.

Nozomu has been exposed to a great deal of ill will in the past, but he has never been subjected to so many curious eyes. As he flinched uncomfortably, he spotted Somia and Mena among the spectators.

When Nozomu's eyes met Somia's, she smiled and waved her hand, and Mena gave a small bow.

Beside Somia were her friends from Ecross, who had attended her birthday party, and they were waving to Nozomu while crowding onto her for some reason.

Somia smiled bitterly, and Mena whispered something to her, and her Ecross friends got even more excited.

Somia turned to Nozomu as if to ask for help, but unfortunately, they were too far apart to do anything about it, so he returned a wry smile as if to say he was sorry.

While Somia was devastated, Nozomu turned his attention to the combat training unfolding in front of him.

"Oh, as expected of Mars. Jin and the others are also fighting hard......"

Mars and his team were suddenly thrown into combat training for the higher ranks, but they fought hard, overturning the expectations of the people around them.

It was no surprise since Mars was originally a talented fighter who could have been in the first class if it were only for his practical skills.

What was remarkable was how hard Jin and the others fought.

"These guys......"

"Not good enough! ......Anri-sensei at that time was still a whole lot stronger than that!"

They seemed like they were going to fall, but they didn't. Anyway, they were persisting and hanging on even against the offensive of the 1st class students. The experience of fighting and winning against Anri, who was much more powerful during the Special Comprehensive Exercise. This allowed them to regain the confidence and strength that they had previously lost.

"Oi-oi, look at that, that's kinda amazing."

"Huh? But their opponents are the 10th class, you know? Such a thing ...... is impossible, right?"

Gradually, the gazes of those around them began to gather on Jin, Mars, and the others. Nozomu found himself clenching his fists in support of their hard-fought battle.

"Excuse me, do you mind if I sit here?"

Suddenly, he heard a hoarse voice. His attention, which had been focused on Jin and the others, was pulled back to his side.

It was a neat-looking old man. He had brown skin, almost gray hair, and only a few black hairs remaining. He was wearing a blackish-brown robe that was recognizable as a high-quality garment, with the emblem of the Gloaurum Institution embroidered on the robe.

His eyes were large in contrast to his long face. The light in his eyes, which peek out through hollowed pupils, is strong and gives the impression that he is more vigorous than his age.

In his hand is a simple brown cane. Judging by its luster, it is probably made of gemstone. It was worn and knobby, perhaps from age.

"I don't mind, but ...... may I ask, who are you?"

Obviously an influential figure in the city. Nozomu involuntarily gulped at the strong and curious, yet insect-like inorganic eyes that fixed on him.

"Ah, apologies. My name is Fardrey Incidus."

Nozomu's eyes widen upon hearing that name. He knew the name. How could he not know?

The most important person in Arcazam. He is a major figure who compiled the indigenous magic of each region and created Arcazam's chanting and formation formulas. The rapid development of this city cannot be described without him.

He is a key figure who is usually holed up in the laboratory of the Gloaurum Institution and never appears in public. What would such a person be doing here, away from the distinguished guests' seats?

Naturally, the eyes of the surrounding people began to focus on the old man.

"Hmm, I see that you are attracting a lot of attention......"

"N-No, I think it's because you're here...... or rather, your escorts seem to be in a panic."

If one were to look closely, one would see that the guards in the distinguished guests' seats were pointing in this direction and rushing out in a panic. Shortly after this, they would surely barge into this waiting area.

"Hmmm, looks like it."

Fardrey, on the other hand, did not seem to feel any particular emotion, but merely glanced in the direction of the distinguished guests' seats and immediately returned his gawking gaze to Nozomu.

"Well, even if they come, just ignore them. Besides, the big match is about to start."


The combat training that had been taking place was over before he knew it.

All the students had descended from the arena in the Martial Arts Garden, and in their place, Jihad, a burly man in silver and white armor, ascended to the center of the arena.

"What happened?"

"A mock combat with Jihad, the hero of the Great Invasion of 20 years ago. Who will be chosen and how fierce will they fight? Moreover, I didn't expect him to also bring his treasured sword, the [Jaw Drop]."

Jihad, who went on stage, carried a great sword in his right hand and a tower shield in his left, enough to hide his entire body.

But what was most unusual was the huge jet-black sword he carried on his back.

It is a huge single-edged sword, even larger and thicker than Mars' great sword. Considering its weight, it would be impossible for an ordinary human to even lift it.

Giant Sword?Jaw Drop.

It is Jihad Raundel's treasured sword, and has symbolized his success in overcoming many difficulties since the great invasion of 20 years ago.

"I never thought he would bring out that giant sword made of Tanglar for a mock combat of this magnitude.

I've been here for more than ten years, but I've never seen it before. It's not something to be wielded against a human being."

According to Fardrey, Jihad never used that Jaw Drop in his classes.

The reason is that it was originally designed to be used against powerful demonic beasts and is therefore not something that can be easily handled.

"But he brought it here. It seems that he has high expectations of someone."

Jihad Raundel is the head of the Solminati Academy, and he became famous for his heroic exploits during the Great Invasion 20 years ago and the subsequent Operation Fructus.

At the time of the invasion, he was a knight belonging to a small country on the eastern side of the continent.

The country was overrun by demonic beasts and collapsed. Nevertheless, he managed to protect the remaining people while they were defeated.

Later, in Operation Fructus, a major counterinsurgency operation conducted with the cooperation of many countries, he liberated the area from the Delta Zone to the southwestern part of the Central Mountain Range. He then became the commander of the third unit of the [Silver Rainbow Knight Order], a group of knights created by assembling the elite of each country, and continuously spearheaded the defeat of the demonic beasts that remained in the human sphere.

The most famous battle of his career is the fierce battle against one of the [The Six Bad Omens], [Wisdom Dragon of the Rigid Waves]. While the third unit of the Silver Rainbow Knights, which he was commanding at the time, was destroyed, he fought the demonic beast and cut off its lower jaw.

As a result, the beast lost most of its fighting ability and was defeated. Since then, it is said that the beast has never appeared in public again.

Because of this anecdote, his sword came to be known as the [Jaw Drop].

What kind of student would he seriously try to compete with? In all likelihood, it would be Irisdina or one of the other A-ranked students.

As the anticipation filled the Martial Arts Garden, Jihad's gaze turned to Nozomu, who was sitting in the waiting area.



Why do my eyes meet Jihad's? Nozomu looked dumbfounded for a moment, followed by a quick blink of as he guessed his intentions.

No, probably not. No way. As if to refute the mutterings in his heart, Anri, who had instructed Nozomu to wait, returned.

"Alright, Nozomu-kun, it's your turn~~"

"What do you mean by 'my turn' ......?"

"Of course, it's your turn for the mock combat~~. Come on, hurry up~~!"

Anri, smiling more than usual, took Nozomu's hand and pulled him straight to the center arena. Irisdina and the other 1st class students were not even called.

"U-Umm, Anri-sensei. What's this about ......?"

"Well then, good luck~~!"

And then she pulled Nozomu up to the arena and quickly left with a big smile on her face.


A rain of intense stares. Nozomu's stomach began to churn as he was exposed to unprecedented attention.

"U-Umm, Jihad-sensei, why am I here?"

"It was Anri-sensei's suggestion. However, I was also inwardly looking forward to it."

Apparently, the reason he ended up here was because of Anri.

When Nozomu glanced behind him with a sideways glance, his homeroom teacher, the main culprit, was cheering him on with her fists raised in a cute gesture.

Irisdina and the others were also by Anri's side. They, too, seemed surprised at the situation.

"The great swordsman of the East, Shino Mikagura. You are the last direct disciple who has inherited everything from her. As a swordsman, I have been wanting to have a bout with you ever since I heard about you."

Meanwhile, Jihad thrust the [Jaw Drop] he was carrying into the ground with a meaningful smile on his face, and began rocking his shoulders as if to loosen his body.

"Who told you about Shishō?"

"It was Mena Manat. She's a comrade-in-arms of mine. Are you surprised?"

"Yeah, a little......"

Nozomu glanced toward the distinguished guests' seats where Mena was sitting. The skilled maid was still standing by Somia's side, looking as nonchalant as ever.

To Nozomu's surprise, Jihad began to wrap his body with Qi.

The Qi was so dense that it shook the air. Nozomu's eyes squinted at the chill running down his spine.

His heartbeat quickened, and his body naturally shifted into a state of combat. Seeing Nozomu who was shaken but not intimidated, the hero smiled and gestured to Inda, who was by the side of the arena.

Inda nodded to Jihad's gaze and held up her right hand. Then a section of the stone floor rose up to the height of her waist. As she imbued her fingers with magic and ran them over the pedestal, a four-layered wall of light appeared to cover the arena. This is a special mechanism installed in this Martial Arts Garden to protect the spectators and waiting seats, and it is a ritual magic that deploys four magic barriers that can block even advance-tiered magic.

Furthermore, the hard stone floor of the arena began to crumble. The collapsed stone floor became moist soil, and stone spires rose one after another from the soil. Their appearance and hue changed to that of trees rooted in the ground.

"This is......."

His surroundings had changed drastically. It was the same scenery as in the spasim forest that he knew so well.

Another feature of this Martial Arts Garden is to recreate a wide variety of environments through ritual magic.

Naturally, it is possible to recreate not only forests, but also watery areas, deserts, and alpine cliffs.

Gently, Nozomu touched the roots of a tree running into the soil beneath his feet.

The hard, cold feel of stone felt on his fingers. It was an elaborate pseudo-tree, so elaborate that it was hard to believe that it actually was a transformed stone floor.

"This is a familiar scenery, isn't it? You can wield your power as you see fit. And, of course, that power included......"

That power. Nozomu gasped at Jihad's meaningful words.

(Jihad-sensei might have known that I could release my ability suppression, but he must have not known about Tiamat......)

"This is a great opportunity. A great opportunity for you to change the impression surrounding you that you are a [bottom of the barrel]."

Those were words of intense temptation. The release of ability suppression and the use of the source element of the Dragon King. If he were to use the powers he displayed in his previous battle against one of the Six Bad Omens, [Cracked-Crown] Giant Centipede, that alone would be enough to change the rumors that had circulated about him.

But at the same time, it would drastically increase the chances of Nozomu being known as the Dragon Slayer.

"Now, here I go."

Before his turmoil could subside, Jihad closed in on Nozomu. He swung his great sword, which was originally supposed to be used as a two-handed sword, effortlessly with one hand and struck a powerful blow that seemed to split the wind.

End of Chapter 3


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