Chapter 726 Ah, my butt!

??Of course, we didn't release the demon king right away.

Before we could release him, there were still things that we had to do.

It took everyone's hard work before we were ready to release that demon king.

First, we had to set up the dildo bats so they would be placed all around the demon king when he appeared. There were even some that were placed right where the demon king would appear, so it would stab him right away if he were to appear there.

To do that, I had my people go outside to collect a bunch of wood and then I had them build stands that we tied the dildo bats to.

All of this took a while since it wasn't as if they were familiar with building stands in the first place.

It took us a while to build stands that were strong enough to hold the dildo bats, though most of the work was done by the soldiers of the dukedom.

It turned out that since the dukedom didn't have many enemies and few monsters, most of their work was actually helping out with the dukedom's constructions. They had done things from building houses to building bridges to even paving roads.

It could be said that their experience was better than most professional builders.

With this, they were able to build proper stands that held the dildo bats.

What my people really did was open the vials of holy water and pour the holy water onto the dildo bats.

We made sure to completely cover the dildo bats in this holy water, making sure that we didn't miss a single spot of the dildo bats.

We had to make sure that not a single spot was missed since only when it was completely covered in holy water would it have the greatest effect.

In the center of this formation was The Penetrator.

Though it seemed like it was being placed in a very strange position with how it was made to stand up straight.

I personally made sure to completely soak The Penetrator in holy water, though it did feel strange to be surrounded by dildo bats like this.

Second, I had a few of my people take some of the dildo bats and surround the area that the demon king would appear in.

These dildo bats were also covered in holy water and they looked like they were prepared to strike at any moment.

Only when all of this was prepared did I go back into the room with the seal.

I taught one of the fourth prince's men how to release the seal when the time came since I wanted to be in the main room just in case anything happened.

Only after all of this were we finally prepared.

Duke Nergiante and his men seemed like they wanted to help, but I had them stay back just in case since I didn't know what the demon king would do.

While I understood their intention of wanting to protect their home, they were actually getting in the way since there wasn't anything that they could do to help us. After all, they didn't even know that there was a demon king under their country, let alone know how to deal with it.

During all of this, the captain of the guards still looked at me with the same glare.

I really didn't understand what was wrong with this man that he still mistrusted us after all of this…

But for now, it wasn't the time to think about that since the important thing was dealing with the demon king.

Seeing that everyone and everything was in position, I gave a nod to the fourth prince's guard inside of the room.

He had to take a minute to find what part of the seal he needed to erase, but he was able to find it in the end.

I saw him take a deep breath before he used the knife that I gave him to carve into those runes.

The knife that he used started to shine the moment that he went to carve up those runes.

This was a special rune engraved knife that I had made with the dwarves that had several runes for cutting on it. So even if this was a seal that was strong enough to seal a demon king, it was still able to cut through it.

The moment that the runes were cut through, there was a cracking sound that came from the black crystal in the center of the room.

Everyone revealed nervous looks when they saw the crack on that crystal.

They looked even more nervous when they saw the black energy that was seeping out of the black crystal as more and more cracks formed on the surface of the crystal.

It wasn't just the fact that the crystal cracked that made us nervous, but rather the pressure that came from it. The pressure that came from the aura that was being released by the black energy, that was what was making everyone nervous.

This was clearly not a normal amount of pressure.

One could only say…

As expected of a demon king!

This pressure kept growing as more and more of the black energy seeped out of the crystal, but nothing happened other than the appearance of the black energy. It didn't seem like anything was about to happen after the black energy seeped out.

That was until the black energy suddenly started to flow from the black crystal to where we had set our trap.

The crystal was slowly losing that black colour that was in the center of it as more and more of this black energy flowed out.

Eventually, it completely lost that black colour as the black energy gathered where the trap was.

Finally, that black energy gathered together and formed…a black skinned figure.

This was like the demons that we had met before, but this one was definitely much stronger than them.

The first thing that they said was…

"Ah! My butt!"

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