Sorcerer’s Handbook

Chapter 199: I Told You Not to Ask

“Do not ask any questions about Ashe Heath.”

Brushing his teeth, Igor stared at the Revelation reflected in the mirror, lost in thought.

He had few doubts about the Revelation; it was just annoying—why was it always him?

Since encountering Ashe, nine out of the ten Revelations Igor had received were about that guy. The last one advised Igor to stay with Emma forever and have nine children—now that he thought about it, being with Emma meant avoiding the Destiny of meeting Ashe, didn’t it?

From now on, when in doubt, just blame Ashe…

Wait a minute, thinking it over, how could he, a Human of the Bewitcher Bloodline, have nine children with someone from the Moonshadow?

Although Emma was indeed cute beyond her quirky nerves, with a perky posterior, soft bosom, slender waist, and very touchable big tail and wolf ears, the Blood Saints of the Moonshadow simply lacked reproductive cells. From the start, they couldn’t participate in procreation, which meant Emma couldn’t have children no matter what…

Wait, so the Revelation meant for me to have children?

With the Bio-modification technology of the Blood Moon Kingdom, it wasn’t impossible… No, that’s not right, I almost got sidetracked—why have children? I’m not lacking any fertility rewards…

Having finished his grooming routine, Igor opened the curtains, nearly blinded by the sunlight that greeted him.

It was hard to imagine that in such a grand two-tiered city, the sunlight was not blocked out—just the night before, Igor noticed the city’s architecture bloomed like petals, buildings near the central lake were lower, and those toward the edges of the city towered high.

Nothing seemed unusual at night, but come daylight, the sun’s rays entered the central lake and, with the help of various reflective devices, diffused like a blossoming flower into every corner of the city. Viewed from above, the entire city sparkled brightly, with high-speed vehicles weaving through the streets and well-dressed people walking under the sun, as if strolling through the clouds.

Even though on his first day here, he was trafficked to the Four Pillars Cult, seeing this scene, it was difficult for anyone to harbor ill feelings towards this nation—compared to the Gospel Kingdom, the Blood Moon Kingdom was just too gloomy.

However, Igor didn’t think the Gospel was better than the Blood Moon Kingdom just because of that. If you only focused on the Upper District and the government quarters of Kaimon City, you’d think it was a world where people were polite, graceful, and the air was filled with milk and honey.

And as Ashe said—if it really was as wonderful as heaven here, why would members of the Four Pillars Cult, fed and full, gather in the underground hall to play their live-action pranks?

The brighter the light, the deeper the shadows. Abundant resources don’t solve all problems. Nobody in the Blood Moon Kingdom starves, but once people can survive, they naturally seek more—to have more, to own more, whether it’s a sense of superiority, security, or pleasure.

This is true for all races. Even the lowliest Goblins dream of ruling the world, and the most conservative Elves crave to see things burn.

That’s why the Mind Faction is the most powerful of the Magical Factions in this era.

Igor entered the living room and found Harvey and Lise already having breakfast, with Banjeet attending to them. The breakfast was bread with jam, vegetable salad, milk coffee, and custard-filled Lala Fatty. Apart from eating such a high-calorie food like Lala Fatty first thing in the morning, it was not much different from what he was used to in the Blood Moon Kingdom.

“Where’s Miss Annan?”

“She’s out socializing.” Banjeet said with a slight smile, the young butler’s poise causing a stir within Igor: “Please let me know if there’s anything you need.”

Igor composed himself and glanced at the far end of the corridor: “What about Ashe?”

“He hasn’t gotten up yet.” Harvey piled a considerable amount of pungent chili powder on his bread and took a bite: “Why don’t you go wake him up?”

“Why should I?” Igor looked at the little girl with a ponytail: “Lise, go wake up that guy who’s going to be your servant in 101 days.”

“He’s not a servant.” Lise corrected earnestly: “He’s Lise’s daddy!”

“I see, you come from a place where servants are called ‘daddy’, right?” Igor waved his hand dismissively: “You go… wait a second, come to think of it, this isn’t Shattered Lake anymore…”

Since this wasn’t Shattered Lake Prison, some of the ‘little tricks’ Igor had picked up for everyday interactions might actually come in handy.

Quickly, Igor filled a bucket with water and hid beside Lise, signaling her to knock on the door and call out.

“Daddy, time for breakfast!”

“Daddy, the sun is shining so brightly today, come out and play with Lise!”

“Daddy, Aunt Bukin is sniffing Lala Fatty with her nose!”

“Really?” Ashe swung the door open suddenly.

Right now!

Igor doused him with the Trickster’s Water, a liquid blessed with his Mind Miracle, which could be activated whether consumed or applied externally, though it worked best when used to wash one’s face.

The target hit with the liquid would instantly feel a surge of anger. However, when the victim first laid eyes on a beautiful person, that anger would transform into an equal amount of affection directed at the beauty; but if the first person they saw was ugly, the anger would morph into a strong killing intent.

Hence, this miracle was also known as “First Impressions,” one of the few Mind Miracles in Igor’s arsenal. Combined with his natural good looks, the miracle could instantly max out someone’s affection, allowing him to hold sway over the target.

Usually, Igor would cast the spell on someone’s drink, but with Ashe, there was no need for such courtesy—dousing him directly was best!



The bucket was sent flying high, hitting the ceiling and falling back down.

Ashe, maintaining his retaliation stance, looked at Igor and Lise, who were now soaked, and asked in confusion, “What are you doing?”

Ashe hadn’t even realized what had happened, but his Primal Instincts had automatically counterattacked the moment Igor attacked from out of his line of sight.

Both glanced at Ashe unconsciously, and then Lise looked up at Igor with a disdainful expression that seemed to say ‘how can you be worse than my dad,’ before stomping on Ashe’s foot and woefully heading back to her room to change clothes.

Igor quickly used a spirit to calm his mind, checking to see if his affection for Ashe had changed. Hmm, seeing him looking like a loser makes me want to step on him too, which means the ‘significant decrease in affection’ option was triggered, so no change there.

Consequently, Igor also stepped on Ashe’s foot, huffed coldly, and returned to his room to change clothes.

In that moment, Igor suddenly recalled the Revelation just received—the very reason he had asked about Ashe was what sparked the idea to use Trickster’s Water, which led to Ashe countering and ultimately Igor’s own disheveled state.

Damn, it was all Ashe’s fault!

Ashe, still utterly bewildered, thought to himself—Did you two skip breakfast or something? Those stomps were so feeble, Freya hits much harder when she ambushes me at night.

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