Sorcerer’s Handbook

Chapter 86: Prison Escape Research Society

“This is the port where the transport ship docks. The transport ship arrives at Shattered Lake Prison on the 1st, 11th, and 21st of each month to resupply the prison and bring death row inmates. The transport ship is of a medium-sized freighter class, and there is always a squad of Blood Mad Hunters escorting prisoners. The average strength of a Blood Mad Hunter is around One Wing or Two Wings. Unless they are escorting particularly important prisoners, a Tri-wings level Hunter Captain would not make an appearance…”

Ashe glanced at the prison guard puffing on a pipe nearby and couldn’t help but suggest, “Shall we talk a bit further away?”

Igor gave him a look: “No one will suspect you, this is my business.”


“When you first met, didn’t Igor invite you to escape from prison together?” Langna, standing outside the yellow line on the shore, gazed out at the calm, waveless lake. The clear blue sky reflected in the water, and occasionally, a glimmer of silver light darted across the surface, painting a picture of natural beauty—if you were unaware that those ‘silver lights’ were finger sharks capable of crunching bones like chips.

“He did, but wasn’t that just a ruse to lure kids into a trap?”

“While I appreciate your accurate self-assessment, do not insult my professionalism.” Igor glanced at Ashe: “I never lie. If you go to the library and look up the ‘Club Directory’, you will find the club I established on the second page, thirteenth line—Prison Escape Research Society.”

The young Ashe was filled with questions: “How could a prison allow… There are clubs in prison… Why would you create such a club?”

“A clever hunter often appears in the guise of their prey,” Igor said indifferently. “When I first met you, didn’t I come across as very enthusiastic, like a friendly person eager to recruit new companions?”

“Even the new death row inmates, despite their inner caution, would be drawn to the intelligence I reveal. And I’m not just talking; I’ve really studied how to escape from prison and even take them around to scout locations.”

“Once they realize through exchanges that I am just a fool obsessed with escaping from prison, they gradually let down their guard and unwittingly fall into a hopeless situation.”

“I am the trap, and this club is my bait.”

Ashe remarked, “That sounds like a devious girl who looks innocent on the outside but is dark at heart, seducing sleazy old men…”

“I’m beginning to doubt the chip’s ability to control speech. No matter how you slice it, your words seem to have reached the threshold of spreading obscene information,” Igor stated calmly. “In any case, you don’t have to worry about the prison guard’s gaze—like this kind of scouting, I’ve already done it with people more than a dozen times.”

Ashe blinked: “Is this your conspiracy? Pretend to think about escaping every day, use the escape as bait to trap new fellow inmates, and when you really want to escape, no one will suspect you of trying to escape.”

Igor looked at Ashe with surprise, then smiled wryly: “To think that you see me as so complex and dark, Ashe, is truly saddening.”


After investigating the port of Shattered Lake Prison, the four of them returned to the inside of the prison. It’s worth mentioning that although they reached the edge of Shattered Lake Prison, they never actually went ‘outside’—Shattered Lake Prison is a facility that covers an entire island. Aside from the occasional glass domes that allow sunlight to enter, at any other time, death row inmates lifting their heads can only see the ceiling, even at the Sea-view Terrace, which has a sunshade dome.

Not an inch of the island belongs to ‘outside the prison’.

Although it cannot be verified, the strong control exerted by the neck chip on death row inmates is probably related to this omnipresent ceiling.

“The place we’re going to next is my greatest achievement in investigating Shattered Lake Prison. I’ve never taken anyone else there before; you are the first lucky ones to share this secret.”

Before Ashe could feel touched, Langna said indifferently, “Have you said that line to every victim? Are you going to say ‘So you must swear to keep all my secrets’ next?”

Igor was surprised, “Gourmet, how do you know that line? Logically, anyone who has said that line would be bound by a contract spirit and must keep my secrets, not able to tell anyone. You shouldn’t know it.”

“Walls have ears, Igor. Unfortunately for you, I happen to be a Martial Sorcerer with particularly sharp hearing.”

“Understood. Next time I do the dirty work, I’ll be more careful and discreet—if I can continue to live in this prison, that is.”

Ashe glanced at Ronald, who was next to Langna. Ronald was very silent today, being led around by Langna without saying a word.

After yesterday’s conversation, Ronald and Langna had another Deathmatch. The specifics could be likened to how a roast chicken is torn apart, and the consequences were quite clear—if yesterday Ronald seemed like a servant locked up by Langna, somewhat reluctant, today Ronald almost became an accessory to Langna. He might not look joyful, but there was no longer any resistance.

The parts of him that belonged to ‘himself’ were dwindling, while those belonging to ‘Langna’ were increasing.

One day, when he emerges from the Treatment room, all the regrown parts will bear the name ‘Langna’.

Perhaps as Igor said, Ronald was deeply mired. He thought commanding Langna with love was his victory, but he didn’t realize it was also Langna’s fatal counterattack.

Love is a terrifying power; you can utilize it, but you can also be used by it; you watch it as it watches you; you think you can be its master, but soon you will become its slave.

When the seed of love sprouts, everything will eventually be parasitized by it.

However, in private, Ronald still retained his survival instincts, insisting on escape from prison, and thankfully Langna’s Ritual could not be performed often, or else Ronald would have turned into dregs in a few days.

According to Igor’s investigation, the shortest tenure of one of Langna’s ‘friends’ was a month, which means Ronald should be able to hold out until the next Blood Moon Tribunal—this was enough, Ashe only needed a temporary teammate anyway. Whether Ronald could resist Langna after the escape from prison would depend on his luck.

“However, I never lie,” Igor said with a smile. “This place is indeed crucial to our escape from prison. I might even say that it’s as important as Ashe’s Purify Miracle… Here we are, this is the place.”

As important as my Slay Me Miracle?

Could it be a secret passage of Shattered Lake Prison? An armory? Or perhaps…

Filled with anticipation, Ashe looked up and saw a clear green sign above the room ahead—

‘Men’s Restroom’

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