“Tri-wings Sanctuary Swordcerer, Blood Mad Hunter Gerard…”

Ashe took cover in the corner of the restaurant, observing the spirited White-haired Hunter amid the crowd, his mind filled with apprehension and doubt.

He was no longer the newbie who had just transmigrated into this world and naturally understood that this White-haired Hunter—whose presence made his transmigration experience considerably worse—held a crucial position in the city.

Silver One Wing, Golden Two Wings, Tri-wings Sanctuary, Quadruple Wings Legend.

Under the starry sky, Legend Sorcerers represent the pinnacle, the top echelon of all forces, the ultimate in individual combat power. Tri-wings Sanctuary Sorcerers are the backbone, taking charge of important affairs while Legend Sorcerers delve into magic and explore the Virtual Realm. They wield the greatest secular power and typically represent the highest level of conventional combat strength.

This also made it clear that the Four Pillars Cult Heath had established was not the amateurish group Ashe had imagined. The fact that Kaimon City had dispatched Gerard, the premier hunter of the Sin Hunter’s Hall, was enough to indicate that Heath was now considered a high-value target, a ‘political achievement’ of sorts.

Compared to his status, Gerard’s prowess was even more despair-inducing. Ashe and his group had originally planned for an enemy at the level of a Golden Two Wings Blood Mad Hunter. Now, with the sudden appearance of a Tri-wings Sanctuary, Gerard alone was enough to annihilate Ashe and his party.

If the plan originally had a thirty percent chance of success, now it was a certain death. The Transport Ship couldn’t possibly return to Kaimon City within ten minutes, and the prison would definitely discover their escape within that time—seizing the transport ship was part of the plan, and they couldn’t avoid a battle with the Blood Mad Hunter.

Ashe sighed, “Since it’s him, there’s no choice but to abandon the plan. We’re just out of luck.”

“No, it’s not just bad luck.” Igor took him to Shattered Lake port, “Look.”

Ashe’s gaze followed to the fully covered ship that resembled a bullet’s head, “The design of this ship… it’s very aerodynamic!”

“This isn’t just any ship,” Igor said. “This is a mobile prison… and it just so happens they’re boarding now.”

In Ashe’s astonished eyes, the death row inmates queuing near the port, under the hunters’ watchful gaze, boldly crossed the yellow line, leaving Shattered Lake Prison, and stepped onto the Transport Ship.

The infamous ‘Black Beast’ Tuke from the prison, just before entering the transport, suddenly turned his head towards the prison and, extending his fist, laughed loudly, “Hahaha, I’m finally leaving this manure pit!”

Nearby inmates looked on enviously, but the yellow line painted on the ground was like a chasm they could not cross, forced to watch others leave while they themselves were not even allowed to approach.

“They are Volunteers!” Ashe finally remembered the volunteer recruitment from a few days ago, “This ship is here to transport them!”

“This is the flaw in the plan!” Igor couldn’t help but bite his finger, “Because this is so rare, I never factored it into our calculations! That’s why this isn’t a standard Transport Ship, but a ‘Pig Cage’!”

“‘Pig Cage’?” Ashe heard this strange name for a ship for the first time.

“This ship won’t return to Kaimon City; instead, it will head directly east along Shattered Lake, arriving at the Lakeview Warzone in eastern Kaimon!” Igor’s face was full of annoyance: “I should have thought of this earlier. Even if the mayor persuaded the Lawful Organizations within the council with benefits, they would never allow Death row inmates to return to the city. The risk would be too great!”

“If word got out that a Death row inmate escaped trial, it would cause a massive stir in public opinion. The entire council would suffer! The citizens would use their votes to completely reshuffle the council!”

“The only destination for these Volunteers, then, is the Lakeview Warzone, which is tasked with Suppressing the Abyss!”

As Ashe watched the last Volunteer step into the ship, he said, “So if we also board, it would be like walking right into a trap; from the prison to the Lakeview Warzone, where every individual is a strong fighter?”

Although Ashe still didn’t fully understand the Blood Moon Kingdom, the keywords ‘Suppressing the Abyss’ and ‘Warzone’ pieced together made it clear to him that it was no water park.

“No, we never had a chance to board in the first place,” shook his head. “Inside this ship, there’s a Processor that automatically detects any life form that boards. People like us, without permission, would trigger an alarm as soon as we board, and our location would be pinpointed!”

Ashe was stunned, “Wait, that means your plan was impossible from the start! If every ship has such a security system, we could never leave Shattered Lake Prison by boat—”

“No, only ‘Pig Cages’ with a special purpose are equipped with Processors. Most other means of transportation don’t have a security system.”

“Ah? Why? Are these security Processors expensive?”

“First, they are indeed costly since they are Sorcerer products and must be manually crafted by Sorcerers. Second, scanning one’s Chip without authorization is a serious violation of the law.”

Ashe blinked in confusion.

He touched the back of his neck, asking, “Outside, scanning Chips is a violation?”

“Yes, that’s for sure,” Igor looked at him strangely: “Such invasions of privacy are very serious crimes.”

Ashe understood there were many differences between inside and outside the prison, but hearing ‘outside is a nation that values privacy rights’ still made him feel like Igor was joking.

In a place where Chips are implanted in people from a young age, where memories can be accessed, the family system is abolished, Socialized Rearing is fully implemented, and the death penalty is turned into a variety show, could it really value privacy more than this prison where he had to defecate in shackles?

He gave up discussing this issue and pressed on, “So why can this ‘Pig Cage’ ship scan the Chips of anyone who boards?”

“Because the ‘Pig Cage’ is a punitive tool prepared for warriors,” Igor explained: “The Aqueduct Abyss that the Lakeview Warzone is suppressing must have people sent to its depths to investigate periodically.”

“But the deeper one goes into the Aqueduct Abyss, the more likely Sorcerers are to suffer from mental disturbances, such as losing sanity, self-harm, escaping, and other issues.”

“Because almost no one is willing to take on such a mission, the Warzone would put misbehaving warriors into a ‘Pig Cage,’ adding many rules to their Chip, allowing the ship’s Processor to control them so they don’t harm themselves, attempt to escape, or fight each other. At the same time, the Processor is also responsible for detecting any life forms on the ship. If a monster enters the cabin, it would alert the warriors to clean up the mess.”

“Once they complete their mission and return, they can redeem themselves for their mistakes, and all of their past transgressions will be wiped clean.”

“To escort Death row inmates, even if the Warzone feels it’s making a mountain out of a molehill, Mayor Fernand Snow would definitely request them to send out a ‘Pig Cage’!”

Igor clenched his teeth and said: “I knew exactly what kind of person Fernand Snow is… He would surely get personally involved in anything concerning his future… All the details would definitely be arranged with the highest standards!”

Ashe responded with respect: “You managed to deceive the mayor?”

“The investigation plan was over, but the risk was too great and the success rate too low, I eventually gave up.” Igor said in a low voice: “If I had known that I would end up in prison, I would have definitely tried it—I’ve only managed to defraud a councilor, which is the biggest figure I’ve conned so far.”

You defraud people to make money, do you defraud for achievements…

Although Ashe didn’t quite understand terms like mayor, Warzone, and Abyss, he could still read between the lines in Igor’s words: “So, does this mean that our plan has insurmountable problems at every turn?”

“Just not this time,” said Igor. “There’s a Blood Moon Tribunal on the 1st of next month. If we are to continue with the plan, we have to set it for the 11th of next month. However, given Professor Sylin’s influence, I suspect that you might also be chosen for the Tribunal on the 1st—”


A Holographic Screen popped up in front of Ashe!

“Good afternoon, everyone. This is Shattered Lake Prison’s administrative office, and I’m Prison Guard Nago McMillan.” Nago on the Holographic Screen said: “I have two announcements to broadcast.”

“First, there is an additional Blood Moon Tribunal scheduled for the 27th of this month, and the list of those on trial will be published on the morning of the 27th.”

“Second, to set up for the Tribunal on the 27th, the Blood Mad Hunter will need to stay in the prison for one night, and we hope that everyone will cooperate with the Hunter’s work. Those who assist the Hunter will receive varying amounts of Contribution points as a reward.”

As the Holographic Screen automatically turned off, Ashe was still recovering from the shock.

An additional Blood Moon Tribunal?

The Blood Mad Hunter staying overnight?

“Generally speaking, this additional Blood Moon Tribunal is probably prepared for those political prisoners who have just been incarcerated,” Igor said somberly. “But if your name is chosen for the Tribunal, I won’t be surprised.”

Ashe’s face turned sour: “Could it really be that harsh?”

“When you think things are going to get worse, they will definitely turn out to be even worse than you imagine,” Igor said. “This is the only lesson that I’ve been able to get across to my clients during my years as a Con Artist.”

“I know you often represent society in punishing the wealthy, no need to keep stressing your achievements to me,” Ashe said irritably: “At worst, I’ll just be on the Tribunal list for the 27th. Could things possibly get any worse?”

Just then, Ashe suddenly felt the light around him dim, as if a tall shadow behind him was blocking out the light.

“Ashe Heath, staring at the ship leading to the outside world, are you thinking of escaping from prison?”

Igor quietly moved aside.

Ashe turned around, stepping back, and managed a strained smile at the newcomer: “Of course, what young man in prison doesn’t think about escaping?”

“That’s not necessarily true. Evil men will repent, scum will correct their errors. To instill in you the right kind of despair, that is the meaning of the Blood Moon Tribunal.”

Gerard looked down on Ashe from on high. He glanced at Igor and said indifferently, “Found a new friend? Worthy of being a favored Follower of the Dark God, I wonder if you staying here longer will turn the entire prison into a breeding ground for the Dark God.”

“I’m off to take a nap, Captain Gerard. If you’re looking for someone to chat with, you might want to talk to this Igor Bukin. He’s very good at investment and finance, I’m sure you could learn something—”

“Hold on, Ashe Heath,” Gerard stopped him. “The prison has ordered you to assist the work of the Hunters, right? I need your assistance.”

Ashe had a bad feeling: “How can I assist? Look at me, I can’t lift my arms, I’m just a titanium waste, usually either eating or sleeping, I’m afraid I can’t meet your needs—”

“Perfect, you’re just the person to meet my needs,” Gerard snapped his fingers. “Here’s the thing—because the prison has too many Prisoners, there are no spare dormitories for us Hunters who come to help. As Captain, I’d certainly give up a single room for my team members, and squeeze in with a Prisoner myself.”

Ashe took a sharp breath: “Sorry, I don’t know any of the prison belles, can’t introduce you to one. Maybe you should consult Igor—”

“No need for such trouble.”

The Hunter pressed down on Ashe’s shoulder, his crimson pupils filled with a teasing smile: “Ashe Heath, I’m sure you wouldn’t mind squeezing in with me for the night, would you?”

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