Silver Overlord

Chapter 275 - The Question

Chapter 275: The Question

Translator: Myuu Editor: Myuu

“Catch!” Li Hongtu examined the big shiny spear made of Dragon Spine Steel in his hand for a second before he threw it at Yan Liqiang. Yan Liqiang’s reflexes were quick and he caught the spear swiftly.

Like an ugly duckling turning into an elegant swan, the spear instantly glowed with its beauty, and it was absolutely stunning.

Yan Liqiang gently caressed the spear’s handle. After the dirt covering the surface was gotten rid of, the spear was restored to its original appearance. It was now smooth and shiny with its unique metallic glow. A natural fish scale pattern decorated the entire handle. The spearhead, which was a little longer than a foot, was unbelievably sharp. The spear gave off an aura full of mystery and divinity. Anyone wielding the spear would instantly look like a god of war.

Yan Liqiang recalled the moment this spear pierced the rock with ease as it bent almost ninety-degrees. The spear sprang back into its original straight shape as if nothing had happened. It was unbelievable for such a weapon to exist with such tenacity and flexibility at the same time. Yan Liqiang had never seen a metal weapon with such great properties, almost defying the law of physics as he knew it, and he was impressed.

“Master, can I... try out this spear? I want to test the unique ability of the Dragon Spine Steel.” Yan Liqiang asked for Li Hongtu’s permission.

“Haha! Go ahead, I was going to offer it up anyway! You would really be something if you can break this spear! I would call you my master instead!” Li Hongtu laughed nonchalantly.

Yan Liqiang took the spear and nodded as he searched around for something to try the spear out on. Coincidentally, there was a wheel-sized rock just a few steps away. Yan Liqiang approached the rock with the spear ready. He blindly threw the spear at the rock, with no skills or techniques, only using his hands.

The four-hundred jin spear jetted through the air, fueled by the crazy amount of force from Yan Liqiang. It shrieked through the air at the speed of sound and hit the rock like a bomb. The rock was instantly blown away like a soft piece of tofu, shattering into a thousand pieces, scattering across the ground.

All Li Hongtu knew was that he heard the spear shriek as it flew out from Yan Liqiang’s hand before the rock exploded right in front of him. He turned his eyes to Yan Liqiang, and he saw Yan Liqiang looking at the spear as if it were his lover. A normal person might be too ignorant notice this, but Li Hongtu was an expert and owner of spears: it would take a horrifying amount of force to make the spear shriek in such a way while throwing it into the air.

The rock was now completely ruined, and rock powder floated in the air like a haze. Yan Liqiang hurriedly took a few steps back, trying to avoid the powder from falling all over his body. Then, he glanced at the spear. To his surprise, the spear was as good as new, as if the impact just a second ago was nothing. There was only a white line on it and it was just rock powder which could be easily wiped away with a finger. After wiping away the powder, Yan Liqiang could not even find any sort of evidence that might suggest that it had just gone through the impact seconds ago! This was almost heaven-defying! The spear was stronger than anything Yan Liqiang had ever seen! With the force Yan Liqiang exerted just now, there would be marks left on any kind of metal weapon, but not the Dragon Spine Steel!

“This Dragon Spine Steel is invincible to all weapons. Neither fire nor water can corrode it. Even if you knock it with pig iron, it will not harm this spear even after the pig iron is broken into pieces, let alone a common rock. Try throwing the spear into a fire for three days and three nights. This spear will not even melt,” Li Hongtu confidently boasted.

Yan Liqiang smirked as he admired the spear in his hand. Then, he laid the spear flat on the ground with one hand and pressed his foot down on it...

Yan Liqiang applied a great amount of force on it, and the spearhead instantly cut a deep line into the ground. The handle was bent into a curve. “Ha!” Yan Liqiang held his breath and used all his energy to try to bend the spear even further.

As he squeezed more energy into the handle, the spear bent a little more than ninety degrees.

The spear was soon bent into a semi-circle. As Yan Liqiang tried to push its limit a little more, his face turned beet red as well since he was using every muscle in his body. However, as hard as he tried, the spear could not be bent any further.

“Be careful...” Li Hongtu warned.

Yan Liqiang eased the force he was exerting on the handle by a little, but the spear instantly bounced up into the air like a prawn. Before Yan Liqiang could even react, a force as fast as lightning slapped him.

Whoosh! Yan Liqiang felt his feet detaching from the ground, and his whole body was sent into the air by the force. He flew a few meters away and dropped onto the ground, rolling seven or eight times like a wheel before he finally came to a stop.

Yan Liqiang’s clean clothes were instantly stained with dirt, causing him to look rather pathetic.

“Amazing! Amazing!” Yan Liqiang laughed as he flipped upright from the ground. He bolted back to where Li Hongtu was standing and yelled in excitement, “Master, this Dragon Spine Steel spear is super amazing!”

“Of course! Why else would I say that Dragon Spine Steel is a rare treasure?” Li Hongtu laughed as he passed the spear back to Yan Liqiang, “See for yourself, did the spear bend even a little?”

Yan Liqiang took the spear and examined it himself. The spear was indeed straight, not even a little crooked. Yan Liqiang carressed the spear lovingly, “Master, where can we find more Dragon Spine Steel? Maybe I’ll make myself another spear just like this one in the future!”

Li Hongtu paused a little before he asked, “Have you ever heard of a place called Hell Island?”

“Hell Island? Where is that place?” Yan Liqiang asked.

“Hell Island is an island deep in the southern sea. It is rumored that the place is one of the most dangerous places you can ever find. Not many experts have wandered into the island and come back alive. The Dragon Spine Steel can only be found in the cave below the volcanic mountain in the island. That is why it is such a rare treasure. Luck must be on your side for you to find it!”

“Master, have you been to Hell Island?”

Li Hongtu was immediately offended as he stared at Yan Liqiang with wide eyes, “If I went to the island, do you think I would still be here alive to be your master?”

“Haha! Master, you are an extremely blessed person with amazing abilities! Even if you went there, you would be able to come back alive!” Yan Liqiang cheekily replied.

Li Hongtu was obviously flattered by Yan Liqiang’s answer, and his face turned from angry to happy, “You’re a smart one! Although your master has not been to Hell Island, I would sure be able to come back alive even if I did. Forget about finding the Dragon Spine Steel for yourself. Just make sure you complete your training with me and I will give this Dragon Spine Steel spear to you. Then you can use it whichever way you like!”

Yan Liqiang shook his hands, “How can I accept such a rare treasure as a gift?”

“Why not? I don’t use it anyway. Who else should I pass it down to if not my disciple? There’s only one condition: make sure you complete your training with me, and I must warn you, it is not an easy job!”

Li Hongtu’s speech instantly awakened Yan Liqiang. As he eagerly rubbed his hands, Yan Liqiang asked eagerly, “So, Master, you said you were going to teach me some real stuff if I passed the challenge. What is the real stuff?”

Li Hongtu squinched his eyes as he stared at Yan Liqiang, “Before I teach you some real stuff, let me ask you one question. Do you know why the handle of a spear must be flexible and strong at the same time? Pikes, lances, and javelins all look similar to the spear, and they all have solid, stiff handles. Why is the spear different?”

“Well...” Yan Liqiang hesitated. He was not expecting this question. Although the question seemed like an easy entry-level question, he was somehow at a loss as to how to answer it.

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