Sorcerer’s Handbook

Chapter 343: Deluxe Gift Box of the Five Spirits of the Peerless Secret Sword

“Why is there such a heavy fog in Vamora…”

Ashe paused, scratched out the question, and rewrote in the Gospel Book: “Am I in danger tonight?”

Gospel Book: “Yes (costs 1 point).”

Ashe pondered for a moment, then hid behind the counter, turning the Gospel Book to the page of “Aurora’s Sorcerer Handbook.” He then opened the “Senhaeser’s Dream” and accessed the “dream shards exchange.”

Tonight’s dream expedition was over, but with such a major incident—almost like a terrorist attack—Ashe felt their journey in Vamora might be coming to an end. Therefore, it was time to settle the gains from Senhaeser’s Dream in advance.

No matter what was about to happen, the best course of action was to convert idle resources into combat power as quickly as possible!

Ashe looked at his accumulated dream shards: 1553 in total, thanks to his (Substitute’s) hard work over the past few days. Although it seemed like a lot, the vast and rich rewards in the exchange made him feel like a kid with a $50 bill in a candy store, needing to spend it wisely.

Fortunately, Ashe had already planned out which rewards to redeem during his idle moments while assembling his gaming team. This preemptive thinking about spending prize money before winning it was a form of mental entertainment for him.

Thanks to his thorough research on the cost-effectiveness of each prize, Ashe didn’t need to think too much now and could directly grab the best package!

First up was the “Deluxe Gift Box of the Five Spirits of the Peerless Secret Sword”!

Compared to the standard gift box, the deluxe gift box was only 100 shards more expensive but included two additional bonuses: an exclusive Miracle orb of the Five Spirits of the Peerless Secret Sword (immediately mastered upon use) and a crucial standard spirit needed to combine this Miracle.

Unlike the Sword Princess, who could instantly master new Swordsmanship spirits, Ashe needed a day or two of training to barely reach a combat-ready state. Even then, unless the spirit’s basic effect was exceptionally outstanding, Ashe would rather use a Miracle.

Don’t forget, the number of spirits a sorcerer can use simultaneously is limited. For Ashe, the maximum is four spirits at once; any more and he would be overwhelmed.

To illustrate, controlling spirits is like playing a real-time strategy (RTS) game. A powerful sorcerer can precisely control each unit for tactical maneuvers, but Ashe can only manage strategy—selecting all units and launching a single wave attack.

Since arriving on the Time Continent, Ashe hadn’t updated his spirit system much. He stuck with a remote support setup centered around the “sword body barrier” because it was the only Miracle he had truly mastered. His self-created “Rush” Movement Miracle and the “Slash Me” negative status removal Miracle were mostly unused in everyday situations.

As for “Heart Sword” and “Sword Mark,” they were basic attacks, akin to scratching an itch.

He desperately needed a Miracle that dealt burst damage, so he immediately set his sights on this deluxe gift box.


“You have opened the ‘Deluxe Gift Box of the Five Spirits of the Peerless Secret Sword.’”

“You have obtained the two-wings spirit ‘Love Sword.’”

“You have obtained the two-wings spirit ‘Devotion.’”

“You have obtained the Miracle orb ‘Single-minded Devotion.’”

Although Ashe was thrilled that the gift box yielded the most suitable two-wings spirits for him, the names of these spirits made him feel like his dream of burst damage had once again slipped away.

“Love Sword”

“Two-wings Spirit”

“Restriction: The sorcerer must be capable of generating emotions.”

“Basic Effect: Consumes current emotions to summon a freely controllable Love Sword.”

“Passive Effect: Your emotions become more intense, outwardly enhancing your personality traits.”

“You must be as happy as I am to share; you must be as sad as I am to apologize.”


“Two-wings Spirit”

“Restriction: The sorcerer must be capable of generating emotions.”

“Basic Effect: Transforms all your current emotions into a single specified emotion. Currently transformable emotions include anger, love, joy, and sadness.”

“Passive Effect: You will be more dedicated to any given task, reducing the likelihood of being indecisive or emotionally fickle.”

“In the sorcerer’s world, emotions can also be fabricated.”

“Miracle: Single-minded Devotion: By converting emotions through Devotion, a specific Love Sword is generated. Depending on the emotion, the Love Sword has different effects:

Rage Sword: Extremely fast attack speed with powerful armor-breaking capabilities.

Joy Sword: Provides healing effects to both body and soul.

Sorrow Sword: Moderate attack speed. Each hit applies various negative statuses to the target, such as slow, blind, tinnitus, and stun.

Love Sword: Enhances the target’s overall physical attributes.”

How should I put it… Although it can deal burst damage, is very practical, and has a wide range of applications…

This Miracle still seems like a support type! I’ll still have to stand in the back and provide support and sustain!

I just wanted to show off in front of the Witch and the sword Princess—was that too much to ask!?

After purchasing the deluxe gift box, Ashe’s dream shards dropped from four digits to three. However, the “Single-minded Devotion” Miracle was indeed a big help. Originally, Ashe had planned to buy a medical spirit for emergencies, but now with the Joy Sword, he could save a lot.

With some dream shards remaining, Ashe couldn’t help but eye the top prizes in “Senhaeser’s Dream,” which were the most expensive:

“One-Winged Spirit: Secret Toxin Diary”

“Random Spirit Summoning Card”

“Operator Possession Card”

Among these, Ashe had previously drawn the Random Spirit Summoning Card, a Golden Legend-level functional card. Its actual effect lived up to its rarity—the operator would summon a spirit at her current spellforce level within a week. When the sword Princess was still a One-Winged Sorcerer, she summoned a One-Winged Mental Spirit, which even elevated the Mental Sect to the silver level.

Now that they are Two-Wings Sorcerers, using this card would naturally summon a random two-wings spirit, and the corresponding spellcasting sect would also be upgraded to the golden level.

These three prizes were priced the same, indicating that the other two were also Golden Legend level. However, Ashe initially didn’t consider these prizes. After all, the Empress in the Virtual Realm was always ready to disrupt their small family of three, and these prizes wouldn’t immediately enhance his power. It seemed wiser to buy a spirit gift box to address his shortcomings in attack, defense, debuffing, and healing.

But the Love Sword turned out to be extremely practical. It was like Ashe planned to buy a bunch of entertainment devices but ended up with a smartphone that could barely meet all his entertainment needs. As the saying goes, “It’s not unusable.” Ashe didn’t need to spend more funds chasing minor performance improvements.

Among the top prizes, the Random Spirit Summoning Card was the first to be eliminated. Although its practicality was widely recognized, its pitfalls were also well-known, thanks to the sword Princess’s resistance. The Summoning Ritual was completely random; the sword Princess once drew a ritual requiring her to “speak only the truth,” which drastically altered her social relationships.

Although the outcome was good, if Ashe dared to use it again, the sword Princess would definitely fight him to the death.

Since it couldn’t be used on the sword Princess, it naturally couldn’t be used on the Witch either, as her state was even worse than the sword Princess in many ways.

Ashe himself didn’t need it either. This card was essentially a specialized training course for a specific Spellcasting Sect. It’s like training employees, not bosses.

The Operator Possession Card had a more subtle effect. In short, Ashe could temporarily summon an operator to possess him, allowing the operator to control his body in battle.

Since it was a soul possession, the operator’s spirit would come along, allowing the operator to unleash their full combat power using “Ashe’s battle avatar.”

To be fair, this card was worth its Golden Legend status. If used correctly, it could even reverse the tide of battle.

But the problem was, the sword Princess and the Witch were only slightly stronger than Ashe…

If they were four wings legend sorcerers, with Ashe focusing on support, the sword Princess on assault, and the Witch on control, the power gap between them would be significant. An enemy Ashe couldn’t resist might be defeated by a single strike from the sword Princess. In that scenario, the Operator Possession Card could be Ashe’s ace in the hole.

But they were currently only two-wings golden sorcerers. While the sword Princess could defeat Ashe, it wasn’t to the extent of a complete stomp. Ashe could prolong his survival through defense, evasion, and harassment tactics. If Ashe couldn’t defeat an enemy, switching to the sword Princess might not change the outcome either.

The card was good, but it came too early; the timing wasn’t right.

Therefore, Ashe chose to purchase the first top prize.

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