Gu Yuena blushed as she lowered her head. "I'll be going now, Grandfather."

"Go on."

Following Gu Yuena's departure, a grim look reappeared on Qiangu Dongfeng's face.

Were 100 ninth-grade soul missiles really enough? With the powerful disruption system set up within Shrek City, it was impossible to see into it from afar, and he could only just barely make out the Sea God's Lake from the Spirit Pagoda headquarters.

He was far too familiar with Shrek Academy, perhaps due to the fact that they were enemies.

Shrek Academy was a neutral entity, but throughout the course of history, it had played an instrumental role in influencing many of the important decisions that had shaped the continent. Each generation of Shrek’s Seven Monsters had been a force to be reckoned with, and Shrek City was the symbol of Shrek Academy; there was no way they would be willing to let things slide in the wake of the city's destruction.

In reality, he wasn't concerned about Shrek Academy using Eternal Heaven as he knew that Shrek Academy wouldn't be willing to risk innocent lives. However, it was only a matter of time before Shrek Academy and the Tang Sect sought revenge against the Qiangu Family.

With that in mind, he knew that he had to seize the initiative. Once all 100 ninth-grade soul missiles were ready, he would perhaps have to raze Shrek City to the ground again at all costs.

A vicious look appeared in Qiangu Dongfeng's eyes as this thought sprang into his mind.

Right at this moment, his soul communicator suddenly began to ring, and as he looked at the number being displayed, his pupils instantly contracted slightly.

He accepted the call, then said in a cold voice, "So you're finally willing to contact me."

"Oh? Did you miss me?" A sinister voice replied from the other end.

"What do you think? I did everything I could to help you, yet you disappeared on me, right when I needed your services most!" Qiangu Dongfeng said in an enraged voice.

"We were merely helping one another in the face of a common enemy. Qiangu Dongfeng, my old friend, I have some fantastic news for you." The voice on the other end was still sinister and unpleasant, but it had adopted a very enthusiastic tone, creating an uncomfortable contrast.

Qiangu Dongfeng's heart stirred slightly upon hearing this. "Good news? What good news could you possibly have for me?"

"We've created an opportunity for world domination; wouldn't you say that's good news?"

"World domination? What have you done?" A chill ran down Qiangu Dongfeng's spine as he spoke, and a sense of foreboding suddenly welled up in his heart.

Both he and Shrek Academy seemed to have forgotten about the Holy Spirit Cult during this period where it had remained inactive.

There was no way that the Holy Spirit Cult would've disbanded or had a change of heart, so what exactly had they been doing all this time? Those people had no morals and relished destruction, making them extremely dangerous.

They wanted nothing better than to kill all of the living beings on the entire Douluo Continent so they could enhance themselves through deathly energy!

Qiangu Dongfeng knew that cooperating with the Holy Spirit Cult could well be a double-edged sword, but he harbored far too much resentment and hatred toward Shrek Academy for that to stop him. He knew that if he couldn't repress Shrek Academy and the Tang Sect, the Spirit Pagoda would never be able to become the number one organization on the continent, which was why he had stooped to working with the Holy Spirit Cult.

"You'll know everything very soon. What you have to consider now is whether you want to join us. This is a limited-time opportunity, and I can tell you that nothing will be able to stop us; the Douluo Continent is destined to be ours. If you're willing to represent the Spirit Pagoda and submit to our rule, then things will progress a bit more quickly."

"Submit to your rule? Am I hearing this right? Have you gone insane?" Qiangu Dongfeng was furious. The Spirit Pagoda was a legitimate organization; he could use the Holy Spirit Cult, but he couldn't afford to actually be lumped together with them.

As long as the dealings taking place under the table were sufficiently concealed, perhaps no one would be able to accuse them of anything, but if they were to openly support the Holy Spirit Cult, the Qiangu Family would immediately be overthrown by the board of the Spirit Pagoda!

"That's quite a pity. However, if you choose to become our enemy, then you'll be sure to regret it. When that time comes, you won't even be able to join us if you begged! Hahahahaha!"The voice on the other end of the line burst into raucous laughter that was extremely unpleasant to the ears and filled with unadulterated triumph.

Qiangu Dongfeng almost tore his soul communicator into pieces, but he knew that he had to remain calm and gather more information.

He took a deep breath to forcibly repress his fury, then asked, "What did you do, Ghost Emperor? At the end of the day, we did work together in the past, so shouldn't you at least tell me what's happened so that we can prepare for what's coming? Future collaboration isn't out of the question, but you have to show me some sincerity first."

Ghost Emperor chuckled, "There's no need for that; it doesn't matter whether we have you or not. I gave you this opportunity precisely because we had worked together in the past, but seeing as you're unwilling to submit to us, then you can go die!"

After that, the call was abruptly cut off.

Qiangu Dongfeng faltered slightly before he was finally overcome with rage and smashed his soul communicator into pieces.

"Those bastards! What the hell have they done?"

The unknown was always the most terrifying thing, and having interacted with Ghost Emperor on many past occasions, Qiangu Dongfeng knew full well that he was a complete and utter madman.

There was a sovereign above the two emperors of the Holy Spirit Cult, but in reality, Ghost Emperor was the one in charge; Demon Sovereign of the Holy Spirit Cult had virtually never been seen before. At the very least, Qiangu Dongfeng had never met him, and he had only rumors that Demon Sovereign was a being who was infinitely approaching godhood.

Equivalent in rank to Ghost Emperor was Infernal Emperor, otherwise known as Infernal King Douluo Harosha, but virtually completely uninvolved in the operation of the Holy Spirit Douluo. His sole pursuit was to be able to attain godhood; it didn't matter to him how he achieved this.

The four heavenly monarchs answered directly to Ghost Emperor, as did the countless other powerful beings of the Holy Spirit Cult.

All of them had remained dormant for several years; what exactly had they done during this time? Despite how familiar Qiangu Dongfeng was with them, he couldn't think of any possibilities. In any case, they were definitely up to no good, and he had to take some precautionary measures.

He believed that the Holy Spirit Cult wouldn't directly target the Spirit Pagoda, but he still had to fear them due to their love for destruction and slaughter.

What was most troubling to Qiangu Dongfeng was that he had no idea where the Holy Spirit Cult could be.


In the northernmost region of the continent.

After ending the call, Ghost Emperor chortled for a while longer before cackling to himself, "Qiangu Dongfeng, ptui! You think you have the right to work with me as equals? Tremble before me, mortals. Very soon, this entire world will become ours. Let the power of death come to us quickly! I've been waiting for this moment for far too long already."

A figure arrived silently behind him, and the figure seemed to be completely concealed within darkness, making it impossible to make out their features.

"Ghost Emperor," he greeted in a respectful voice.

"How is Demon Sovereign, Blood Demon?" Ghost Emperor asked.

"Demon Sovereign has already awakened and is instructing you to see him; we should be able to begin soon," Blood Demon replied in a voice that was filled with excitement.

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