Chapter 646 Rain of fire (4)

?Going back a few minutes...

Everyone who had been in the makeshift fortress was shocked to see these wyverns that had suddenly appeared.

The fighting had completely stopped in the makeshift fortress after these wyverns appeared.

They all watched as the wyverns descended on the Beirut Kingdom army, sending down their flames breaths to destroy their ranks.

After taking a while to react, the Beirut Kingdom infantry and cavalry finally turned around and went to help their allies. After all, while it was important to take this fortress, it was more important to save their allies.

They could see that at this rate, it was only a matter of time before their allies were all slaughtered.

But it wasn't just them that reacted in this manner.

There was someone else who reacted to the appearance of the wyverns by gathering his troops.

It was General Killock who had left General Gardner on the wall all on his own.

He had gone to his men and quickly gathered over a thousand cavalry to charge after the enemy.

Without even asking General Gardner for permission, he led his men forward. Though in reality, he didn't actually need to ask General Gardner for permission since these cavalry units were from his army in the first place.

They were under his command and not General Gardner's command, so he could use them however he wanted in the first place.

As they charged out, General Killock couldn't help looking up at the wyverns flying in the sky with a strange look.

That was because he had finally remembered the letter that he had received from the fourth prince just a day ago. He had forgotten about this letter since it had seemed like nonsense at the time, but now he realized that the letter had been referring to this the entire time.

That letter had mentioned that when the wyverns came, he should support them however he could.

But he never thought that it would actually happen.

Still, since the fourth prince had even sent him a letter about this, General Killock chose to believe in the fourth prince.

What he didn't realize was that he had been slowly affected by Count Zwein.

He had gotten so used to shocks like this that he was able to react even with the sudden shocking appearance of the wyverns.

As they charged into the enemy lines, they progressed swiftly at first since these enemy lines were in complete disarray from the attack of the wyverns. It didn't seem like they had the mental capacity to stop them under the attacks of the wyverns, let alone the physical capacity as they were being pelted with flame breaths.

But that was only on the edge of the enemy formation.

As they went deeper and deeper into enemy lines, they found that these enemies were still in proper formation to a certain extent. They were using their shields to block the flames, so it was easy for them to shift the shields to block General Killock's cavalry.

Or at least that was what should have happened.

General Killock and his men had even braced for the impact when they saw the shield wall in front of them.

But before they could crash into that shield wall, there was a roar that came from above.

Everyone looked up to see that there were three wyverns that were above them that were gathering flames in their mouths. Once they came down close enough, they suddenly released this flame breath at the shield wall that had been in front of General Killock and his men.

The shield wall was able to block some of these flames, but it was different since the wyverns had come down close enough that the flame breaths were even stronger. So in the end, the shields melted right in their hands.

The wyverns though had to block a few arrows because they had come down this far.

The reason why the wyverns had never come down this far before was because there were still arrows being shot at them. They had remained just out of range of the arrows as they had been releasing their fire breaths down at the Beirut Kingdom army.

But now, they had come down just to breathe their flame breaths on this shield wall in front of General Killock and his men.

There was a moment of hesitation from General Killock and his men, but he quickly recovered from this and charged at where the shield wall had been.

With the shields that had been melted, they weren't able to stop General Killock and his men from rushing right into their formation.

Plus with their shields being melted, they didn't have a way to block the spears of General Killock and his men.

So they were able to easily sweep through these enemy soldiers with their long range and their quick speed. In no time at all, they had made it through this formation and were charging deeper into the formation of the Beirut Kingdom army.

Once they were through, one of General Killock's closest subordinates who was riding beside him couldn't help asking, "General, did the wyverns just help us?"

General Killock knitted his brows when he heard this as he didn't answer right away.

Even if he wanted to answer, it wasn't as if he had an answer for this subordinate of his since he didn't know what had happened either.

So in the end, all he could say was, "That doesn't matter right now. Right now, we only need to be focused on our mission."

That subordinate had a strange expression on his face, but in the end, he gave a nod to show that he understood.

With that, General Killock and his men dove even deeper into the enemy formation.

What they didn't know was that there was someone watching them from above on the back of a wyvern, taking note of them as they charged deeper into the Beirut Kingdom army.

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