Chapter 569 - Feel Better

Fear and grief were still gripping Evie's entire being even after hours had passed since she had awakened from seeing the memories the bow had projected in her mind. The sight of Gav taking his last breath, watching him die… it nearly broke her completely – even though she was well aware that it was not happening in her timeline. But just the thought that it might come true was enough to send her mind reeling and throw her into a frenzy. If she did not see him right at the moment when she opened her eyes, Evie thought that she might have totally lost her mind. She was that distraught.

She had cried and cried as she held onto Gav as tight as she could, not getting enough of the feeling of how wonderful it was to have them physically touching each other. And she felt him gently coaxing her, patiently whispering endearments into her ears, and doing his very best to make her feel better. His voice, his warmth, his scent… everything about him filled her senses and slowly, the grief finally subsided.

He was still here, alive… her beloved was still here…

And that possible future was still many years ahead. There was still time for them, and she believed that she had been given the chance to see that vision for a good reason. It was shown to her so that she would be able to change it. And change it she would! She had sworn to herself determinedly when she returned from the vision, that she would do anything and everything to change it!

She would never ever let what she had seen happen in her future happen. Gav… she would save him… she MUST save him!

This man, she swore to herself again, will be right beside her when the war was finally over and when they ushered in the victory on their side. Anything other than that was completely unacceptable. She would not lose him… ever!

Looking up at him again as she reassured herself that he was truly here in the flesh and beside her, Evie rested her palms on both sides of his cheeks and stared into his grey eyes sombrely then to his perfect and gorgeous face. He looked calm and tranquil, but worry was gleaming in his eyes as he gazed back at her. She could see how much he was worrying for her as well. Her actions must have frightened him quite a bit.

"Feeling better now, my love?" he asked in a soft and tender voice, warming Evie's heart thoroughly, dispelling the last of the chill that was left from the fear she had felt from her vision. His hands moved and tucked her hair behind her ears fondly.

When she nodded, he sighed out softly in relief. "I think you still need a kiss to feel even… better…" he added with a little mischievous smile and before Evie could even react, his lips had already softly landed on hers. However, it was only a tender peck and not one that was passion filled. But it was filled with so much warmth that it felt like the heavy weight which was hanging on her shoulders was finally being lifted off. "Want more, my dear, sweet wife?"

His voice became a little husky as his eyes darkened a little. But still, he was being so tender right now. He is almost like a soft, sweet and gentle big furry bear. This man really knows how to make her feel so loved and comfortable in his arms. He knows just the right way on how to melt whatever negative emotions that were reigning inside her chest. And oh… how she loved him. She loved the way he became so tender and sweet as hell especially when she was at her worst. Though she also loved the way he teases her and when he turned wicked and mischievous, at this moment, she hundred percent preferred his tenderness.

"No?" he tilted his head slightly when she took a long while to answer. And suddenly, his face turned a bit sullen and dejected that Evie even found the way he blinked and looked at her that moment as just so precious. She recorded that image into her mind and filed it together with the other wonderful moments that she kept with him. The urge and the strong feelings of wanting to protect him at all costs strangely surged within her, despite knowing that he was definitely stronger than her right now.

Unable to resist the way he was looking at her, Evie kissed him. Of course, she wanted more… she always… always wanted more of him…

And she knows he knew it already, that she always wanted more from him. But he was really so well behaved right now. Most probably because she was a mess right now and all he wanted was to make her feel better.

Their kiss was slow and just skimming over the surface of their lips, but oh… did it feel so good, so refreshing and warm. Evie felt as though from here on, she was going to love this man even more if that was even possible. She was already so madly in love with him. But right now, she felt like she still wanted to love him even more… much more than ever before.

When their kiss ended, Gav leaned his forehead against hers, his warm breath puffing comfortingly against her face. "Much better now?" he asked.

"Yes. I love you." she replied candidly, and his lips curved up as his eyes crinkled in pleasure at hearing those words directed to him.

"I love you too, Evie." he kissed her forehead and Evie finally smiled as well, revelling from the feeling of his warm lips against her own satiny skin. Then he hugged her tight in his embrace and continued rocking her from side to side. That motion so comforting to both of them, and Evie was lulled into a half sleepy haze. He still did not ask any details about what she had seen from her vision even after a long while of silence.

She knew that it was because he did not want her to be troubled again and she understood that. But she finally decided to spill out everything now before she got overwhelmed by her emotions again. She must tell him everything so they could all work together to change the future, to ensure that that future she had seen would never be the reality in their current future. This was the very first step they needed to take and even though that future was still far ahead, Evie believed that they must start right at this instant and not waste any more time.

They must start work on this now while it was still early and when they still had the advantage of time. If they could do that, they will certainly be able to change that future. "Gav…" she reluctantly pulled away from his embrace and looked at him intently.

"Listen… you need to hear all of this..." Evie swallowed and then she took a deep breath to stay calm because Gav's expression already changed the moment her heartbeat hastened again. "This is very important and concerns every single one of us... our loved ones and friends and the entire Lirea.. I must not delay any longer to tell you about this. I… I saw the –"

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