Chapter 101


The sky was overcast, with a light drizzle gradually turning into a downpour.

"Daddy's here!" Baby Shang shouted, running towards Gu Wen.

Gu Wen held a large black umbrella, scooping the little cub into his arms and walking towards Shang Xi.

The woman was crouched before a gravestone, her figure slender and thin. Then, she was sheltered by the black umbrella, shielded from the intrusion of raindrops.

She looked up, the man cradling the cub in one arm and holding the umbrella over her with the other. His handsome, chiseled face bore a rather indifferent expression.

She didn't seem to notice, asking, "Mr. Gu, is there only one umbrella?"

Gu Wen lowered his gaze towards her, his voice devoid of any emotion, "It's enough."

Shang Xi pursed her lips slightly, clearly noticing that Gu Wen was tilting most of the umbrella towards her, leaving his back and shoulders exposed to the rain.

The rain grew heavier, pattering loudly on the umbrella.

"We should probably head back," she stood up, believing Grandma Zhu wouldn't have approved of anyone getting drenched visiting her.

"We just got here, what's the rush to leave?" Gu Wen said flatly.

Shang Xi shook her head, "I've said what I wanted to say to Grandma, I think I can come visit her anytime. Let's go."

Gu Wen curled his lips in a mocking arc, "Yeah, you've said what you wanted to say."

Shang Xi froze briefly, sensing something amiss. Just as she was about to study Gu Wen's expression, a blur of motion caught her eye as Gu Wen thrust the cub and umbrella into her arms.

"You two head back to the car first."

"What about you..."

"I'll have a few words with the old lady."

Gu Wen stood in the rain, gazing at the woman under the black umbrella. Suddenly, he curled his lip in self-mockery and asked her, "Or maybe you don't agree, and I have no right?"

Shang Xi's eyes widened slightly as she raised the umbrella higher, straining to get a clear look at Gu Wen's face.

Gu Wen stood motionless in the rain, countless raindrops pelting his hair and face.

Rarely did Shang Xi see a hint of dishevelment and despondency in him.

"I didn't mean it like that, we'll wait for you in the car," she said before turning to leave.

What's wrong with Gu Wen?

It seemed his mood had suddenly soured.

Only after watching the mother and son disappear into the rain did Gu Wen turn to Grandma Zhu's gravestone. The photograph depicted the old lady smiling kindly, as if watching over him.

"I love her."

"I promise before you, I will be loyal to her, protect her. I will never leave her."

"You know, she has been deprived of so much love, with so few people loving her. That's why she has rejected everyone who loves her. I'm not one of those suitors who knock on the door and walk away."

"It doesn't matter if she doesn't open the door, I will find my way to open it. Whether by prying it open or smashing it down, it doesn't matter." Gu Wen deeply bowed before the old lady's photograph, "Please forgive me."

She is accustomed to hiding behind that door, like the little girl from childhood who was loved by no one.

Like that... little girl crying amidst the overgrown weeds in the park.

Back then, no one came looking for her, so she thought no one would ever come looking for her?

He would let her know that someone would firmly and resolutely walk down the path of fate, no matter how long or winding, to reach her.

Sitting in the car, while Baby Shang played with toys beside her, Shang Xi pondered Gu Wen's words from earlier. He was such a mercurial fellow!

The next moment, the driver's side door opened, and Gu Wen climbed in, fastening his seatbelt.

Shang Xi noticed his clothes were drenched. She wondered what he had said to Grandma Zhu just then.

She pursed her lips, "I suppose we should head back to Nanfeng Courtyard now, you need to change your clothes."

Gu Wen turned his head, fixing her with an intense, piercing gaze, "What, you find it hard to be around me?"

Shang Xi froze, "What..."

Gu Wen had already turned away, starting the car. His voice was flat, "What's the rush to go back so soon? The little cub is almost five, isn't it about time he practiced hunting?"

Counting the days, Baby Shang's birthday was in about ten days.

Upon hearing about his birthday, Baby Shang's eyes lit up, his chubby face beaming, "Mommy, I'm growing up, right?"

"Yes, you're going to be a big five-year-old soon." Shang Xi stroked her son's head, her smile gradually fading.

This guy, Gu Wen!

What's with the mood swings!

With her son present, she could only let it go for now.

Gu Wen drove in silence.

About fifteen minutes later, the car stopped.

Shang Xi looked out to see they were at Meng Lai Mountain Manor, a place she had visited once before.

The houses there were all built of wood, with a distinct charm. Wooden wolf statues and wolf carvings adorned the pillars. Behind the houses lay a lawn and forest.

Was Gu Wen bringing their son here for hunting practice?

Without a word, Gu Wen exited the car first, opening the rear door and fixing her with an expectant gaze, clearly waiting for her to get out.

For some inexplicable reason, she felt a subtle sense of pressure.

Shang Xi looked at her adorable, chubby-faced son and felt a twinge of apprehension, "Isn't Baby Shang a bit too young for hunting practice? Will it be dangerous..."

"If anything, he's late. Do you want him to starve in the wild later on?"

Of course, Shang Xi didn't want that.

"Little Shang," Gu Wen addressed the young cub in the middle seat, "Want to catch some rabbits?"

Baby Shang's eyes lit up, his little fangs peeking out as he moved his lips, "Yes! Daddy, are we going to catch little rabbits?"

"Yep, any you catch will be yours."

Gu Wen glanced at the woman who had yet to unbuckle her seatbelt, recalling her earlier words. His eyes darkened as he leaned in close, one hand braced on the car door as he intently studied Shang Xi's face, "What are you worried about? He'll only be allowed to catch small prey."

Shang Xi didn't expect him to make such a move, blinking in surprise, "Oh... then I guess it's alright..."


Gu Wen had undone her seatbelt for her, his voice low, "Let's get out."


As they entered, a man wearing a white shirt and black vest approached to greet them.

No, Shang Xi realized, he wasn't human.

The way he addressed Gu Wen, leaning forward with his head raised in a deferential, respectful manner.

Humans don't converse like that.

"The practice hunting grounds for the young cub, I presume? Please proceed this way. Inside, we have rabbits, squirrels, chickens, birds, and more, all legally kept within human regulations. Please feel at ease."

Baby Shang listened, unconsciously licking his little lips.

His wet, sparkling eyes shone with excitement.

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