The towers were decorated with the school's banners. The school's banner had the castle with its name in kanji written across it, the background was white in color (no doubt) and the castle was… well, light brown in color.

The wizards were wearing bright white robes (to avoid the incoming summer sun rays and because Atama wanted them to), and the ladies were wearing a silver cloak over white robes.

The same was the dress code for the students, the only difference was they were wearing their year-wise robes inside and white cloaks over it.

The first years wore black robes and took the white cloak over them. Brown robes for the second year, navy color robes for the third-year students, the fourth-year students wore emerald robes and the final fifth-year students wore maroon robes.

White did not suit over maroon and emerald robes, but Atama wanted them to wear it. Everyone should wear the same robes on the year-end feast. He was even planning to paint the castle white this summer, if Kamiya's death had not delayed it, he would have done it already.

The feast was scheduled at seven in the evening, the decorations had been done, and the castle was set for holding around a thousand people tonight.

Kakashi and Eya had helped them a little, but with magic, it was not that difficult, well if the castle was not this huge. They were on their way to Atama's office after getting their lunch.

"Are you sure?" Kakashi asked.

Eya nodded and continued taking long steps with her tiny legs. Kakashi had no problem keeping up with her. He knew she was nervous, but she had to tell Atama about it.

She reached the office's door first and knocked. She had to knock again before Atama used magic to open the door.

They saw him sitting in his chair in front of the table, he was doing some writing work, perhaps getting the budget and expenses on a page. Then he lifted his head and rolled his hands under his chin.

"Oh, Eya…" he muttered, "and Kakashi…"

She bowed to him before standing in front of his table. With her height, Atama had to get off his chair to look at her. She got so close to the table that she partially went under it.

,m Atama stood on the hill created in the middle of his office where stood his table and chair. "What can I help you with?" he asked.

Kakashi closed the door behind him and asked, "Are you stressed with the feast somehow?"

Atama sighed. "Of course not. I have been doing it for years. The feast usually tens to be a happy and cheerful event where we watch our veterans retire, the best students graduate, and the freshmen stuff the food as they would never have a chance to eat it again."

Kakashi scoffed. "I remember I had done the same thing back in my freshmen year."

"And I had to yell at you to stop eating before the teachers or any student does. You still went on eating– stuffing," Eya said and giggled.

A smile spread on Atama's face, then he dropped his head. "I have been doing this for years but never I had to deal with a murder of my student during this time. Kids don't really die on these conquests, we say that to terrify them… but one actually did this time…"

Eya lowered her head and Kakashi closed his mouth and reversed his smile.

Atama continued, "We would need to answer his parents, hold his funeral in secret, and help Hitori overcome his grief… all this along with the feast– without letting anyone see through me."

Atama sighed again and shook his head, then he lifted it and smiled at them.

"I think I should create a spell that prevents people from looking through my emotions," he said and laughed, "this has been the hardest year… this reminds me of the first year when I was trying to establish a school… as Hiro had told me to.

"I thought that was the hardest year I would ever have… but no… things change. This will change, too, and I will have an even harder year sometime in the future. Anyway, take a seat," he completed.

Eya took a step back and sat on a chair summoned by Atama. Kakashi walked to her side and sat on the chair summoned next to her.

Atama walked down his hill and went to the corner to get a glass of water. "Are you going to tell me why you are here?"

"Yeah, uh… actually," Eya grabbed the ring on her finger and started turning it as she said nervously.

Kakashi glanced at her. Atama came back to the center with a glass in his hand. While waiting for Eya to continue, he took the glass to his lips.

Eya continued, "I lied about Kamiya's body."

Atama spilled the water, it fell on the white floor and spoiled it. He coughed for the next few seconds. Kakashi and Eya jumped off the chairs and stood by the door.

Atama staggered to the table and placed the glass on it, then he looked at the white ceiling and tried to calm himself. He took a deep breath, then coughed again.

Atama dropped his head, took breaths to control his heartbeat, then looked at them. "Are you serious? Y-You lied, does that mean Kamiya's body is—"

"Is safe." She nodded. "His body is safe."

"Why? Why would you? Where is he? A-And why did you…" he continued asking.

But Eya had only one answer to all of the questions, an answer that would silence Atama in an instant. She believed it could. So she removed her eyes from the ring and looked at Atama.

Kakashi leaned against the wall, he was ready to watch how Atama would handle the shock.

Atama continued asking the same questions over and over. He never waited for her to answer. But when Eya opened her mouth, Atama could not talk for the next three minutes.

"Kyoryu-san…" she said.

Atama stopped– as if he froze in the middle, someone used petrified and turned him to stone. His hands over his head, his mouth wide open, and eyes wide, too.

"Kyoryu-san is back," she said, "he took Kamiya's body with him, I had to let him take it. He said… he said Kamiya might still have a chance."

Atama's eyes widened, he lost his balance, his legs wobbled, and he had to grab the hill to stand, but he could not for long. Atama leaned against the wall and slid to the floor.

He grabbed his head. This was the best moment, something to make him cry with happiness after all that had happened. It was a relief.

"Where is he?" he said after three minutes.

"We do not know," Kakashi said, "but we are going to meet him after the funeral."

Eya said, "Yes, maybe Kyoryu-san would have progressed by then…"

"He will," Atama said, "he is the best dark wizard Asia has to offer. His resurrection ritual has never failed."

Atama raised his eyes, removed his hand, and looked into Eya's eyes.

"If he took Kamiya's body within an hour of his death, prepare yourself to meet Kamiya by the end of the spring break and the start of the next academic year."

Kakashi scoffed. "You are being too optimistic."

Eya did not, though. She said, "You should prepare to face his sister (she might think he is a zombie!) and tamper with his papers."

Kakashi pushed himself off the wall. "Seriously, Eya-nee? Are not you two being too optimistic? Let us not jump to the conclusion."

And Kakashi was true. For the first time, he was not a himbo.

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