Sorcerer’s Handbook

Chapter 143: Trying Not to Kill You by Holding Back

Freya’s home lacked a dining table, so dishes were arranged on a desk instead.

Seated on a chair that usually held dirty laundry—now that Ashe had washed it and it was drying on the balcony—Freya pointed at the Redflame Lala Fatty rice bowl, lettuce salad, and Misty Spinach Egg Pancake in front of her, asking bewilderedly, “You called me back just to eat together?”

Little String’s cat food was topped with a layer of Redflame Lala Fatty sauce, and he was enjoying it immensely.

“Yeah.” Ashe untied his apron. “Although I can wear a mask to avoid surveillance from Camera Eye, I have to show my face when eating. There’s no way I can dine out… so I have to buy ingredients and cook at home, like the pancake I bought for lunch.”

“But you could have pancakes for dinner too, why cook?”

“To be honest, the meal standards in Prison were pretty good. Lunch is passable, but if I can’t enjoy a good meal for dinner, that’s a bit…”

“So why did you call me back?”

“Because I can’t just cook for one. I can’t eat three dishes by myself, so I called you to join me.”

It sounded reasonable, but Freya still found it odd—after all, you are Ashe Heath, the Cult Leader of the Four Pillars. Shouldn’t you be satisfying your hunger by randomly picking a passerby and tasting their fresh brain?

In fact, Ashe didn’t used to cook. This skill came from mastering “Common Recipes” after reading the Sorcerer Handbook, which he never expected to come in handy so quickly.

“How did you have money to buy ingredients just after getting out of Prison?” Freya suddenly remembered this point.

She wasn’t worried about Ashe taking her money; in fact, there was no money at home. She wasn’t a sorcerer yet and didn’t carry silver coins. Expenses were directly deducted from the Digital Currency within her Chip.

“You can earn money in Prison too,” Ashe said as he pulled out a stack of exquisitely printed banknotes from his bag with a sigh. “I used Silver Coins to buy the ingredients and got so much change back.”

To be accurate, the ingredients for this lavish dinner didn’t even cost one twentieth of a Silver Coin. A single Silver Coin could suffice for a common person’s food needs for twenty days, which is eighteen coins a year, and it seems that the exchange rate between Gold Coins and Silver Coins is about 1:100…

After a day of shopping, Ashe felt the need to revise his impression of Medics. The one who could casually hand out a Gold Coin wasn’t just a little rich girl; she was a tycoon!

While he was talking, Ashe opened a video from the Knowledge Screen titled “Why Sorcerers Are Great.” There are many such educational videos on the Curtain, mainly aimed at ordinary people who don’t qualify for university.

But to someone like Freya, a prospective Official Sorcerer, the knowledge in these videos seemed a bit superficial. However, combined with humorous dialogue and hilarious scenes, it still looked pretty interesting.

Was it just a random video he found? As an Official Sorcerer, he doesn’t need to watch these educational videos, right?

It’s worth mentioning that before the video started playing, there was a 30-second ad, which in the last ten seconds switched to a wanted notice from the Sin Hunter’s Hall.

“‘Necrophiliac’ Archibald Harvey, One Wing sorcerer, dead/alive reward: 10 Gold Coins, information reward: 1 Silver Coin.”

“‘Carrion Crow’ Ronald Wade, One Wing sorcerer, dead/alive reward: 8 Gold Coins, information reward: 8 Silver Coins.”

“‘Con Artist’ Igor Bukin, Two Wings sorcerer, dead/alive reward: 15 Gold Coins, information reward: 2 Silver Coins.”

“‘Ghoul’ Langna Chios, Two Wings sorcerer, dead/alive reward: 20 Gold Coins, information reward: 2 Silver Coins.”

“‘Demon Saint’ Ashe Heath, strength unknown, dead/alive reward: 50 Gold Coins, information reward: 5 Silver Coins.”

“You’re quite valuable.”

“Thanks for the compliment. Any regrets?”

“Not at all, after all, Sympathy Spirits from the Mind Department are very hard to come by, and you can’t get one for 5 Silver Coins.”

Freya paused for a moment, then looked at Ashe: “If His Excellency the ‘Demon Saint’ wishes to return to Prison, please let me be the one to escort you back.”

“Forget it, if I wanted to turn myself in, I would have claimed the reward myself.”


As they ate and watched the video, Ashe suddenly said, “Freya, I have something to discuss with you.”


“Could you wear clothes when you sleep at night?” Ashe asked delicately: “After all, now that there’s someone of the opposite sex around…”

Last night was the first night he had stayed at someone else’s place, and Ashe had held back all night without saying anything. Even though he was sleeping on the floor, the thought of a naked lamb on the bed kept him awake.

Freya looked at him curiously: “Why should I wear clothes because you’re here?”

“Don’t you feel embarrassed to be seen naked by someone else?”

“Not at all, if it weren’t against public order laws, I’d even consider going to class without clothes, especially since it’s been quite hot lately.”

Freya pulled at her tank top, peeked inside, and asked with confusion: “Or are you saying I’m not attractive, and that makes you uncomfortable?”

“No, you’re very attractive, it’s just that…” Ashe struggled to find a polite way to explain: “Your appearance… arouses a longing in my body…”

“Oh!” Freya suddenly realized, pulled out a tissue to wipe her mouth, and then with both hands pulled up her tank top: “Then let’s do it, after we’re done, your body will get used to it. Don’t worry, I’ll be as careful with your—”

“Why is your way of thinking like this!” Ashe pulled her tank top back down. “That’s a bit too casual, don’t you think?”

“That’s a bit harsh, you know. If it weren’t for the Contract between us, I might consider suing you at the Sin Hunter’s Hall.” Freya was slightly annoyed. “I’m not someone who is casual with these things. Look, you’re a Cult Leader, you’ll be giving me a spirit in the future, and you’re also quite good-looking, so I thought it wouldn’t be a problem to be with you. It’s part of the Bewitcher’s etiquette.”

“Or are you scared to be with me? Don’t worry, I’ll try my best to hold back so I won’t kill you.”

At this point, Ashe finally heard something amiss: “What do you mean ‘hold back so you won’t kill me’?”

“Don’t you know? Our Bewitcher’s bodily fluids have a unique effect, they can reduce the refractory period of males to zero. Plus, we really enjoy the pleasure of mating, and sometimes we accidentally kill our partners.” Freya explained. “But I’ll be careful, I’ll stop immediately after you’ve had a comfortable experience, because our Contract doesn’t allow me to harm you. Really, I’ll be very, very careful.”

Freya was serious because she had to be—most Mud Workers in Mud Cafés had undergone special bio-modification, allowing them to decide when to end and have limitless endurance, but unmodified normal people usually lacked this capability, even those from naturally strong Races.

Even now, Freya would occasionally hear news about Ogres, Orcs, or even Elves being killed by Bewitchers. There were also those from the sacred bloodline who were drained of blood until they fell unconscious. Only the pure Moonshadow Race could be immune to the allure of Bewitchers.

In a way, Bewitchers are living in good times. If you go back a century or two before bio-modification technology was industrialized, out of every ten Bewitchers, seven would be murderers and the other three only because the desiccated Corpses hadn’t been found yet.

However, due to the intervention of the Human Rights Association and the Racial Rights Association, if a Bewitcher does not hide their Race beforehand, it’s not considered intentional homicide; it’s deemed as suicide by the other party, and the Bewitcher is sentenced to just a few dozen hours of community service.

If the initial refusal was due to some inexplicable virgin moral code, now Ashe’s survival instinct took over, firmly grabbing the hem of Freya’s tank top, preventing her from taking it off.

Although such a way to die might be pleasurable, Ashe had no intention of dying from pleasure.

Freya pouted, “I don’t fancy getting dressed after a bath, and you don’t want your body to get used to me. So what do you suggest?”

“I’ll hold it in.”

Freya shrugged and continued eating, “You really are strange.”

“In my view, it’s you who are the strange ones.”

Ashe sighed, “I took a walk around the university today and saw three casinos, five or six Sugar Stores. I even saw a group of female students going into a place called ‘Honey Snow Tea Cafe,’ changing into extremely revealing clothes, and soliciting customers outside…”

Freya looked puzzled, “What’s wrong with female students working part-time after class? So, did you patronize their business?”

“Freya, I’m an escapee from prison.”

“Don’t worry about that, you can wear a mask the whole time, and pay with silver coins. The cafe won’t pry into it; they’ll just think you’re a customer with special tastes.”

Freya suggested, “If you’re feeling uncomfortable after dinner, just go there quickly. I’ll take care of the dishes.”

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