Seven Sins System

Chapter 77: Two Talented Warriors

Seven Sins System Chapter 77. Two Talented Warriors

An exhale came out of my mouth.

'Well, it's worth a try. It doesn't hurt me anyway.' In addition, I could get extra souls to eat later or servants to help me do this and that. I could only hope the mortals didn't summon me for stupid things again.

The last time, a mortal summoned me not because he wanted to make a request, but because he wanted to defeat me. He and his friends attacked me and another lord of sin as if we had committed a big crime.

While all we did was answer their summons.

It turned out they were inspired by a famous fantasy book about a group of warriors who summoned the demon lords to destroy their malice power.

Since we didn't have real bodies, they couldn't attack us. But we could ony use our power to a certain extent. On the other hand, we couldn't kill them due to the agreement.

Finally, 'Sloth' and I accompanied them to play heroes by pretending to be in pain every time they attacked. We even attacked them with our lowest skills to make the battle look real. But of course, none of it hit them directly. And they looked so happy since they thought they had amazing agility.

Once we were bored, we ended them in one hit, warned that their souls would come to us directly after their death, and left them dying.

I could say it was kinda fun and I enjoyed it. Especially their frustrations when they realized that we were just playing with them.

Unfortunately, even with that bad example, that famous book had influenced many people. More summons came to me and the other demon lords. All of them requested the same thing. So we decided not to answer any summons until things calmed down. Once was fun but not like this. After all, we had a lot of work so we couldn't play with the mortals all the time.

'Well, but that was a long time ago. That book should be gone by now,' I thought. The modern mortals should be smarter.

Somehow all of this thought made me think of Red. She had also tried to summon me dozens of times. But I didn't answer her since I didn't want to take her soul. She was my servant so her body already belonged to me. The only thing that she could give was her soul and I didn't want to eat my own servant's soul.

Once my tentacles had finished their job, I unlocked the door, hid my tentacles, and ate my breakfast as usual. My gaze fell on the window and stared at it blankly.

It was the knocking sound and the sound of the door opening that broke my thoughts.

"Morning, Dr. Allen." Katrina entered the infirmary with a schedule in her hand and walked to me.

"Morning," I replied, quickly getting up from my chair.

"Your schedule," she said, handing me the list.

"Thank you." I took it and checked it. "So how's the investigation?" I decided to make small talk. My eyes were fixed on the list.

"We haven't found anything yet. Not even a clue. That horde just disappeared like smoke in the wind," she replied with a huff.

"That's impossible." I closed the list and put it on the desk. My gaze shifted to her.

"There were more than a hundred monsters when I saved Julia and all of them were quite high level. It wasn't something that two or three teams could kill in an instant. If we didn't find a good hiding place yesterday, Julia and I might be dead." I used two contradictory statements to say that I was not involved with it.

Yet the look in her eyes that fixed on me showed her suspicion clearly. But she couldn't say anything since she didn't have any proof.

"We also did not find the monster's bodies. So we concluded that all of them fled to another place. We are trying to track them down to avoid another similar attack in the future," she continued her explanation.

A long exhale came out of my mouth.

"Sorry I can't be of much help," I pretended to be sorry. My tone also showed the same.

"I don't think that's all you know," she said straight to the point.

"And I think..." She came closer to me. Her face stopped an inch in front of me.

"Maybe I can figure it out after checking your blood," she whispered.

I replied with a flat stare.

"So that's your true intentions. I'm sure you already know my answer."

She pouted and distanced her face away.

"A drop or two won't hurt, you know?" she protested.

"Sorry. My answer remains the same."

She exhaled a long breath.

"Fine. I'll see you later," she decided to end our conversation and almost turned around to leave.

But I stopped her.

"Before you go. May I ask you one thing?" I asked.

She turned to me.

"What is it?"

"About Miss Aria, is it true that she will move here because of me?"

"I don't think so. Her current contract is almost finished so she decided to move here to gain more experience. But she did say she chose this academy after watching your duel," she explained.

"So it's not because I've offended the paladin community, reputation, or something like that, right?" I made sure. I guessed it was just Theo's bluff.

She giggled.

"Let me guess. Did Theo tell you that?" she guessed.

"Who else?" I shrugged.

"There's no such thing as a paladin community. He just made it all up. The only one you hurt is his dignity," she reassured.

"I hope you can be patient with him since I don't want to lose two talented warriors like you and him." After ending it with a tap on my shoulder, she turned and left.

After the door closed, I spoke again.

"It all depends on him. But I'm not 'Patience' so don't put too much hope on me," I muttered.

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