Chapter 136

This near-fatal earthquake made the family of three somewhat shaken, causing them to cherish their hard-won normal lives.

Baby Shang leaned against his mother, his jet black eyes fixed on his father. He remained silent, his little lips pursed, not knowing what he was thinking. One little hand clutched tightly at Shang Xi's clothes.

Gu Wen finally managed to avert his gaze from Shang Xi, looking towards his cub, his tone softening slightly: "What's the matter, were you scared?"

Baby Shang blinked his long eyelashes like butterfly wings fluttering downward, and muttered: "No, I wasn't."

The cub's plump, pale face puffed out cutely.

Gu Wen thought about pinching his cheeks, his hand twitching, but unable to move. Instead, he smirked: "Did you hear that? Your mom likes me too."

Baby Shang let out an "Oh" sound.

He knew his mom loved him most, but right now, he wouldn't argue with his dad. In his current state, his dad looked rather pitiful.

As far back as Baby Shang could remember, he always felt his family was much smaller than others'. Most of the time, it was just him and his mom.

Other families were noisy and rambunctious, while his home was much quieter.

But Baby Shang never felt lonely, upset, because he had all the toys other kids had. The little cars, the blue rubber bouncy horses - he had them all. His mom always bought him delicious foods, snacks, and cool clothes.

His mom loved him constantly, and he never felt like he was lacking anything.

It was undeniable that after his dad appeared, his mom became much more at ease, spending a lot more time with him. They often went out to restaurants to eat delicious foods and play outside.

Was this what his mom meant by "having one more person who loves you"?

Okay, he didn't hate it.

Leaving Nanfeng Courtyard meant going home with his mom, and leaving this man who had suddenly appeared half a year ago. Leaving this... person who carried him everywhere and was reluctant to let him walk.

Leaving this suddenly appearing... person who truly cared for him.

Because of his great strength and sharp hearing, he was sometimes forced to learn things he didn't want to know. In the eyes of teachers and classmates, he disliked talking and playing games with those kids. Because they always screamed and yelled, their shrill voices made his ears hurt.

People who don't speak see more.

People who don't speak think more.

Around people other than his mom, he preferred to observe them, speaking much less. Why bother putting on a smiling face for them? It was too troublesome. Praise? Gifts? He didn't want any of that.

From his observations, he concluded: Adults have multiple faces, they like to act, saying one thing in front of you and another behind your back.

Those people would smile and praise his mom to her face, complimenting her capability, beauty, and ability to make money.

But once out of earshot, they'd say his mom wasn't a good woman and call him a wild child.

Perhaps those people never imagined his hearing would be so keen.

His dad was probably one of the few who was genuinely good to him. So when leaving Nanfeng Courtyard, he felt a sense of concern.

During the earthquake, when his dad threw him out of the building and he watched it collapse into rubble and dust before his eyes, he initially felt rage.

It was a feeling... of being abandoned.

Who was this person to separate him and his mom?!

How long had they known each other compared to how recently this man appeared?

But after the anger passed, he felt anguish, because his mom might have left him forever... this man, too.

The feeling of being left alone in this world was so... lonely, fearful, despairing.

So this was the kind of life his mom had been living before.

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