Singer Sailor Merchant Mage

Chapter 7: Through the listening glass

So wondering what other skills I can get whilst I’m here to get me there. Bit stuck with nothings much else to do.

Over the last two months I have learnt a lot of songs but now I seem to have come to the end of my mother's repertoire. It has been very good for my memorisation skill and I am able to learn them quicker and quicker now. Sure that the continued development of my ears and my improving listening skill have helped with that too. Wondering how much my senses stat has gone up is due to my developing body or due to my increasing listening skill.

Also wondering about my parents occupation maybe my mother is a singer? Doubt this as I have never heard a crowd's applause. Thinking about what I am or what I will be. What life might be like? Will I have a choice? As I've thought before there is no point worrying about it as I can’t really do anything about. But I do anyway.

Okay I could have three months left or I could have as little as a week left as always not sure really. I think I’m going to think there’s three months total before I’m born because premature babies get born up to 6 months early and I like to think I could survive outside by now.

My most recent worry is that increasing my vitality might mean that it takes me longer to be born. Not really sure how vitality works. Does it mean I’m getting healthier? My health has gone up to 80 now so that’s obviously a good thing but is that going to make it harder for me to keep growing? Or does that speed up my growth? I remember from one class or another that the record for the longest pregnancy lasted over a year because of the fetus developing slowly. I could always spend more time in here, for more growth before facing the unknown would be good but honestly I'd really like to get out more than anything. Thoughts like these reinforce my decision not to spend any points. Like I said, I don’t want to hurt my mother and I don't know the consequences. If I doubled my strength would I double my size? That could be dangerous at the moment for both of us.

I’m amazed at how well I can listen now to the other voices outside. I have identified a few more regular visitors to our house. First is definitely a male voice probably my father as it seems quite low and is reguarly around morning and night. Second voice I’ve been able to pick out is a higher pitched one which seems similar to my mothers so female and could be an aunt or a sister. Third is another females voice slightly lower voice so another sister, aunt or perhaps a grandmother. Fourth and fith voices that I can now identify are both lower male voices but not around as much so maybe an older brother, uncle or a grandfather again not sure. This could be a family tree I'm building up in my head or it could be the neighbours passing by!

I’m enjoying guessing what different sounds might be when mother walks around trying to guess how big the house might be or is it a house it could be a cottage as I haven't heard any stairs yet. Could even be a tent! Also trying to guess where movements change and if we are moving in different directions.

Tried making music today didn’t work as I can’t sing because I don’t have any air. I can’t hum either because I don’t have any air yet. My lungs are literally filled with liquid. Cracking my teeth doesn’t work because I haven’t got in any can’t click my fingers because I’m underwater so developing my musical skills will have to wait a little bit longer.

64 hrs!

Yes that's right. That’s how long Time sense took to level up. Maybe they get capped at level 10 of the skill. There has to be a better way to keep improving!

Luckily there is!

That’s right I have a new skill, echolocation.

I spent so long trying to listen and work out where things are and what things are that I’m beginning to have some idea of what’s around. Obviously I can’t speak or emit my own noise for it to bounce back but I’m beginning to be able to tell a little bit about what is around me from other people's sounds bouncing around. This seems to use my listening skill to listen past all the noises I'm surrounded by of my mothers heart beat, breathing, gut movements. Focusing only on the noises outside. Then with eavesdrop I can target individuals before devloping an idea of where everyone is.

Unfortunately I can’t see, hear where the room and objects in it are yet, let alone anything much more than where the sounds are coming from but I’m beginning to get a sense of where everyone is in relation to us and where the walls might be. At the moment it’s still more or less amorphous blobs within a box but that’s more than I used to have so I can say that I am likely to be humanoid living in a humanoid world. Again still can’t say the colour of our species and might still be an elf. Still it’s an improvement. And the best thing is that it is an advanced skill so I gained a full 400 experience for the first level which puts me over into level 5!

Yes! Level 5! Feels like a major milestone. Certainly is a large jump up in experience required for the next level.

Think this might be the limit of what I can get to in here in the womb as the next level up is going to take 64 level ups with beginner skills, 32 level ups with intermediate skills or 16 level ups with an advanced skill.

Might be possible but think I will probably be born before then. Especially as most of my current skills will require at least 32 hours to get the next level. Maybe skills max out at Level 10.

But to be fair to myself I managed to get to level 5 in 56 days. So if I can find and work on 8 new different skills (6 beginner, 1 intermediate and 1 advanced) then that should give me enough experience to get to level 6 by day 100.

Level: 5 Experience: 200/6400 Age: 56 days

Health: 80/80 Stamina: 60/60 Mana 100/100

Vitality: 8

Endurance: 5

Strength: 5

Dexterity: 5

Senses: 15

Mind: 60

Clarity: 10

Magic: 10

Free Points: 50

Skills: Time sense (LV 7) Listening (LV 6) Meditation (LV 6) Sense Mana (LV 6) Swimming (LV 3) Eavesdrop (LV 6) Memorisation (LV 6) Echolocation (LV 1)

Do you think there is a sleeping or daydreaming skill?

Because I'm certainly putting enough time into those.

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